Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 7/1/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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Coach Kill's comments and responses to Sid Hartman's and Dave Mona's questions on today's Sports Huddle:

1) Sid asked coach Kill about this year's campers. According to assistant coaches that Sid has talked to, this year's group is much better than last year's: Kill said he's pleased with this year's group. He went on to say that they have several campers that are late bloomers: "others (coaches) may not know about." He said there are more of those type of players than last year. He sounded quite positive when responding to the question. There are two more camp dates: July 20 and 22.

2) Sid asked, again, about the "Date Night With Coach Kill and Rebecca" event: The evening event will be held on Thursday, July 19 at 6 o'clock. It's open to men and women and they want to give the participants a game day experience: jerseys will be issued in the locker room and then they'll exit to the TCF Bank Stadium field. They'll meet with the assistant coaches and their wives. Kill called it an "evening of fantasy football." If interested, call (612) 624-3826 and ask for Rachel for additional details.

3) Dave asked a GH question about scholarships for kickers in a year of limited available scholarships: Kill said they have a kicker and punter presently on scholarship. He then said punters and kickers are unique and an important part of the game. In short, they're always looking for quality kickers and punters. (Sounded as though he would offer a scholarship, if a quality player is available and then let the players sort it out - play the best players.)

4) Dave then asked about walkon players: Kill stressed the importance of a good walkon program. He said they built the programs at Southern Illinois and Northern Illinois University on numbers. He holds a special place in his heart for walkons (as he was a walkon). "I don't treat them differently." (He said he has 36 freshman on campus at this time, including walkons.) He tells the players that if they work hard and work their way up to starting roles they'll be rewarded, and he then cited Cameron Botticelli. Botticelli was a walkon that's now on scholarship and is a starter on the defensive line. He also cited NDSU and other FCS schools that do a good job of recruiting in Minnesota. (He'd like to get some of the players that commit to FCS schools to walkon at Minnesota.)

Kill closed this week's segment talking about the good venues to enjoy in the area. He attended a Twins game this past week.

Go Gophers!!

FYI, an important family commitment will prevent me from covering the Sports Huddle next Sunday.

3) Dave asked a GH question about scholarships for kickers in a year of limited available scholarships: Kill said they have a kicker and punter presently on scholarship. He then said punters and kickers are unique and an important part of the game. In short, they're always looking for quality kickers and punters. (Sounded as though he would offer a scholarship, if a quality player is available and then let the players sort it out - play the best players.)

Just to add a note from the GLC Golf Tournament on 6/27, a couple of the assistant coaches both commented that Coach Kill is now the Special Teams coach...

There is no question in my mind that some MN athletes on regional FCS teams could potentially be contributors for the Gophers as a walk on. Billy Turner currently at NDSU comes to mind, as well as Grant Olson. I am sure Tom Compton at South Dakota could also have contributed as a walk on.

Just an observation about Sid - they were talking about the Twins prior to the Gophers segment and Sid sounded virtually comatose. It was horrible. He couldn't talk and was barely coherent. Then the Gophers segment started and it was amazing how he perked up.

I have avoided listening to Sid on the radio for a few months, and I was shocked how bad he sounded when I tuned in.

DL65 said:
4) Dave then asked about walkon players: Kill stressed the importance of a good walkon program. He said they built the programs at Southern Illinois and Northern Illinois University on numbers. He holds a special place in his heart for walkons (as he was a walkon). "I don't treat them differently." (He said he has 36 freshman on campus at this time, including walkons.) He tells the players that if they work hard and work their way up to starting roles they'll be rewarded, and he then cited Cameron Botticelli. Botticelli was a walkon that's now on scholarship and is a starter on the defensive line. He also cited NDSU and other FCS schools that do a good job of recruiting in Minnesota. (He'd like to get some of the players that commit to FCS schools to walkon at Minnesota.)

Does anyone know how the Bryant scholarships work? It seems we could create a little more capacity with something like that. Because of the business environment here, there are a lot of former players in town. Even an extra two or three freshman would help. Has the GLC ever looked into this? I suppose fixing up the practice facility would come first.

everybody knows my name said:
Just an observation about Sid - they were talking about the Twins prior to the Gophers segment and Sid sounded virtually comatose. It was horrible. He couldn't talk and was barely coherent. Then the Gophers segment started and it was amazing how he perked up.

I have avoided listening to Sid on the radio for a few months, and I was shocked how bad he sounded when I tuned in.
Sid has been declining fast this year - its kind of sad that we are in the process of losing a MN sports broadcasting icon. At some point WCCO will have to pull the plug because it's just becoming too hard to listen.

I know nothing about the demographics of WCCO listeners or what they are targeting. While Minnie Max and Dave Lee will ridicule Sid openly for years, he probably has as many listeners as Max and Mr. Lee combined. I would like to see data on the Sports Huddle vs. any other time slot. CBS knows Sid drives Sunday morning, and will use him as long as they can. Sid on the other hand will troop in there as long as he can. Its a stale mate. Even in its dimenished form its better than anything else they offer. And when Sid is gone be ready for Mike Max to step in. That leave Dave Mona with question, do I need this gig? CBS may reformat the hours. Treasure it now, you hate it when its gone.

FYI, an important family commitment will prevent me from covering the Sports Huddle next Sunday.


Thanks for all the work. I look forward to every Sunday recap.

I know nothing about the demographics of WCCO listeners or what they are targeting. While Minnie Max and Dave Lee will ridicule Sid openly for years, he probably has as many listeners as Max and Mr. Lee combined. I would like to see data on the Sports Huddle vs. any other time slot. CBS knows Sid drives Sunday morning, and will use him as long as they can. Sid on the other hand will troop in there as long as he can. Its a stale mate. Even in its dimenished form its better than anything else they offer. And when Sid is gone be ready for Mike Max to step in. That leave Dave Mona with question, do I need this gig? CBS may reformat the hours. Treasure it now, you hate it when its gone.

That sums up my thoughts.

Its easy for some to rip on Sid but I try to look at his career as a whole. Husker is correct when he says that Sid has a large following. He is an icon.

People need to give Sid slack realize that things don't work that well when one ages and Sid is what he now is. And of course, people can also turn the dial is its too unbearable for them. I will continue to read and listen to Sid as long he is with us.

Sid has been declining fast this year - its kind of sad that we are in the process of losing a MN sports broadcasting icon. At some point WCCO will have to pull the plug because it's just becoming too hard to listen.

Sid lives, breathes, and eats sports. I don't know what else he would do if he wasn't reporting/hosting. At his age he might lose the will to live...We've got to take the good with the bad.

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