Sports Huddle: Jerry Kill, 12/18/11


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Nov 20, 2008
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An abbreviated segment: Kill didn't join Sid and Dave until 9:45 a.m. and was on for only five minutes. He hooked up with the show between visits with recruits and their parents.

Summary of Coach Kill's comments and responses to Sid and Dave's questions on this morning's Sports Huddle:

1) Recruiting: "Staff feels good where we're at." Because of rule changes Kill said schools can come back to kids . . . he didn't elaborate exactly what the rule change is. "Nothing final until signing date."

2) Sid asked about team scholastics: Finals week is underway, they'll know more in a week or two; however, coach Kill sounded very upbeat about the teams progress in the classroom. He went on to cite and commend the academic support team for turning around the scholastic problems . . . "We're having a very good semester and eliminated some isssues." Kill then said a few players haven't gotten with the program. (He didn't name individuals that are not performing well in the classroom.)

3) Recruit signings this year: "We've got to find thirty-five (35) kids that want to come to Minnesota." He went onto say they will hand out 25 or 26 scholarships. So they'll sign 9 or 10 selected walkons.

4) Stoudermire: Coach Kill is cautiously optimistic that he'll get another year. As to a timetable when they'll hear whether or not he gets another year, Kill said he didn't know, it's in the hands of the NCAA. Kill then said Stoudermire is doing okay (better (?)) in the classroom, but he didn't elaborate.

5) Recruits being on campus in January (a la Marcus Jones): Kill said 3 and possibly 4 freshmen recruits will be in school this January. He then said there could a total of 7 and possibly 8 recruits from the upcoming signing class in school next month (3 or 4 jucos).

6) The balmy weather that Minnesota has enjoyed for the visiting recruits: "It's been good . . . we have a lot to sell here . . . just wish we could sign 35 players (scholarships)."

There will be no Sports Huddle next Sunday because of Christmas Day and WCCO will be playing Christmas music.

Go Gophers!!

Thanks DL. I really need to buy you a beer or two before a game sometime for doing this great service... Happy Holidays!
Go Gophers!

Thanks for another outstanding post. As I have said before your summaries are better than the original broadcasts. Anybody who can translate Sid into English is a "real genius".

I almost forgot - Happy Holidays and enjoy your day off on the 25th.

Killjoy said:
Thanks for another outstanding post. As I have said before your summaries are better than the original broadcasts. Anybody who can translate Sid into English is a "real genius". called

Thank you for your kind words. It's my pleasure to bring you the summaries.

Go Gophers!!

Thanks for another outstanding post. As I have said before your summaries are better than the original broadcasts. Anybody who can translate Sid into English is a "real genius".

I almost forgot - Happy Holidays and enjoy your day off on the 25th.

What do you mean a day off.

With all the money we're paying him, he should never get a day off.

4) Stoudermire: Coach Kill is cautiously optimistic that he'll get another year. As to a timetable when they'll hear whether or not he gets another year, Kill said he didn't know, it's in the hands of the NCAA. Kill then said Stoudermire is doing okay (better (?)) in the classroom, but he didn't elaborate.

Go Gophers!!

This is one thing Coach Kill and even Coach Brewster was aware of and worked on. I think back to two players under Mason that recieved no help no filing, no nothing. Ryan Roth and Jimmy Wyrick.

This is one thing Coach Kill and even Coach Brewster was aware of and worked on. I think back to two players under Mason that recieved no help no filing, no nothing. Ryan Roth and Jimmy Wyrick.
It's ok, but it could still be better. When I was at the U (Brewster era) I would usually receive one, maybe two, e-mails per athlete per semester. I now teach at a UW system school (D3) and receive a lot more requests (which get annoying since it's D3). Maybe Kill has placed more emphasis than Brewster, but part of the overall lack of attention may be that the coaches are too busy at the D1 level. Hard to say, I have no other D1 experience to compare to Minnesota.

