Not Funny
Souhan Quote: "Kill, the new Gophers football coach, brought his version of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour to TCF Bank Stadium on Monday, even introducing his lovely wife to prove he's America's biggest matrimonial overachiever since Lyle Lovett married Julia Roberts."
I wonder how long it took for Souhan or one of his office maroons to come up with the words for this paragraph? The new Gopher Football head coach is introduced at a press conference and is nice enough to introduce his wife to the media, and you punish him (Kill) in print for having an attractive wife? Man, this is real Twin Cities sports journalism at it's finest!
Somebody at the StarTrib reminded Souhan he was supposed to "write" to earn his paycheck today and thus he came up with more of his usual depressive drivel. I think more than anything he hurts the StarTrib Sports Section rather than enhances it. He should at least stick to covering major league baseball since it's obvious he knows nothing about college sports. Either that or he finally gives up surfing the triple X (porn) websites and stays out of the mens' bathroom during the workday.