Souhan: Revolving door at offensive coordinator keeps U spinning

Save yourself the trouble of reading it. Here are the last two sentences:

"There's a lot of talented young players in this program right now. It's a much different looking team than the one we inherited" [said Brewster].

Horton will have to do exceptional work this season to make that sentence sound like something other than a punch-line.

There are more talented players and this is a different looking team than the one Brew inherited. Which, of course, can be entirely independent of the team's performance. Horton may have a lot of work to actualize the potential of that talent; but the actual level of talent and the difference of it relative to the 2006 team is indisputable, imo. It's statements like these that make me wonder why Souhan even bothers.

I'm not very optimistic about this season, due to the schedule and youth. But I am hoping to derive a lot of enjoyment from pre-game bourbon and watching the emergence of some of the young talent.

Thanks MBA, I prefer not to give the guy clicks.

Check your facts, Jimmy!

Fisch left the Gophers to become the receivers coach for the Seattle Seahawks. Brewster replaced him with Jeff Horton.

Fisch, in fact, is the quarterbacks coach for the Seahawks.

Small detail, but it doesn't bode well for Jimmy's credibility.

I refuse to support his garbage by clicking that link

Fisch, in fact, is the quarterbacks coach for the Seahawks.

Small detail, but it doesn't bode well for Jimmy's credibility.

Well, they fixed it. But it doesn't change his cred. ... A$$.

Small detail, but it doesn't bode well for Jimmy's credibility.

A 13-year old boy with a Justin Bieber shirt and bangs walking down the street in Cabrini Green has more street cred than Jimmy. I think the Star Trib keeps him around because they are rudderless and don't know how to fire ineffective writers.

He's terrible, not even a good writer. At least Ruesse can write.

I also boycott his links. Dissapointed every single time I've ever read one of his crap columns.

The man sets the bar pathetically low and then trips over it. He's so blatant it doesn't even get a rise out of me.

Souhan and Sansevere are in a dead heat for worst sportswriters in the Twin Cites during the last 40 years. I have read every one of them during that period of time.

Thanks MBA, I prefer not to give the guy clicks.

Ditto on that.

But its good to know Dim Jim is still able to Google a few facts about our team and slap together a diss. I'm surprised he didn't call Horton 'Moustachy McWusscoach'.

I'll give him a click and call him an @ss in the comment section. I know that is what he wants, but until people do that and put his feet to the fire, he'll just keep it up.

If the team is going to play like "we're not going to take it anymore" posters on his article should do the same.

I'll give him a click and call him an @ss in the comment section. I know that is what he wants, but until people do that and put his feet to the fire, he'll just keep it up.

If the team is going to play like "we're not going to take it anymore" posters on his article should do the same.

How about we don't give him a click and call him an @ss in an email?

Homers have good reason to dislike Souhan, but this column was dead on, IMHO. In hiring Fisch, Brewster kow-towed to his idol, Mike Shanahan, and gave one of his boys a job, even though he was manifestly unqualified for it.

By the way, I think what Souhan meant by his punch-line quip was that if Brewster is fired, the joke will be on a coach who, by his own words, had better talent to work with than his predecessor.

It's a fine line to toe...I hate to give him clicks too, but if we ignore him and don't leave a comment he'll just play the "see, nobody cares about Gopher football in this town" card.

It's a fine line to toe...I hate to give him clicks too, but if we ignore him and don't leave a comment he'll just play the "see, nobody cares about Gopher football in this town" card.


Then we should click on Phil Miler's story on Weber "Silencing the Critics" but look at the board, even here all the posts are on on the negative columns not the neutral or positive ones. The cliche that bad news sells is correct.

"We have met the enemy and he is us."

Homers have good reason to dislike Souhan, but this column was dead on, IMHO. In hiring Fisch, Brewster kow-towed to his idol, Mike Shanahan, and gave one of his boys a job, even though he was manifestly unqualified for it.

By the way, I think what Souhan meant by his punch-line quip was that if Brewster is fired, the joke will be on a coach who, by his own words, had better talent to work with than his predecessor.

I agree with the first paragraph. Fisch was a terrible hire. Doesn't mean he's not a good coach or wouldn't be fine somewhere else, but it wasn't what we needed at the time. And the offense was the problem last year. The primary problem with the program last year wasn't necessarily the record (a win over Illinois would've given us a 4-4 BT record); it was the perception that the team sucked because of the inept offense. I don't disagree with Souhan that the Fisch hire could ultimately cost Brewster his job.

But Souhan's last two sentences just were unnecessary and didn't fit with the rest of the column. He can't help himself from ripping the Gophers and trying -- unsuccessfully -- to be funny. Jim: you're not funny, regardless of which team you're talking about.

Homers have good reason to dislike Souhan, but this column was dead on, IMHO. In hiring Fisch, Brewster kow-towed to his idol, Mike Shanahan, and gave one of his boys a job, even though he was manifestly unqualified for it.

By the way, I think what Souhan meant by his punch-line quip was that if Brewster is fired, the joke will be on a coach who, by his own words, had better talent to work with than his predecessor.

I thought the article was dead on, although yes, I could have done without the punch line comment in his closing. No idea what he intended with that, it could be interepreted a number of different ways.

I was actually encouraged by the article in some ways, that he actually understands what has caused the program some troubles up to this point. That's actually a good sign to me.

I thought the article was dead on, although yes, I could have done without the punch line comment in his closing. No idea what he intended with that, it could be interepreted a number of different ways.
Agree 100%. The need to take cheap shots is unneccesary and typical, but if you look past that he is absolutely right about Brewster. If the offense fails this year again and the team struggles, his handling of the offensive coordinator situation will be why.


Then we should click on Phil Miler's story on Weber "Silencing the Critics" but look at the board, even here all the posts are on on the negative columns not the neutral or positive ones. The cliche that bad news sells is correct.

"We have met the enemy and he is us."

From Napoleon "Do not awake me when you have any good news to communicate; with that there is no hurry. But when you bring bad news, rouse me instantly, for then there is not a moment to be lost"

When people read a good article, they seldom take time to comment on how good it is, they simply read the article and go on their way. If I get a good hamburger, I'm not all that likely to take the time to let the cook know that it was good, but if it's bad, I'm pretty likely to comment on it.

There are things where doing a good job is expected and not very noteworthy, writing columns is one of them. Complaints don't indicate that it is selling better.

This is basically a rehash of his segment with Joe Anderson the other night on KSTP.

Hard to disagree with Souhan's assessment of the Fisch hire, but he seems to go out of his way at the end to put a thumb in Brewster's eye.

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