Sports Huddle Re-cap Notice


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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I'm going to take a respite from transcribing the Jerry Kill segment on 'CCOs Sports Huddle.

This summer, my wife and I will be traveling, visiting friends, and enjoying time with our family and grandchildren. Included in our traveling, I'll be attending my 50 year class reunion in DL in August.

As Dave Mona said a few weeks back, this is a slow period in Gopher football news; many of the questions are becoming repetitive - not finding fault with Dave and Sid in their attempts to garner information. So summer is a good time to take a break from writing my weekly summary.

Nevertheless, there may a weekend or two when I will catch the Sports Huddle. If I do, I'll submit a transcription.

I wish all GopherHole members and lurkers a safe, fun-filled summer.

Go Gophers!!

Enjoy your summer. Enjoy DL. Great little city.

I say the mods should ban DL from GH until August or so. That should teach him not to mess with the re-cap.

On a personal note, be sure to apply generous amounts of sunblock and have a great summer DL. :)

I'm going to take a respite from transcribing the Jerry Kill segment on 'CCOs Sports Huddle.


Have a wonderful summer.

You kids and your summer breaks.

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