Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 1/8/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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Coach Kill didn't join the Sports Huddle until 10:06 a.m. He had just flown down to San Antonio for the annual National Coaches Conference. He was on the show for the half-hour segment. About midway through the segment Dave Mona asked questions that were raised in the GopherHole thread on the second page of this forum: "If you were Dave Mona what question would you ask coach Kill . . ?" (See questions and responses below and who raised the question.)

Coach Kill's responses and comments to Dave Mona and Sid Hartman's questions on today's Sports Huddle are as follows:

1) Sid asked if the Gopher coaching staff is connected with any recruiting service: Coach Kill said they belong to a couple (no names given). He then said recruiting has changed with the advent of the internet, social media, you-tube, twitter, etc. "You can get almost anything you want off the internet, social media . . . " He then talked about the volume of information that comes through his office daily. They often keep a couple coaches back home to screen and evaluate the information (tapes and other forms) that comes in, which then is evaluated by the coaches that come back off the road. "Look at as much as you can."

2) Improvement in academics: Coach Kill said when he took over the team's academics was a great concern . . . about 2.27 GPA. After the last semester it's been improved to 3.1 or a shade less than 3.1 GPA. He credited the student athletes for the turnaround as well as the academic counseling staff and the coaches that have kept after the players. The players now know the expectations and the importance of academics.

3) Sid asked how they decide to offer or take a player that may be marginal in academics: Kill responded by saying you "dig in" . . . meet with the player's coaches, teachers, advisers, parents . . . try to ascertain why they've struggeled in the classroom. Kill said, "I was a better student in college than I was in high school." . . . "Recruiting is an educated guess." . . . You've go to take some chances (recruiting a player that may appear as an academic risk) but not too many."

4) Sid referenced three players, J.D. Pride and two others (no names given) that have left the program: Kill immediately responded that three players have left, but not because of academics, to play football in a lower division. Again, no names provided.

5) Mona than began asking questions by referencing the internet and that he had questions from a message board. He didn't mention GopherHole by name; however, they're from the thread earlier this week:

a) station19 question: Do uniforms matter in recruiting? Kill said, "It's a part of it." The recruits talk amongst themselves about their numbers. Kill went on to say they and all colleges try to create a "wow factor." New facilities are a wow factor . . . for Minnesota, TCF Bank Stadium is a real "wow factor."

b) Mona then asked "What are you selling to recruits to attract them to the U?" Question was asked by mcsmitty12 and DL65: Kill referenced former Minnesota quarterback Tony Dungy and his book "Uncommon." He tells the recruits that the University of Minnesota is Uncommon. He then mentioned the school and state's diversity . . . academics . . . employment opportunities . . . Fortune 500 companies in the Twin Cities . . . the Twin Cities . . . lakes within the cities . . . outdoor activities and opportunities (hunting and fishing, etc) in the state . . . passionate and loyal fans of Gopher football, despite the lack of championships . . . the U of Minnesota is the state school . . . new president . . . direction of the athletic department and academics of the football team . . . Kill finished by saying he could go-on-and-on when it comes to selling the University of Minnesota.

c) Mona referenced DL65s question that's related to Paul "Bear" Bryant's reported comment that you need to sell the recruit's mother. Kill concurred and said it's extremely important to sell the mother and family as well as the recruit. "Through the years we've done very well recruiting the family."

d) Mona asked about negative recruiting, especially regarding his publicized health-related issues: Kill said his health issues are well known, but he said the coaches have respect and haven't raised it as an issue. He went onto say he's open about the issue with the recruits.

6) Sid asked if there are going to be any changes in the coaching staff: Kill said, "Not at this point, and that's a good thing."

7) Sid said the players come back to school on Tuesday and what will they be doing? Coach Kill said the players know what's expected and what needs to be done before spring ball (strength and conditioning and individual skill work). Again, he mentioned the importance and expectations of academics. They know now what's expected, whereas last year at this time they had no clue as to expectations and what to do and how to do it.

8) Sid asked about walk-ons: Kill responded, "We need to bring in 35 kids, scholarship and non-scholarships. They're all the same." (Briefly noted the importance of a strong walkon program.)

Go Gophers!!

Thanks DL

Maybe I missed it, but do we know who left the program besides Pride? Not trying to start a speculation thread, just wondering if we know for sure.

2) Improvement in academics: Coach Kill said when he took over the team's academics was a great concern . . . about 2.27 GPA. After the last semester it's been improved to 3.1 or a shade less than 3.1 GPA. He credited the student athletes for the turn around as well as the academic counseling staff and the coaches that have kept after the players. The players now know the expectations and the importance of academics.

