Sports Huddle: Jerry Kill - 3/13/11


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Nov 20, 2008
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Today's comments:

1) "Recruiting is going pretty well. Reception has been good to this point."

2) Coaches: 4-5 have returned from TCU where they met with their counterparts at the Texas school. They were in Fort Worth for the TCU spring game. Two coaches spent days at Mississippi State University with head coach Dan Mullen.

3) Spring game: "I'd like to have a spring game down the road (2-3 years) with celebrities coaching the teams." This year's spring event will be a controlled scrimmage because of the low numbers and shortages at certain positions.

4) Coach Kills prefers Saturday afternoon games; however, TV dictates the start of games. He also said a lot of fans like nighttime games.

5) Junior Day(s): They've had one big one-day event and several players have visited at other times. Building relationships . . . visitors are shown facilities and meet with their position coaches. Hopes to get many of the players on campus during spring drills and then get many of the recruits to return for their summer camps.

6) Talked about players under the recruiting radar (diamonds in the rough). He would like to have a team comprised of Eric Decker type players that are under the recruiting radar.

7) Recruiting 2011 Class: Still has two tenders left to give. Will wait until after spring drills and determine needs. If he can find a JC player maybe an offer will be made, if not, they'll carry the scholarships over to the 2012 class.

8) Talked briefly about JC ball. He's most familiar with Kansas JC teams . . . mentioned the good ball played at Butler JC, Kansas. Also mentioned Texas, Mississippi, California, and also mentioned JC ball in Iowa and Minnesota. Have to be careful about JC recruiting . . . "Need to know where they're (JC player) coming from." (Trustworthiness and built relationships extremely important.)

Today's visit on Sports Huddle was shorter than usual.

Go Gophers!!

Nice update! I appreciate your doing this so slugs like me can sleep in and not miss anything.

I don't see the "He would like to have a team comprised of Eric Decker type players that are under the recruiting radar" statement playing out well on the message boards.

I don't see the "He would like to have a team comprised of Eric Decker type players that are under the recruiting radar" statement playing out well on the message boards.

I think that he's the ONLY person that could get away with a statement like this on the message boards... He's made a career off of coaching up under the radar players.

I think that he's the ONLY person that could get away with a statement like this on the message boards... He's made a career off of coaching up under the radar players.

Probably because he has been coaching at under the radar schools until now.

The approach may work for him at Minnesota, but even so there will always be a portion of Gold Country that would say "Imagine how good we would be if he would have gone after better players"

Today's visit on Sports Huddle was shorter than usual.
I think we should get used to that.


I like the idea of "celebrities" coaching the Spring Game. I can't wait to see Fancy Ray calling plays for the Maroon and Marjorie Johnson leading the Gold team.

I don't see the "He would like to have a team comprised of Eric Decker type players that are under the recruiting radar" statement playing out well on the message boards.

Love how a summary of a conversation gets turned into something it isn't.

If you were listening to the show this is how that conversation played out:

Sid: We've got a lot of talent in the state in this 2012 class, 3 guys in ESPN's 150.

JK: We have some nice talent in the state. We also have a lot of talent in the state that goes unnoticed to the general public (referring to guys that are not hyped on the recruiting websites). There is a lot of talent in the state that the public doesn't hear as much about. Then he goes on to say Decker stopped in his office the other week. Had a nice talk with him and Decker told him he was an under the radar in state guy, last guy taken in class. Kill then states "heck, I'd take a team full of Eric Deckers".

Just wanted to throw that out there before this thread became a "Kill said he only wants to recruit under the radar players, we're doomed" type thread.

Love how a summary of a conversation gets turned into something it isn't.

If you were listening to the show this is how that conversation played out:

Sid: We've got a lot of talent in the state in this 2012 class, 3 guys in ESPN's 150.

JK: We have some nice talent in the state. We also have a lot of talent in the state that goes unnoticed to the general public (referring to guys that are not hyped on the recruiting websites). There is a lot of talent in the state that the public doesn't hear as much about. Then he goes on to say Decker stopped in his office the other week. Had a nice talk with him and Decker told him he was an under the radar in state guy, last guy taken in class. Kill then states "heck, I'd take a team full of Eric Deckers".

Just wanted to throw that out there before this thread became a "Kill said he only wants to recruit under the radar players, we're doomed" type thread.

Well said.

Probably because he has been coaching at under the radar schools until now.

The approach may work for him at Minnesota, but even so there will always be a portion of Gold Country that would say "Imagine how good we would be if he would have gone after better players"

Love how a summary of a conversation gets turned into something it isn't.

If you were listening to the show this is how that conversation played out:

Sid: We've got a lot of talent in the state in this 2012 class, 3 guys in ESPN's 150.

JK: We have some nice talent in the state. We also have a lot of talent in the state that goes unnoticed to the general public (referring to guys that are not hyped on the recruiting websites). There is a lot of talent in the state that the public doesn't hear as much about. Then he goes on to say Decker stopped in his office the other week. Had a nice talk with him and Decker told him he was an under the radar in state guy, last guy taken in class. Kill then states "heck, I'd take a team full of Eric Deckers".

