Speculation on the number of recruits


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Jan 10, 2011
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I have posted here several times my concern that people's assumptions on the number of available scholarships, transfers, and academic causalities weren’t based on any substantive Information.

As usual the following comment by MV is the only thing I have seen that has some basis to it:

“As a note, I use the roster presented in the Game Notes available in the weekly football release which is different than the roster listed on the website (weekly release is the most updated). Second, I have to use bits and pieces of information related to scholarships for walk-on players (like Kyle Henderson) since that type of information is considering confidential student information -- basically, if the coach or player comes out and says they were rewarded with a scholarship. Scholarships are on a 1-year basis that are renewed each season based upon the agreement signed between the institution and the player: for most "scholarship" athletes as we refer to them, their scholarships are renewed without the public even knowing about (folks often assume incorrectly that scholarships are four years). For walk-ons awarded scholarships, the agreement may be different. It may be only for one season or it may be for the remaining years of eligibility.”

“Yes, we have 64 scholarships total that I've aware of, so a committment class of 23 puts us 3 over the limit of 85. However, Kill has stated consistently that they would sign 25 or 26 players and there are more than a few rumblings that a number of players won't be back in 2012. So, I won't sweat the details -- things will work out before then. Same thing with the walk-ons and the 120 limit. There will be some changes.”

“Kill isn't going to oversign. First, you can't oversign in the Big Ten without petitioning the league office, and even then you have to explain the rationale for the oversigning and the limit is 3. Second, with only 12 scholarships on the books for the 2013 class, oversigning by even 3 this season may potentially take away from scholarships given out in that class -- better to bank some extra scholarships if they're available and use them to start balancing out the classes, something Kill has also mentioned a number of times.”

MV also stated attrition may mostly be from the 2014(this year's RSfreshmen, Brew's last class).
It's not fair to name names, but take a look and you can see where players in positions of need this season saw little PT.

I agree that walk on schollies could be in play somehow here, including getting kids on campus for a semester on their own as a walk on or grayshirt and getting them a schollie later on but all having been predetermined.

Kill does really seem to be trying to get as many bodies injected into the program as possible right now, I think he really has struggled to coach in his style(upbeat tempo, rotating personnel alot) with the depth issues we have had. Look no further than last spring when we had a ton of injuries and WR depth was down to maybe #7-9 starting.(for example)

MV also stated attrition may mostly be from the 2014(this year's RSfreshmen, Brew's last class).
It's not fair to name names, but take a look and you can see where players in positions of need this season saw little PT.

I agree that walk on schollies could be in play somehow here, including getting kids on campus for a semester on their own as a walk on or grayshirt and getting them a schollie later on but all having been predetermined.

Kill does really seem to be trying to get as many bodies injected into the program as possible right now, I think he really has struggled to coach in his style(upbeat tempo, rotating personnel alot) with the depth issues we have had. Look no further than last spring when we had a ton of injuries and WR depth was down to maybe #7-9 starting.(for example)

Ditto. I furher think if you look at those who have already left, it may give a clue as to who might be next, given how playing time was distributed.

I have posted here several times my concern that people's assumptions on the number of available scholarships, transfers, and academic causalities weren’t based on any substantive Information.

Scholarships are on a 1-year basis that are renewed each season based upon the agreement signed between the institution and the player: for most "scholarship" athletes as we refer to them, their scholarships are renewed without the public even knowing about (folks often assume incorrectly that scholarships are four years).

Yes, scholarships are done on a year to year basis. If someone started non-renewing scholarships it would quickly and effectively be used by other schools, "Don;t go to school X, they might yank your scholie if they don;t like how you play."

Yes, scholarships are done on a year to year basis. If someone started non-renewing scholarships it would quickly and effectively be used by other schools, "Don;t go to school X, they might yank your scholie if they don;t like how you play."
Coach Kill has said when you make a mistake on a scholarship you live with it for four years. So I don't think that pulling scholarships is in the cards. There are more subtle ways such as finding kids opportunities at lower division schools.

MV also stated attrition may mostly be from the 2014(this year's RSfreshmen, Brew's last class).
It's not fair to name names, but take a look and you can see where players in positions of need this season saw little PT.

I agree that walk on schollies could be in play somehow here, including getting kids on campus for a semester on their own as a walk on or grayshirt and getting them a schollie later on but all having been predetermined.

Kill does really seem to be trying to get as many bodies injected into the program as possible right now, I think he really has struggled to coach in his style(upbeat tempo, rotating personnel alot) with the depth issues we have had. Look no further than last spring when we had a ton of injuries and WR depth was down to maybe #7-9 starting.(for example)

Correct me if i'm wrong Ole, but doesn't grayshirt work like this...
The kid doesn't even enroll into school until December (so his eligibility clock doesn't start to run), then hypothetically, the kid would have 1.5 years of RS. He could go to spring ball that year and work out with the team, and redshirt the following the season. I thought with grayshirting the idea was to NOT get them on campus right away (August), instead wait until December where they will technically be in the following year's class. I think grayshirt kids are always planning on being scholarship kids. Like, I don't think they pay for their own school for a semester. I think it just is a way to manipulate the eligibility clock. I could certainly be wrong.

Yeah, I agree with MV, there are a certain number of kids that just sort of disappeared on the roster last year and a big chunk of them are from that '14 class. I hope that class isn't completely drained because having empty upperclasses in a couple years really does hurt you. I suppose that is the push for so many JuCos though, to balance out that class after attrition. It'll be interesting....

At least two of are JUCO commits have 3 years of eligability. It very well may be that they are class balancing for projected lossed. As far as attrition Edsall at Maryland already has six players he's released since the end of the season.

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