Sports Huddle Recap per podcast


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Nov 20, 2008
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Now that I've returned home and after listening to the Sports Huddle podcast, here are my brief notes of yesterday's Q&A of coach Kill. I suspect a number of you have listened to the podcast. Nevertheless, I wanted to focus on questions by Dave Mona and Gopherhole members. Hopefully the synopsis will stimulate some comments.

Sid opened the show and asked questions that were covered in recent weeks: S&C competition (eight captains), players sitting out or not cleared for spring drills (Gjere, Beal), who showed great improvement in strength and conditioning, position changes. Nothing new to report, except, Kill did say Keanon Cooper would not be participating in spring drills. Still recovering from wrist surgery. They know what he can do and they want to rest him and not push him in his recovery.

Dave Mona covered the last half of the show with his and GopherHole questions:

1) Last year injured players sitting out drills would work to condition the areas not afflicted: If upper body had an injury, workouts would focus on lower body or vice versa. Coach Kill said the toughest part of injuries are more mental than physical. The process utilized last year for injured players will continue this year.

2) Backup QBs seeing more action (Question by short ornery Norwegian): "See how things work out. We're hoping to stay healthy to push the kids." Kill said he wants the kids healthy for the spring game. "I don't want to be short at the (QB) position." He also said, "Hard to keep the backups , if they don't play." (Transfer to other school for playing time.)

3) Is it easier to get into the recruits kitchen now that you're at Minnesota as opposed at NIU? (Question by dinky thing): "There's no question." He said it is easier now that he's at Minnesota. Kill went onto say recruiting is a long process and he cited the recruitment of Andre McDonald as an example. Players commit, decommit etc.

4) When do you stop recruiting a player that has committed to another school? (Question by DL65): "Never quit recruiting." He cited a comment by Urban Meyer at the Big 10 Coaches Conference; you don't quit recruiting the top player in your state. Kill also said when a player commits to you, your recruiting efforts to the committed player are stepped up.

5) First team to offer a player, how impotant is it? "To some kids the first offer means something to them." He said in some cases you start recruiting a player when they're a sophomore in high school . . . this especially true when they've been evaluated in summer camps. He said further, "You have to be careful" when you offer. He stressed the importance of knowing the recruits family life. He went on to say there's nothing more important than individual/personal evaluation of the recruit.

6) Is it hard to recruit to DTs DL? (Question by DL65) Kill started by saying when they recruit QBs they can see the tangibles (passing, running etc.) but they can't see leadership qualities. As to recruiting DLs Kill said it is hard to find and secure DL. Everyone wants to recruit 300 plus lineman that run under 5 flat. The real big or top recruited players (about 10) are quickly found and tied up through their commitments.

7) Do the coaches scout players out of their sport during the off season? Kill said absolutely. When allowed by recruiting timelines, they like to visit schools that have spring ball, track or other sports where they can ascertain the players competitiveness. They also want to see if they're coachable. When they're looking a senior recruits they're also looking at the juniors

8) Do you have gadget plays/ Kill said, "I've got stuff in storage, on video tape, "I'm a junk collector about football." Stuff used years ago can be used now.

Go Gophers!!

I understand Mike Max will be with Sid the next two weeks. So, I'll ask for more questions for Dave's consideration in a couple weeks, as Dave visits our site and looks forward to the questions raised. Neverthless, I'll be listening and transcribing next Sunday's show.


Better late than never. You just wanted to show us that we can't get along without you and yes you are right. Here is question for Dave Mona to ask coach Kill - Earlier you stated that you didn't think you had enough bodies/talent to conduct a spring game. Now you seem to be saying there most likely will be a spring game. What caused you to change your mind?

DL you really jacked up my Sunday man - I just felt off all day w/o your Kill recap. Thanks for doing this as always!

DL - I missed you and, for a spell, was pretty upset about your absence but now you're back and you've made everything right.

Don't ever leave us again! Site falls apart without you!

Question for the show.

What is happening at the UM to help create a better football gameday atmosphere, both in and around TCF ? Of course, other than winning.

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