Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 4/29/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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Coach Kill's comments and responses to questions on 'CCO's Sports Huddle by Sid Hartman and Dave Mona as well as queries submitted by GopherHolers:

1) Sid opened the show by asking coach Kill about charity appearances: Kill responded saying a "Hope" event was held yesterday and then he related at length about a free clinic for youth that took place at the sports complex yesterday afternoon. He said 600-650 youth and their parents participated. Many of the current Gopher players worked with the young aspiring players. He expressed his pride in the Gopher players and the work and attention they gave to the youngsters and parents.

2) Sid asked how busy he was with outside speaking engagements: (Laughing) Coach Kill said he's been very busy. He had a speaking engagement in Brainerd and said he had some in the Twin Cities this week as well.

Coach Kill then began talking about what he and his staff have been doing with the players now that spring drills have ended . . . . evaluation and listening. He said the players have met with their position coaches (personal evaluation) and are now meeting with Kill. He said he is a listener and often you learn more when you're listening and letting the players talk about their hopes, aspirations, plans, etc. He wants to hear about their academics, off-field activities, how things are going socially, what they think of Minnesota (school, state, Twin Cities). "You can learn a lot when you let them talk."

Kill also said the coaches are involved in "full-fledged" recruiting mode (traveling across the country). Kill said they have 14 spots available, so they have to be very selective.

3) Recruiting: Many of the assistant coaches will visit schools in North Carolina, Florida and other states that have high school spring football drills, including some with scrimmages. "Nothing better than live evaluation." Evaluation was the word stressed frequently by coach Kill. When schools don't have spring drills the coaches will visit with school officials, coaches and encourage the players to attend the Minnesota summer camps for live evaluation.

4) Position changes (DL65 question): Kill said they already made the position changes in spring drills; however, he then focused on the incoming recruits saying, "We need to make sure we get the new recruits in the right positions." Kill admitted that they're not sure where 2 or 3 of the new recruits will start at (positions).

5) Sid asked what the starting lineup would be tomorrow: Kill (laughing) said, "Wouldn't know the starting lineup." He then related that many of the players will change in size over the summer and then they'll evaluate the team/players during two-a-days. It'll be about a week from the end of fall camp that they'll know who'll be starting. He also mentioned that some players in spring ball were slowed by injuries. He also referenced the new recruits coming in this summer. (He sounded like he expects some good things/help immediately from some of the recruits.)

6) Dave asked about the new AD, Norwood Teague (question by ButchNashGuy): Kill: "I spent about five minutes with him." He said staff member O'brien spent more time with Teague. However, he then said his former boss at Northern Illinois University, Jim Phillips, (Phillips had hired Kill at NIU) called him after the announcement of Teague's selection/hiring and said, "He's an 'A' . . . made me feel good . . . I just have to do my job." He also referenced needing resources.

7) Sid asked if they've been looking at films of this year's opponents: He said they've looked at a lot of film; all of last year's games in preparation spring drills (pluses and minuses). Focusing on recruiting right now, however, they'll soon focus on the opener, UNLV. They've already looked at film of upcoming opponents as well.

Sid followed up by asking if he talked to his friend, TCU coach Gary Patterson, that pummeled UNLV last year: kill downplayed the game played last year (that was then and now is now). UNLV has new coaches and helped themselves at the runningback position. What took place last year has little bearing on this year, "We've moved forward and focus on what we can control."

Kill also said he'd like to play 8 home games. According to Kill, being home is worth about 10 points.

8) Dave asked about gameday atmosphere (Bleedgopher question): "It's more than a game, it's an event." He went on to talk about the fans being the owners of the team and the U being the state unviversity, He said tailgate gatherings, fans in the parking lots preparing for the game: "it's a big part of college football (weekend event)." He said he hears a lot about gameday atmosphere and fans wanting TCF Bank to be like Wisconsin, et. al., "We need to be user (customer) friendly."

9) Dave asked about former players of Kill in the high school and college coaching ranks: kill said half of his coaching connections are with former players. He spoke with pride and emphasized, "Passing the torch; it's about the kids." He also said several of his former players are in "the area." Again, he referenced current players working with young players and families yesterday afternoon. You could tell he was very proud of the current and past players. He said too often we hear about mistakes made by athletes and not the good things that occur.

10) Sid asked about injuries and Brendan Beal: Kill didn't respond specifically to Beal's name. However, he did say he expects everyone to be ready for fall drills except Jimmy Gjere. He said he was "concerned" about Gjere. They'll be cautious and wait for the go ahead by the medical staff. He emphasized concussions are a serious injury and are not taken lightly. He briefly mentioned Josh Campion and his trials with his concussion-related injury and that he went through only a portion of the spring drills.

11) Sid asked about new recruits and summer school: Kill said all of the recruits will be attending summer school, getting acclimated to the school and classroom life, and participating in the strength and conditioning drills in preparation for two-a-days. Kill said some of the recruits have already bulked up appreciably since their signing letters of commitment.

12) Sid asked if all of the coaches are staying with coach Kill: Kill said all of his coaches are remaining.

Go Gophers!!

Kill didn't respond specifically to Beal's name. However, he did say he expects everyone to be ready for fall drills except Jimmy Gjere. He said he was "concerned" about Gjere. They'll be cautious and wait for the go ahead by the medical staff. He emphasized concussions are a serious injury and are not taken lightly.

