Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 5/6/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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Coach Kill was on for the full half-hour and a lot of territory was covered, including questions by GopherHolers and one text message during the show. Kill's responses and comments to questions by Sid and Dave are as follows:

1) Sid asked about recruiting rules during this time period: "We're allowed to put 7 coaches on the road." They're also meeting with recruits that are taking unofficial visits to the U (the recruits pay their own expenses to make the unofficial visits). Coaches not on the road recruiting are busy evaluating films related to potential recruits (Kill again stressed the volume of recruiting videos that they receive daily) The states in the deep south - Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, etc. - have spring ball. The coaches have a chance to evaluate the players/recruits in their drills and scrimmages. States that don't have spring ball (midwest schools) the coaches visit with the high school coaches, academic departments and watch the players in the weight rooms and/or the recruits participating in track or other spring sports.

2) Sid asked about the Fiesta Bowl Association Conference that was held this past week: Kill said the annual conference was held for head coaches and athletic directors. There was an extensive agenda of meetings for the administrators and coaches to attend and discuss topics of high interest: Potential playoff system, NCAA rules, the issue of concussions, etc. Kill said he expects some major decisions (didn't elaborate) to come out in July and August. "We're going to have a bowl system." However, he looks for top four matchups plus one or two (potentially a fifteen game season for those in the playoffs).

3) Sid asked about the rumor of an Aussie punter being recruited: Kill (laughing) said, "You're trying to get me fired." He went on to say he can't talk specifics about recruiting and potential recruits.

4) Sid inquired about what coach Kill has learned from his meetings with the players individually since the conclusion of spring drills: Kill said he spent a lot of time listening to the players: How do you feel about spring ball? How do you feel you did during spring drills? Where do you think you stand? Kill concluded, "The majority feel much better about themselves than a year ago."

5) Academic grades: "Finals this week . . . critical period . . . should be done Friday afternoon." (Later in the broadcast, Dave Mona made a comment related to the question about grades. He said he talked to a school official about the dramatic improvement in academics in the athletic department. Dave said the official credited coach Jerry Kill for the turnaround. Kill then cited and credited his coaches and the team's academic staff/counselors. Kill said when you turnaround a team you must first focus on the "inside," a) academics (keeping players eligible); b) weight room (improving the team's strength and agility).

6) Gopher's first opponent, UNLV: The first person that Kill met with at the Fiesta Bowl meeting in Arizona was UNLV's head coach Bobby Hauck. He's known Hauck a long time (since Hauck's days at Montana). Kill related that Hauck said his team is young, much better than last year, more athletic. His (Kill) report of UNLV sounded much like his description of Minnesota. Kill told Sid the film breakdown of UNLV has been accomplished.

7) Dave asked about needed resources (DL65 question) and the new athletic director, Norwood Teague: Kill responded saying Teague is responsible for marketing and fund raising, which are vitally important to running a successful program. Kill then mentioned they need financial support for recruiting, operations, maintenance of indoor practice facility (he mentioned the roof is leaking). Kill said the number 1 priority is a "Vision." "Where we're going and how to get there." (Vision and resources and work to do it.) He referenced the marquee programs - Michigan, Ohio State and Wisconsin - "They've been winning for a long time." Need to study and learn how they conduct winning, successful programs.

8) Question about Gray being the leading rusher (question by emann): "We've gotten better at the taliback position." (Returning tailbacks improved themselves during spring drills and he expects good things from incoming freshmen to take the pressure off Gray.) He also said the receiving corps needs to step up and help gray; names mentioned: Marcus Jones and Devin Crawford-Tufts. He also said he expects help from incoming receivers. "Need to get consistent (catching the ball) and stretch the field vertically."

9) Sid then asked coach Kill how Minnesota can compete with Wisconsin and Iowa that have larger stadiums and higher ticket prices: Kill: "You start where you're at and move forward." He said Wisconsin and Iowa got to where they're presently at by winning. He went on to say winning and marketing are extremely important in developing a successful program. He also referenced Iowa and Wisconsin having presidents and athletic directors operating from the same book/page. He concluded by saying, "(We need to) Stop looking back."

10) Sid followed up by asking what Minnesota's football budget is in comparison to Wisconsin and Iowa: Kill responded saying, " Can't give you exact figures regarding budget." He said the new AD and President Kaler know the direction the football program needs to go. The football program is important to President Kaler, however, it's not the most important thing.

11) (Text message) What he likes, what he's learned after one year, and what he's looking forward to: Kill said he enjoys his job and being at Minnesota very much. "I'd like to spend more time on football." He's been busy in the community (it's important and enjoys meeting people.) He's looking forward to when Norwood Teague is on board. He also said he spends time covering what you need to do; most important thing is the team/players. "Takes a good year to get your feet on the ground." (He was referencing himself and the incoming athletic director, Norwood Teague.

12) Vacations (question by CWCWCW) to recharge one's batteries: (There was only thirty seconds left in the show when Dave Mona asked the question.) Kill responding saying he and his wife, Rebecca, got away this spring for a three-day trip to Marcos (?) Islands. Then (laughing) he said when they arrived on the island they were greeted by Minnesotans vacationing there.

Go Gophers!!

Good report as always, DL. Thanks a 12-pack.

Thanks DL...Loved this quote...hammer, meet nail...

"(We need to) Stop looking back."

Thanks DL...Loved this quote...hammer, meet nail...

"(We need to) Stop looking back."

Sorry, I couldn't disagree more with that statement.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

- George Santayana, 1905

There is a difference between recognizing or understanding your past, and living in your past. I feel that Kill was indicating that to many Gopher fans are stuck living in the old glory days and/or the more recent morass of failure. We need to know our history and learn from the good and bad but be able to move forward and not get bogged down in them.

Sorry, I couldn't disagree more with that statement.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

- George Santayana, 1905

I think deep down you really did know what he was saying.

Sorry, I couldn't disagree more with that statement.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

- George Santayana, 1905

I think he is saying not to let the past failure hold them down any more and the general attitude of mediocrity, not to learn from mistakes made. Instead to realize they can win and be a successful program.

You are all correct. It was a poor choice of words. He needed to say something to the effect of "Stop living in the past" rather than "Stop looking at the past". Looking at the past is healthy, educational, and instructive to the future of any person or group. Living in the past can choke a person or group from the inside out.

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