Souhan column: Teague must sell hope, not snake oil


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Nov 11, 2008
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Teague must sell hope, not snake oil

Let's ignore for the moment that Norwood Teague left a school without a football program to help a school with only a rumor of one, and that his name is an anagram for "We (U) Are Not Good."

Let's ignore decades of mediocrity in football and basketball and presume that Teague has a chance to succeed as the University of Minnesota's new athletic director.

Even if you believe Minnesota should not be a graveyard for coaching careers and a punching bag for the rest of the Big Ten, Teague is going to need some help. Or at least some advice.

Here it is, Mr. T:

• Scrub pessimism from the office walls.

Fine anyone on your staff who whines, or even shrugs.

The U is an excellent school in the heart of one of the country's best metro areas. The U boasts a beautiful new football stadium and a basketball arena that, until Tubby Smith arrived, was considered an advantage, not an albatross.

If you can persuade excellent high school students to spend tens of thousands of dollars to attend the U, you can persuade elite high school athletes to accept a scholarship there. To change the mentality at the U, you're going to have to eradicate pessimism. That will not be easy.

• Hire an assistant to worry about nonrevenue sports.

Your job is not to attend cross-country meets or build a boat house. Your job is to create a financial tide that raises all ships.

Major-college athletics is big business, and it is the rare case of trickle-down economics actually working. If you win in football and basketball, the minor sports will be well-funded. If you lose in football and basketball, you will wind up cutting minor sports.

Plus, the minor sports don't need much help. You've got an excellent bunch of coaches, from baseball's John Anderson to wrestling's J Robinson to volleyball's Hugh McCutcheon. They'll be fine if you aren't sitting in the stands. You've got more important things to do, like raising money, and raising money.

• Take a hard look at Tubby Smith.

You face a tough decision. Smith has failed to elevate the basketball program, but he has an intriguing group of players returning next season.

Smith's Big Ten record is 38-52. While rumors persist that Smith will soon receive an extension, there's no reason to give a failing coach with two years remaining on his deal any more guaranteed money. Make him earn it, and if he doesn't, move on. You hired Shaka Smart. Don't be afraid to hire another promising young coach.

• Remove the excuses.

Build Smith a practice facility. Your expertise is fundraising, and this is your chance to show off.

Give Smith and football coach Jerry Kill whatever they ask for in terms of facilities and support. You need to remove any potential excuses. Building a practice facility would advertise to high school recruits and future coaching hires that the U is ready to operate in the big time.

• Excuse Eric Kaler from the table.

Kaler might be a good university president, but he's not an athletic director and shouldn't pretend to be one. His decision to extend Kill's contract when Kill had won one game at the U was silly. You, Mr. Teague, will be judged on the record of your revenue teams, so take charge of the decision-making process, and let Kaler be a fan.

• Be optimistic yet credible.

Minnesotans need to hear that they can build major-sports winners, but you've got to be careful about bluster. We've been burned by Lou Holtz and had our ears singed by Tim Brewster. Take a lesson from Kill: You can inspire optimism without selling snake oil.

Any Gophers fans who still care about the football and basketball programs have already proved their staying power. They can be patient, if you offer a hint of promise.

If you can support and lead winning football and basketball programs, you'll become a local hero.

It's about time the U had a hero.

Go Gophers!!

Outside of some retarded and snarky comments, his main points are very, VERY valid.

His first one especially. Of course, as Coach Kill said.. The image of the U always ALWAYS pairs with the media. Yes, Slim Jim-I'm-a-dooooche Souhan, that includes you.

He had some OK points but his main point is an absolute farce.

The difference between selling "snake oil" and selling "hope" is nothing but the eventual results. Our local media fell in love with the quip of calling Brew a snake oil salesman. He was called that because he was incredibly optimistic and then he eventually did not have the best results. That's perfectly fine, blast Brew for failing as a coach and if you want, blast him for being overly positive.

However, Souhan sounds insane to ask for Teague to "sell hope" while also warning him against "selling snake oil". What he is essentially saying is, win. Back up the optimism with actual results. That is what we all want. That is what Brew wanted. Brew sold optimism and eventually failed at living up to his optimistic goals, that does not make him a snake oil salesman. It made him a lousy football coach.

It's a dumb and impossible line to draw.

Jim seems to have it all figured out. Why didn't we hire him?

+1. Yes, Souhan, the guy whose coverage of U of M athletics consists of a perfury glance at the box scores the morning after and reading the beat writer's game story, is the know-all authority on what the new UMN AD should be doing.

Teague AD, Souhan Secretary of State AD?

Congrats Jim - that's a hilarious anagram you came up with. You probably made Reusse chortle with that one, at least until he started choking on that crueller bite he had just taken. Good times for you two, I'm sure.

I enjoy the fact that Souhan states that Teague needs to "eradicate pessimism", and agree with Dim Jim that it is not an easy task.

Since Baldy McNegativism is giving out free advice (despite his lack of qualifications), I have some for him. Help us achieve this goal by never writing about the Gopher or collegiate athletics ever again. Encourage your colleauge Mr. Reusse to do the same. This will definitely aid in our flagship university reaching the goals you have set for them.

I'm still waiting for the apology column to the guy he destroyed who voted FOR the Vikings stadium.

He had some OK points but his main point is an absolute farce.

The difference between selling "snake oil" and selling "hope" is nothing but the eventual results. Our local media fell in love with the quip of calling Brew a snake oil salesman. He was called that because he was incredibly optimistic and then he eventually did not have the best results. That's perfectly fine, blast Brew for failing as a coach and if you want, blast him for being overly positive.

However, Souhan sounds insane to ask for Teague to "sell hope" while also warning him against "selling snake oil". What he is essentially saying is, win. Back up the optimism with actual results. That is what we all want. That is what Brew wanted. Brew sold optimism and eventually failed at living up to his optimistic goals, that does not make him a snake oil salesman. It made him a lousy football coach.

It's a dumb and impossible line to draw.

+1 Or as the British would say, spot on.

You have to sell hope as AD or a coach at the U for football. We have a very rich history, but we are currently struggling.

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