It wouldn't surprise me to have seen the last of Jimmy Gjere. Hoping for the best for him. However, I echo Kill's view of being concerned...

If I were Coach Kill I would hate to lose a kid with that kind of potential. In the end though, Gjere's good health and well-being is the most important thing.

Why would a kid retire after one concussion?

I suffered a major concussion when I was in college (to the point of being unconscious for about 4-5 hours) and the doctors told me to avoid physical contact for about six months. Unless there is a reoccurring history of concussions, one concussion should never put someone on the shelf for good.

Didn't someone say one of the DL is going on to grad school at another school?

This is the one.

Until U or player makes announcement, this stands alone. He is not what I would consider starter material--but a schollie player. Good luck to him.

Thanks for posting these recaps DL.

Also, would anyone else be shocked at this point if Beal actually takes the field at some point? It would be great if he is eventually able to, but at this point I just want him to be able to enjoy the rest of his life relatively pain free, whether that's on a football field or off of it.

Sid followed up by asking if he talked to his friend, TCU coach Gary Patterson, that pummeled UNLV last year: kill downplayed the game played last year (that was then and now is now). UNLV has new coaches and helped themselves at the runningback position. What took place last year has little bearing on this year, "We've moved forward and focus on what we can control."

First, thanks DL, on your usual outstanding recap. Second I rarely have problems with Kill's public comments. I agree with the first and last parts of the above statement, that "that was then and now is now" and focusing on what can be controlled. However UNLV did not have much turnover on their staff, the coordinators are "new," but were position coaches last year, and last year's coordinators are position coaches this year. I think that only one position coach (linebackers?) left and was replaced. Also at running back one of their more excited players, Dionza Bradford, quit the team during, or just before the start of spring practice. Unless some hot-shot true freshmen shows up, IMHO they will not improve at running back. Anyway, Go Gophers!

First, thanks DL, on your usual outstanding recap. Second I rarely have problems with Kill's public comments. I agree with the first and last parts of the above statement, that "that was then and now is now" and focusing on what can be controlled. However UNLV did not have much turnover on their staff, the coordinators are "new," but were position coaches last year, and last year's coordinators are position coaches this year. I think that only one position coach (linebackers?) left and was replaced. Also at running back one of their more excited players, Dionza Bradford, quit the team during, or just before the start of spring practice. Unless some hot-shot true freshmen shows up, IMHO they will not improve at running back. Anyway, Go Gophers!

They have 3 RB returning, including leading rusher Tim Cornett (119-691, 7 TDs) and Bradley Randall (112-507, 2 TDs). Only incoming freshman at RB is David Green from Skyline High in Dallas.

UNLV does return QB Caleb Herring (113-206-6, 1004 yards, 8 TDs), but lost their four top receivers to graduation. Top returning receiver is Cornett (10-54).

UNLV only produced 274 yards of TO per game last year.

Why would a kid retire after one concussion?

I suffered a major concussion when I was in college (to the point of being unconscious for about 4-5 hours) and the doctors told me to avoid physical contact for about six months. Unless there is a reoccurring history of concussions, one concussion should never put someone on the shelf for good.

He suffered two concussions last year. One during the spring and one during the season. He is still recovering from the concussion he suffered in October. Everyone recovers differently from concussions. A perfect example of this is Josh Campion vs Jimmy Gjere. This article provides a good look into the situation...

-Campion suffered a concussion during fall camp of last year and sat out the entire season. He appears to have recovered from his concussion as evidenced by being cleared to play by the medical staff.

-Gjere suffered two concussions last year. One during the spring and one in October. He still hasn't fully recovered.

"[Gjere] can do 95 percent of stuff without any problems whatsoever. But we can just tell he's not quite 100 percent, so we're just making good decisions as far as not putting him in a risky situation and giving him the time to get better."

Concussions need to be treated with extreme caution. Really it's a wait and see situation...

I am hoping for the best for the young man...

He suffered two concussions last year. One during the spring and one during the season. He is still recovering from the concussion he suffered in October. Everyone recovers differently from concussions. A perfect example of this is Josh Campion vs Jimmy Gjere. This article provides a good look into the situation...

-Campion suffered a concussion during fall camp of last year and sat out the entire season. He appears to have recovered from his concussion as evidenced by being cleared to play by the medical staff.

-Gjere suffered two concussions last year. One during the spring and one in October. He still hasn't fully recovered.

"[Gjere] can do 95 percent of stuff without any problems whatsoever. But we can just tell he's not quite 100 percent, so we're just making good decisions as far as not putting him in a risky situation and giving him the time to get better."

Concussions need to be treated with extreme caution. Really it's a wait and see situation...

I am hoping for the best for the young man...

Agree, when the brain is involved it is best to be safe. Especially when it appears that there may be long term or long delayed effects from repeated concussions. I just read that Alex Karras is having memory problems. Of course this could simply be a result of age and he might have these same issues even if he didn't play football, but I doubt it. Anyway there may be great variations in how people recover from concussions. Better to be safe.

Agree, when the brain is involved it is best to be safe. Especially when it appears that there may be long term or long delayed effects from repeated concussions. I just read that Alex Karras is having memory problems. Of course this could simply be a result of age and he might have these same issues even if he didn't play football, but I doubt it. Anyway there may be great variations in how people recover from concussions. Better to be safe.

I think his injury resulted from this incident...


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