Just wanted to throw that out there before this thread became a "Kill said he only wants to recruit under the radar players, we're doomed" type thread.

OMG, thank you so much for keeping us grounded. LOL! Seriously, nice job. IMO, coach Kill will go after the top players but that takes time at a school rebuilding.

Who's the 3rd MN kid on the ESPN 150 watch list? MacDonald, Pirsig and ???

I think I read somewhere else that Rallis was also on the list, but I just checked the list and he is not on there. McDonald and Pirsig are the only 2 from MN.

Today's comments:

5) Junior Day(s): They've had one big one-day event and several players have visited at other times. Building relationships . . . visitors are shown facilities and meet with their position coaches. Hopes to get many of the players on campus during spring drills and then get many of the recruits to return for their summer camps.

6) Talked about players under the recruiting radar (diamonds in the rough). He would like to have a team comprised of Eric Decker type players that are under the recruiting radar.


As I understand it one of my cousin's sons was invited to and attended one of these events. Understandably they were all very excited about it. I have seen the son's junior year highlight films and think that he is good, but not nearly Big 10 good. But then as Kill said, its about building relationships, plus I have no credentials to evaluate high school football talent. I have no credentials to evaluate high school football talent.

denguegopher...You are the only honest one on the GopherHole comment boards.

Today's comments:

1) "Recruiting is going pretty well. Reception has been good to this point."

2) Coaches: 4-5 have returned from TCU where they met with their counterparts at the Texas school. They were in Fort Worth for the TCU spring game. Two coaches spent days at Mississippi State University with head coach Dan Mullen.

3) Spring game: "I'd like to have a spring game down the road (2-3 years) with celebrities coaching the teams.
" This year's spring event will be a controlled scrimmage because of the low numbers and shortages at certain positions.

4) Coach Kills prefers Saturday afternoon games; however, TV dictates the start of games. He also said a lot of fans like nighttime games.

5) Junior Day(s): They've had one big one-day event and several players have visited at other times. Building relationships . . . visitors are shown facilities and meet with their position coaches. Hopes to get many of the players on campus during spring drills and then get many of the recruits to return for their summer camps.

6) Talked about players under the recruiting radar (diamonds in the rough). He would like to have a team comprised of Eric Decker type players that are under the recruiting radar.

7) Recruiting 2011 Class: Still has two tenders left to give. Will wait until after spring drills and determine needs. If he can find a JC player maybe an offer will be made, if not, they'll carry the scholarships over to the 2012 class.

8) Talked briefly about JC ball. He's most familiar with Kansas JC teams . . . mentioned the good ball played at Butler JC, Kansas. Also mentioned Texas, Mississippi, California, and also mentioned JC ball in Iowa and Minnesota. Have to be careful about JC recruiting . . . "Need to know where they're (JC player) coming from." (Trustworthiness and built relationships extremely important.)

Today's visit on Sports Huddle was shorter than usual.

Go Gophers!!

Sounds like a bit of a gimmick?

Who's the 3rd MN kid on the ESPN 150 watch list? MacDonald, Pirsig and ???

Sid was wrong. Pirsig and McDonald are on the initial Rivals 250 list, but it will get updated once more. Pirsig, McDonald and Rallis are on ESPN's 150 Watch List, which has something like 300 players on it and will get cut down to 150 at some point.

Love how a summary of a conversation gets turned into something it isn't.

If you were listening to the show this is how that conversation played out:

Sid: We've got a lot of talent in the state in this 2012 class, 3 guys in ESPN's 150.

JK: We have some nice talent in the state. We also have a lot of talent in the state that goes unnoticed to the general public (referring to guys that are not hyped on the recruiting websites). There is a lot of talent in the state that the public doesn't hear as much about. Then he goes on to say Decker stopped in his office the other week. Had a nice talk with him and Decker told him he was an under the radar in state guy, last guy taken in class. Kill then states "heck, I'd take a team full of Eric Deckers".

Just wanted to throw that out there before this thread became a "Kill said he only wants to recruit under the radar players, we're doomed" type thread.

Proper context definitely helps. Thanks for providing it!

I think that he's the ONLY person that could get away with a statement like this on the message boards... He's made a career off of coaching up under the radar players.

I would think he is referring also referring to the heart he played with.

Sounds like a bit of a gimmick?

Not only does Coach Kill have to get this team better on the field, but he is to a point charged with mending all burnt bridges from the last 15 years. Might be a gimmick, but this program needs the disconnect fixed.

By celebrity I think he means former Gophers. I hope at least. Maybe Reusse vs Barreiro :)

Sid was wrong. Pirsig and McDonald are on the initial Rivals 250 list, but it will get updated once more. Pirsig, McDonald and Rallis are on ESPN's 150 Watch List, which has something like 300 players on it and will get cut down to 150 at some point.

no way....... not Sid

Perhaps the piece of Rose Bowl turf can coach one team.

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