Wow factor.

Disappointing that it was that low, but very good to see that turnaround.Good to see discipline getting hammered into the players.

Unfortunately, 2.27 isn't that low for D1 athletics, however, 3.1 is really high.

Thanks DL

Maybe I missed it, but do we know who left the program besides Pride? Not trying to start a speculation thread, just wondering if we know for sure.

It depends on how far back he is going, but he could be talking about Singleton. I know Singleton is gone, it's official and he is transferring to some FCS school (I believe).

In the first half-hour of today's Sports Huddle, Sid said J.D. Pride and two other players had left the team; however, he did not give the names of the other two players. Coach Kill didn't identify the players, either, but as is in the summary, he said it wasn't academics, but, rather, the three players wanting to play at a lower division.

The direction of the team's academics is a selling point that coach Kill's uses when meeting with the recruits (see summary 5 item b.) And yes, the team's new GPA is a "wow factor" or should be to the recruits and their parents, and not only us.

One other point from today's show: When they were ready to take their first commercial break, Sid was ready to say good-bye and offer his famous Murray's certificate; however, Dave Mona quickly interjected and asked Kill if he could stay around for a couple more segments. Dave sounded excited and as though he really wanted to get in the questions to coach Kill, which he got from last week's thread on GopherHole. And, my take, Kill sounded interested in the questions, too, especially when he was answering what he tries to sell to the recruits about playing ball at Minnesota . . . his was a free flowing response and the selling points just kept rolling out.

All-in-all, I thought today's segment with coach Kill was quite interesting and informative. Dave Mona was more involved in the questioninng than usual, and I might add sounded like he was enjoying the dialogue. IMO, good stuff.

Go Gophers!!

Not sure if this is the third guy but Bouie also appears to be missing from the current roster (along with Singleton and Pride).

My appreciation for Dave Mona just increased a lot. Nice, classy move of him to (1) Ask the questions and (2) attribute them to a fan bulletin board.

Not sure if this is the third guy but Bouie also appears to be missing from the current roster (along with Singleton and Pride).

Bouie makes sense, now that his name has been removed from the Gophersports roster, I think it's fair to speculate. He is a guy that I think most of us thought wouldn't be here next season. He played a position that was incredibly thin and he was entirely absent from our team.

Updated Roster

Several people have commented about the changes on the updated roster (Click on link below to see it). I have the following additional comments about the updated roster:
  • Jordan Wettstein the kicker is on the roster as a senior next year.
  • Xzavian Brandon if no longer on the roster
  • Troy Stoudermire is on the roster as a senior
  • Brooks Michel is still on the roster (He had a possible carrer ending concusion).
There is nothing earth shattering here but hopefully will turn out to be correct when the fall roster is finalized.

Between kill saying " hindsight is 50/50" after the ndsu game and
And calling fortune 500 companies "500-fortune companies" today he is becoming a pretty funny quote.

Between kill saying " hindsight is 50/50" after the ndsu game and
And calling fortune 500 companies "500-fortune companies" today he is becoming a pretty funny quote.

Coach kill works 14 hours a day, he gets a break for a few mistakes. ( Biden should be so lucky.) The longevity of his coaches tenure with him tells me volumes about this guy. The Badgers will understand this going forward.

I keep hearing reports from people who are family friends of players and they are consistent in that the boys just love JK. The 3.1 GPA, if it is true, is really very remarkable. A 3.1 in college is a good GPA, and if this is the average then there are some truly good students on this team and the bad ones have gotten a lot better.

Coach kill works 14 hours a day, he gets a break for a few mistakes. ( Biden should be so lucky.) The longevity of his coaches tenure with him tells me volumes about this guy. The Badgers will understand this going forward.
I wasn't ripping him.


This is now a major selling point of the program. This is a big deal all around and I think JK understands the role of the University better than most of his peers. The team should be proud. Keep it up.

Gopher program was a leaderless ship after Brewster was fired

We were a ship without a captain. I doubt it comes as any surprise that academics had fallen so low after Brewster was released. The coaches left needed to audition for jobs so you can bet there priorority was trying to get the players better on the football field after the Purdude game last season. 2010 expectations and even class attendence probably became almost non-existent once Maturi dropped Brewster. That is one reason I would have held onto Brewster until the end to can him, so at least there was maybe a small amount or a little leadership left at the top of the program. Hard to say if keeping him until the end would have done more damage or the way things were done did more damage.

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