Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Kill - 1/22/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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The following are coach Kill's responses to Sid and Dave's questions on today's Sports Huddle:

1) Dave opened the program with the announcement of Joe Paterno's death. Coach Kill's comments about Paterno's death: "That's a tough thing for our profession . . . It's a tough day . . . Coach Paterno has done a lot of great things for people and that university; incredible legacy . . . Our prayers (staff) go out to him and his familly . . . The big man upstairs is getting a good man, and we're losing a good man." Kill went onto say, "I told my wife (when Paterno was let go) he won't last a year." He then referenced Paul "Bear' Bryant passing away after he retired. (Bryant died a few short weeks after his last game in the Liberty Bowl. I may be wrong, but I recall it was two or three weeks.) Kill finished by saying, "He (Paterno) gave a lot to a lotta kids."

2) Recruiting: "One more youngster to visit with (today)." (Kill, of course, did not identify the recruit.) Thus far, they're looking good in their recruiting this year. Four recruits in this weekend. Kill said he'd be visiting with some junior class recruits this afternoon. He finished saying there's 10 days until LOI Day . . . it's crunch time.

3) Sid asked if he'd like to see an earlier signing date (December): "We're recruiting year 'round." As to changing signing dates, "We need to protect the game's integrity and what's best for the kids."

4) Sid asked about injured players (this question was asked by several GopherHolers in two threads (If you were Dave Mona . . . )): "Marcus Jones is doing well with his ACL . . . we'll see if he's a go for spring." He then referenced Campion and Gjere. (Concussion injuries are closely attended to and watched) "We'll just have to see how they progress . . . possiblity for spring." Beal: "He's working hard . . . he'll work hard to get back." (Kill didn't say anything about spring ball for Beal.) Stoudermire: "He's in good shape." (He was referring to Stoudermire's injury.)

5) Early enrollees: There are eight recruits that are enrolled (unusual to have kids in school before they've signed a LOI.) "Is it a good thing? Not sure." "You try to make sure you bring in the right kids that can make it." (He then mentioned Marcus Jones as a young recruit that handled the transition successfully from high school to college as a mid-year enrollee.)

Coach Kill then excused himself to meet with a recruit that was outside his door. Coach Kill was on the Sports Huddle for only one segment (ten - fifteen minutes.)

Go Gophers!!

He specifically mentioned eight recruits being enrolled for spring semester. This means that Hinojosa is not enrolled and thus, presumably, will not be here until June.

He specifically mentioned eight recruits being enrolled for spring semester. This means that Hinojosa is not enrolled and thus, presumably, will not be here until June.

I hope it's just a minor thing and he'll be good to go for summer classes and beyond. Maybe his pops wants to give some insight?

Yesterday on the Evil Neighbor

My wife was driving someplace yesterday afternoon and heard two WCCO commentators "dissing" the U's new football uniforms. She heard comments like, "putting lipstick on a pig" and "putting a chandelier in an outhouse". I don't know who the two were, but my guess is Steve Thompson and Eric Nelson - I certainly could be wrong, but she said they were just plain mean in their remarks about the Gophers. My guess is that this is coming because they no longer have the radio broadcast rights. Anybody know anything about this? If I were the A.D. or Coach Kill, I would certainly restrict media access to a bare minimum if this is indeed happening. This is a complete 180 from the old days at 'CCO. It certainly isn't taking the high road is it? Just my random thoughts.

My wife was driving someplace yesterday afternoon and heard two WCCO commentators "dissing" the U's new football uniforms. She heard comments like, "putting lipstick on a pig" and "putting a chandelier in an outhouse". I don't know who the two were, but my guess is Steve Thompson and Eric Nelson - I certainly could be wrong, but she said they were just plain mean in their remarks about the Gophers. My guess is that this is coming because they no longer have the radio broadcast rights. Anybody know anything about this? If I were the A.D. or Coach Kill, I would certainly restrict media access to a bare minimum if this is indeed happening. This is a complete 180 from the old days at 'CCO. It certainly isn't taking the high road is it? Just my random thoughts.

