Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 2/12/12

Dave Mona and coach Jerry Kill were back on the Sports Huddle. Kill was on for the full half-hour segment, and there were a lot of questions and areas covered:

5) When Sid asked about Stoudermire, Kill responded by saying it's good to have him back. He then said that they improved themselves in the secondary through this years recruiting class and that there are some real good players already on campus (referencing, I believe, redshirts and the young players that saw the field this past season).

Thanks as always DL- great job, I missed part of it. I did come away with a different take on the "talent already on campus" comment, I took it as at least as much about the three JUCO additions as the kids who played last year. That however just may be a bias on my part.

He may have said 85, but I think he meant the 25 annual limit. I thought he said 25, but maybe I was expecting it. If it did not count towards the 85 total limit, a loophole that big would have 100 kids on scholarship at a lot of schools

Naw, dinky would just prefer they NOT do that, overlook UNH, and lose. Because then he could troll about it some more. Heads he wins, tails we lose and all that.

Naw, dinky would just prefer they NOT do that, overlook UNH, and lose. Because then he could troll about it some more. Heads he wins, tails we lose and all that.

And I thought it was just me. Thanks for the education, AU.

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