Souhan: 'Old timer' Pitino rides ebb, flow of Gophers basketball job


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Souhan:

“When you’re young, there is no manual for certain things, and the only way to get it is to experience it,” Pitino said. “So I do feel like after going into my fourth year I’m much more equipped to handle certain things.”

Pitino started to describe his job as “tough,” then stopped.

“I hate it when everybody says ‘It’s a tough job,’ ” Pitino said. “It’s a great job. We’re lucky. But it is up and down. One day everybody wants you fired, the next day everybody loves you. I guess the older I get — and it’s weird, because I feel old — the more I realize you can’t get too high or low. It sounds cliché, but it’s very important for your mental stability.”

The Gophers will play at Michigan State on Wednesday. They are ranked 24th in the country and tied for first in the Big Ten. That kind of high is good for career stability.

Go Gophers!!

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