Souhan: If we want a Big Ten AD, let's search, woo and pay

Odd as it may feel, I agree with Souhan. I don't get people's obsession with hiring someone connected to the U or Minnesota. Hire the best candidate possible. I think people want loyalty over competency.

I think people want loyalty over competency.

Yup. It's why so many in this fanbase are afraid of losing a good coach (i.e., will Kill leave for X school if he succeeds here?) without realizing that having a coach in demand is a good thing. It means he has been successful. By logical extension, those same people only want coaches who no one else wants. They then wonder why there hasn't been a good coach here (Holtz' 2-year run excluded) since Warmath.

I'll stick to this until the bitter end:

What I want and what we need is a qualified, competent University Athletic Director. What we don't need is unfounded, thoughtless provincialism.

somebody over at the capital might not like a person getting compensation that is competitive so just hire a temp for minimum wage.

At this point I trust Kaler very much. His handling of Maturi retiring was as it should be, a nod to accomplishments but an ice cold demeanor and calculating timing.
We can expect Kaler to absolutely choose someone "out of the box", and likely will not even seriously consider a "hometown name", unless that name is very much qualified.

The guy is a scientist, he's going to make decisions based on facts and data.

At this point I trust Kaler very much. His handling of Maturi retiring was as it should be, a nod to accomplishments but an ice cold demeanor and calculating timing.
We can expect Kaler to absolutely choose someone "out of the box", and likely will not even seriously consider a "hometown name", unless that name is very much qualified.

The guy is a scientist, he's going to make decisions based on facts and data.

I've got to disagree ole: at this point in time prexy k hasn't shown a whole heck of a lot of anything. He was dealing with a 67 y.o. ad who couldn't fill the football stadium or the Barn and apparently really didn't give a hoot what happened to the Football Program and the Men's Hoops Program. It was a NO BRAINER to not offer a new contract to a much less than successful by many measures athletic director who is already 67 years old. prexy k gets NO respect for that move other than the collective sigh of relief uttered by many Gopher Football and Basketball Fans.

prexy k has got to EARN praise. Let's see how things look in 3 or 4 years. How will he do heading over to the HILL with his hand out looking for $$$$$ for the U of M? How will the Football Program be looking? Will the stadium constantly be filled with GOPHER FANS? With U of M STUDENTS?

I'll be counting the number of Big Ten wins the Football and Basketball Programs manage to bring home in 2012...2013...2014 and 2015. A LARGE part of that will rest in the hands of which ever person prexy k brings in to be his "...out of the box..." ad that you alluded to. You know...the ad is the person who hires and fires coaches...motivates them...provides expectations for them...and ultimately is responsible for the job done by each and every one of the coaches he/she oversees. The ad also has to raise a LOT of money from the boosters and the local corporations. The ad needs to realize which side the bread is buttered on and how to KEEP the bread buttered at all times.

prexy k may be a scientist...but...many scientists who fail to get it right have their labs shut down and their test tubes and bunsen burners taken away. prexy k has got to SHOW me with results. He gets no benefit of the doubt or no free passes just for showing up at work. I hope he does a great job. I hope he has a great hire for the open ad position. But, he needs to produce results...not just "hope" for the best... Good luck and best wishes to prexy free passes... We fans get to rate the prexy "...based on facts and data..." too.

; 0 )

I've got to disagree ole: at this point in time prexy k hasn't shown a whole heck of a lot of anything. He was dealing with a 67 y.o. ad who couldn't fill the football stadium or the Barn and apparently really didn't give a hoot what happened to the Football Program and the Men's Hoops Program. It was a NO BRAINER to not offer a new contract to a much less than successful by many measures athletic director who is already 67 years old. prexy k gets NO respect for that move other than the collective sigh of relief uttered by many Gopher Football and Basketball Fans.

prexy k has got to EARN praise. Let's see how things look in 3 or 4 years. How will he do heading over to the HILL with his hand out looking for $$$$$ for the U of M? How will the Football Program be looking? Will the stadium constantly be filled with GOPHER FANS? With U of M STUDENTS?

I'll be counting the number of Big Ten wins the Football and Basketball Programs manage to bring home in 2012...2013...2014 and 2015. A LARGE part of that will rest in the hands of which ever person prexy k brings in to be his "...out of the box..." ad that you alluded to. You know...the ad is the person who hires and fires coaches...motivates them...provides expectations for them...and ultimately is responsible for the job done by each and every one of the coaches he/she oversees. The ad also has to raise a LOT of money from the boosters and the local corporations. The ad needs to realize which side the bread is buttered on and how to KEEP the bread buttered at all times.

prexy k may be a scientist...but...many scientists who fail to get it right have their labs shut down and their test tubes and bunsen burners taken away. prexy k has got to SHOW me with results. He gets no benefit of the doubt or no free passes just for showing up at work. I hope he does a great job. I hope he has a great hire for the open ad position. But, he needs to produce results...not just "hope" for the best... Good luck and best wishes to prexy free passes... We fans get to rate the prexy "...based on facts and data..." too.

; 0 )

So one of his first moves on campus is to get rid of the one man that has destroyed all happiness in your life and you can't even stop complaining for one month.

One word of advice since you are going to post the exact same thing on this board for the next 5-10 years....copy and paste.

P.S. Season ticket renewals are out next month so get your checkbook ready. Apparently Maturi hasn't kept you from filling seats in the stadium. Way to stand behind your convictions.

maximus: I have bought Gopher Football Season tickets for a very long time. I will buy them until the day I die. No incompetent athletic director such as macturi would ever keep me from buying Gopher Football Season Tickets. THAT is my conviction. I will tell it like I see it. IF the U of M hires an incompetent prexy or ad I will comment on that. I will stand up for what I believe. I will state what I believe.

So, convictions are alive and well...It's always a pleasure to stand behind my convictions so thanks for the opportunity to restate my position to clarify the confusion that you seem to have. I'll be more than happy to straighten out the confusion that you attempt to introduce re: me and my convictions. See ya 'round maximus confusicus...

; 0 )


Glad to see you that they let you out of detox again. This time try to lay off the sauce so we won't have to read any of your rambling posts for awhile.

Sorry wren, nothing about Killjoy's posts is rambling. Your posts on the other hand...[/QUOTE

On the other say so little so very's time for me to dis and to dismiss both you and killboy, bamzamthankyouman...I don't have the time, the inclination or the need to carry on in your pi$$ing contest. You two really are the whiz kids when it comes to that sort of stuff. It's all over...i'm through for the evening. I have no time for you two too little really are small stuff in the larger scheme of things...It's time for you two to get to bed...Your mom will be yelling down the stairs at you to turn out your lights in the basement pretty soon...

; 0 )

On the other say so little so very's time for me to dis and to dismiss both you and killboy, bamzamthankyouman...I don't have the time, the inclination or the need to carry on in your pi$$ing contest. You two really are the whiz kids when it comes to that sort of stuff. It's all over...i'm through for the evening. I have no time for you two too little really are small stuff in the larger scheme of things...It's time for you two to get to bed...Your mom will be yelling down the stairs at you to turn out your lights in the basement pretty soon...

; 0 )
Well, I do live in a basement, but it's not my fault that's where my college placed me. I'd rather be on the first floor.

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