An abbreviated segment: Kill didn't join Sid and Dave until 9:45 a.m. and was on for only five minutes. He hooked up with the show between visits with recruits and their parents.

Summary of Coach Kill's comments and responses to Sid and Dave's questions on this morning's Sports Huddle:
1) Recruiting: "Staff feels good where we're at." Because of rule changes Kill said schools can come back to kids . . . he didn't elaborate exactly what the rule change is. "Nothing final until signing date."

2) Sid asked about team scholastics: Finals week is underway, they'll know more in a week or two; however, coach Kill sounded very upbeat about the teams progress in the classroom. He went on to cite and commend the academic support team for turning around the scholastic problems . . . "We're having a very good semester and eliminated some isssues." Kill then said a few players haven't gotten with the program. (He didn't name individuals that are not performing well in the classroom.)

3) Recruit signings this year: "We've got to find thirty-five (35) kids that want to come to Minnesota." He went onto say they will hand out 25 or 26 scholarships. So they'll sign 9 or 10 selected walkons.

4) Stoudermire: Coach Kill is cautiously optimistic that he'll get another year. As to a timetable when they'll hear whether or not he gets another year, Kill said he didn't know, it's in the hands of the NCAA. Kill then said Stoudermire is doing okay (better (?)) in the classroom, but he didn't elaborate.

5) Recruits being on campus in January (a la Marcus Jones): Kill said 3 and possibly 4 freshmen recruits will be in school this January. He then said there could a total of 7 and possibly 8 recruits from the upcoming signing class in school next month (3 or 4 jucos).

6) The balmy weather that Minnesota has enjoyed for the visiting recruits: "It's been good . . . we have a lot to sell here . . . just wish we could sign 35 players (scholarships)."

There will be no Sports Huddle next Sunday because of Christmas Day and WCCO will be playing Christmas music.

Go Gophers!!

Great notes as usual DL, but I did take one thing differently than you did. Your first point about rules changes allowing coaches to come back to kids, my interpretation he was actually referring to HC changes, so that for example Fedora taking over at UNC could mean our recruits in that area will be recruited all over again by UNC, so we will have to defend them again from schools we had either out-recruited before or who had just not pursued the same kids.


Thanks for posting what you took from item 1 (Kills response). You're probably correct. I wasn't exactly clear on what he was saying, especially without further elaboration on his part.

Coach Kill did say, once again, signing day is a long way off and changes or commitments in many cases are fluid (my phrasing), hence Kill's quote: "Nothing final until signing date."

Go Gophers!!


Thanks for another outstanding post. As I have said before your summaries are better than the original broadcasts. Anybody who can translate Sid into English is a "real genius".

I almost forgot - Happy Holidays and enjoy your day off on the 25th.

Thanks for providing Coach Kill's Summary to us "Gutless" "Bunch of Jerks!"

Thanks for providing Coach Kill's Summary to us "Gutless" "Bunch of Jerks!"

Maybe that is why we all like DL65's reports! He never calls us "Gutless" or "Bunch of Jerks!" Now if I could only get wren stop calling us a bunch of Brewster apologists it would be a very nice Christmas.

Maybe that is why we all like DL65's reports! He never calls us "Gutless" or "Bunch of Jerks!" Now if I could only get wren stop calling us a bunch of Brewster apologists it would be a very nice Christmas.
At this point I am confused. Brewster got fired while making Mason and Wren look prophetic. What is the beef at this point?

Thanks DL. I'm usually singing off-key in the church choir when SportsHuddle is on. It would probably be better if Sid and I changed places.

Anyway, always read your synopses and enjoy them very much.

Thanks DL. I'm usually singing off-key in the church choir when SportsHuddle is on. It would probably be better if Sid and I changed places.

Anyway, always read your synopses and enjoy them very much.

Sid's Jewish. ;)

At this point I am confused. Brewster got fired while making Mason and Wren look prophetic. What is the beef at this point?

Killjoy is infatuated with wren as much as wren is with Mason.

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