Souhan: After a sleepless night and birth of twins, Gray fails to score for them

Souhan did a hatchet job on him.Failed to mention all the dropped passes or the lack of time to throw.Basically made fun of Gray.What a clueless little weasel.

Generally speaking, I don't make a habit of criticizing the local writers/columnists. For Jim Souhan, I will make an exception. He's an out-and-out a*s. There should be a brand of toilet paper named after him. Pretty much a cheapshot column directed at MarQ.

Jim Souhan hasn't written a column since he started writing columns for the Strib that wasn't a hack piece against someone. Time for him to get back to a reporting beat and quit writing columns.

To place the performance on Saturday on one player is overly simplistic and ridiculous.

I don't like Souhan, but this isn't that bad.

Agree, but on top of the garbage piece he wrote about Penn State and saying they shouldn't play the rest of the season. ... Souhan's a lightweight in the truest sense of the word.

You are right, pretty sarcastic article for a guy who just had kids, which is way more important than FB.

Also, I dont think he is faster than Wilson.

Although it wasn't that evident this weekend, I have been amazed at the progress Gray has made this year, compared to last. Is it coaching, having the opportunity, or some combination of both?

Give Souhan a break. He was probably glued to Xavier's opening game (he knows Xavier basketball like nobody else) and had to push out a quick column.

Although it wasn't that evident this weekend, I have been amazed at the progress Gray has made this year, compared to last. Is it coaching, having the opportunity, or some combination of both?

He didn't really play the position last year, so what progress would he have made?

So in other words, I'd say it's a combo, but mostly opportunity.

He didn't really play the position last year, so what progress would he have made?

So in other words, I'd say it's a combo, but mostly opportunity.

Yeah, I meant to say compared to earlier this year. The player I saw in the Iowa and MSU highlights looked nothing like the early season QB.

Just another hatchet job involving anything Gopher's Football. Souhan needs to spend a day at practice as a tackling dummy.

There are any number of journalism students who could replace him. What a racket.

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