"good riddance to bad rubbish"

Yes I think that would be them. It is funny how now the Wolves are the only relevent team in town and they just happen to be on WCCO.

My wife was driving someplace yesterday afternoon and heard two WCCO commentators "dissing" the U's new football uniforms. She heard comments like, "putting lipstick on a pig" and "putting a chandelier in an outhouse". I don't know who the two were, but my guess is Steve Thompson and Eric Nelson - I certainly could be wrong, but she said they were just plain mean in their remarks about the Gophers. My guess is that this is coming because they no longer have the radio broadcast rights. Anybody know anything about this? If I were the A.D. or Coach Kill, I would certainly restrict media access to a bare minimum if this is indeed happening. This is a complete 180 from the old days at 'CCO. It certainly isn't taking the high road is it? Just my random thoughts.

Just ignore the Evil one. They have become totally irrelevant and this is what happens when you develop on inferiority complex. Think about it using the Evil one's own analogy, you loose the big pig (i.e. The U) and get stuck with the runt of the litter (St. Elmo's Fire or whatever the hell they call that insignificant school on Summit Ave). I'm guessing your wife and maybe 3 or 4 other people heard this nonsense.

Go Gophers!

Just ignore the Evil one. They have become totally irrelevant and this is what happens when you develop on inferiority complex. Think about it using the Evil one's own analogy, you loose the big pig (i.e. The U) and get stuck with the runt of the litter (St. Elmo's Fire or whatever the hell they call that insignificant school on Summit Ave). I'm guessing your wife and maybe 3 or 4 other people heard this nonsense.

Go Gophers!

So who were the other 2 or 3?

Many thanks as usual DL65. Enjoy the synopsis.

It is going to be a sprint to signing day and I don't doubt that Kill and company will be working their butts off between now and then.

My wife was driving someplace yesterday afternoon and heard two WCCO commentators "dissing" the U's new football uniforms. She heard comments like, "putting lipstick on a pig" and "putting a chandelier in an outhouse". I don't know who the two were, but my guess is Steve Thompson and Eric Nelson - I certainly could be wrong, but she said they were just plain mean in their remarks about the Gophers. My guess is that this is coming because they no longer have the radio broadcast rights. Anybody know anything about this? If I were the A.D. or Coach Kill, I would certainly restrict media access to a bare minimum if this is indeed happening. This is a complete 180 from the old days at 'CCO. It certainly isn't taking the high road is it? Just my random thoughts.
How appropriate that they now do St. Thomas football...a Division 3 radio station broadcasting Division 3 football.

He specifically mentioned eight recruits being enrolled for spring semester. This means that Hinojosa is not enrolled and thus, presumably, will not be here until June.

I thought I read an article where he was talking about already being here. Any reason why you think it's Hinojosa who isn't on the squad yet?

He wasn't here to start the week and there were 8, so he isn't here. Hope he and his school get it figured out so he can take part in spring ball.

He wasn't here to start the week and there were 8, so he isn't here. Hope he and his school get it figured out so he can take part in spring ball.

If he wasn't here this week he's not enrolled and not participating in spring practice. Kind of hard to start a semester a couple of weeks late.

If he wasn't here this week he's not enrolled and not participating in spring practice. Kind of hard to start a semester a couple of weeks late.

I think he has until monday to start classes. If he isnt in on monday then it is a no go because it is the last day to enroll in classes i believe.

So who were the other 2 or 3?
Steve Thompson is unlistenable, and Eric Nelson has not progressed since he got to the station. Two of the biggest band wagon jumpers in professional sports history. Between having Chad Hartman, Dave Lee and a bunch of other nit wits, these is no reason to listen to the station other than the Kill section on Sunday. Having written the NBA off as unwatchable years ago, if they disappeared completely, it would be fine.

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