Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 6/3/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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Coach Kill's appearance on the Sports Huddle started at 10:05 a.m. as it did last week. It sounds as though that is the new time slot, for the time being. He also was on for a longer segment this week with some new questions.

1) Sid opened up the show asking what appearances he had this past week: "Last week was a good week," said Kill. The coaches were back off the road from their recruiting duties. He said he and his wife, Rebecca, got away from the Twin Cities for a few days vacation. They went to Kansas to visit their respective families. Additonally, he mixed in some business as well by visiting Kansas University. He checked out their basketball and football facilities and was favorably impressed, which he described as a "Wow factor." He also spent time visiting with head football coach Weis.

2) Sid asked Kill about his reported vision of moving everything football-related to TCF Bank Stadium: "It's a vision (for the athletic department) . . . in time we'll have to do that." He said he would like to move the weight room and football/coaches offices to the stadium. He said future football moves would "Help out other sports." He briefly mentioned Tubby Smith's name and his basketball needs. He then referenced his visit to Kansas University last week and looking at their athletic facilities. Kill said a move to the stadium would free up space for other sports as well.

3) Sd asked what the assistant coaches are presently doing: Kill said the coaching staff - offensive and defensive coaches - are reviewing video of recruits that they're focusing on in recruiting and what they found out about the players that they're pursuing (going to offer scholarships) - "Start to get our offers out there."

4) Dave Mona asked about the UNLV game and the high temperatures at game time: "There's no way to simulate heat . . . it's what you do before the game." He said they'll give IV's to players 24 hours before the game that have a history of cramping. He then said the biggest asset in confronting the excessive heat is having depth. He closed by saying he's hoping for a hot summer, especially during two-a-days.

5) Dave asked about the construction of the new baseball facility and its impact on available space: "Not aware of any adjustments." He then said they want to spend more time on the TCF Bank Stadium field, especially on Thursdays, replicating game day atmoshere/situation and having coaches in the boxes. Early week practices will be at the practice facility and late in the week at the stadium.

6) Sid mentioned the team's 3.06 GPA. Sid said it's probably the highest in the conference except maybe Northwestern: "We just have to take care of ourselves . . . I think the whole athletic department has done well . . . We've held our kids accountable." He said if the players don't attend classes they won't see the field. (With laughter in his voice, Kill closed the question by saying he gets a lot of emails and most often they're about game day atmosphere and how to make the event more user friendly. He said, "We need to make it special.")

7) Sid asked about his trip to Rochester, MN tomorrow: Kill said he'll participate in an event that runs from 12:00 pm. to 1:30 p.m. that's part of a golf outing. He said he'll then return to the football offices and will meet with the defensive coaching staff to discuss recruiting defensive players. (Kill mentioned June is a busy time reviewing videos, summer camps and recruiting/tendering offers.)

Go Gophers!!

Thanks DL! I only have one comment about #4. I do not think that the heat will be a factor. With an 8:00 p.m. kickoff the field and Gopher bench area (east side) will have been shaded for over an hour before game time. With proper hydration there should be no problems. There is a chance of thunderstorms at that time of year, but they are fairly rare. I predict pleasant game time conditions. Go Gophers!

Thanks DL! I only have one comment about #4. I do not think that the heat will be a factor. With an 8:00 p.m. kickoff the field and Gopher bench area (east side) will have been shaded for over an hour before game time. With proper hydration there should be no problems. There is a chance of thunderstorms at that time of year, but they are fairly rare. I predict pleasant game time conditions. Go Gophers!

Agree. Have em drink some pickle juice every day beginning a week from kickoff.

2) Sid asked Kill about his reported vision of moving everything football-related to TCF Bank Stadium: "It's a vision (for the athletic department) . . . in time we'll have to do that." He said he would like to move the weight room and football/coaches offices to the stadium. He said future football moves would "Help out other sports." He briefly mentioned Tubby Smith's name and his basketball needs. He then referenced his visit to Kansas University last week and looking at their athletic facilities. Kill said a move to the stadium would free up space for other sports as well.

I found this comment very interesting. My prediction is that an indoor football practice facility will end up by the stadium (where I can't imagine-maybe as a replacement for the fieldhouse), and the Bierman Complex's indoor football building is replaced/augmented with the basketball facility.

Thanks DL! I only have one comment about #4. I do not think that the heat will be a factor. With an 8:00 p.m. kickoff the field and Gopher bench area (east side) will have been shaded for over an hour before game time. With proper hydration there should be no problems. There is a chance of thunderstorms at that time of year, but they are fairly rare. I predict pleasant game time conditions. Go Gophers!

I hope your right, but the average highs for Las Vegas in late August are in the mid to high 90s.

It was 88 degrees during the New Mexico State game. That doesn't account for the humidity or the fact that the sun was beating down. The playing surface was close to 100 degrees. I read that on some site, maybe GopherSports? As long as the preparation is made, they should be fine in UNLV.

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