Souhan advice to Kill: Combine the coaching ability of Mason and likability of Wacker

Oh ya, SooPig. Try mold Kill into your mold instead of keeping his own mold that has made him successful. What a bunch of BS.

Coaching ability of Mason?


The guy made it to 3rd tier bowl games by beating a bunch of wimpy directional schools. Mason would have soiled his pants if he would have faced Gutey's NC schedule. Mason was always a mediocre coach at best. His record was like a yo-yo; up and down but mostly down against opponents that mattered.

Coach Kill has actually demontrated the ability to build successful programs. Mason did none of that.

Get a grip Souhan!

I think he was coming from a comparison standpoint. We are always judged against those who come before us...I think Souhan's point is well-taken. Mason was doing some things right. You can't argue with the performance of that running game when things were going well. That was coaching. Compared to Brewster, Mason's strength was coaching his limited talent into strong performances in certain areas.

Oh well, put back in its context, I found myself agreeing wholeheartedly with Souhan's musings; it has been a uber-depressing year to be a Minnesota sports fan. If the law of averages prevails, however, we should be smiling again soon and raising our arms in victory cheering on SOMEONE with Minnesota on the jersey!!

Go Gophers!! and all the rest of our hopefully temporarily moribund teams!

supadupafly advice to kill: don't take any advice from that putz j-bag jim souhan.

and there you go. problem solved. :)

How about bringing Mason's offensive coaching ability too all phases of the game and combining it with Wacker's likability. Mason only coached one phase of the game well.

How about bringing Mason's offensive coaching ability too all phases of the game and combining it with Wacker's likability. Mason only coached one phase of the game well.

To be fair, Mason's 1999 team had a killer D, and it was the strength of the team.

But I'm no Mason apologist. We moved on from him for a reason, and a good reason at that. Giving Kill the advice to have Mason's coaching ability is absolutely ludicrous. Mason's in ability to make adjustments and coach in the 2nd half of games was terrible.

And if Souhan is giving 'advice' to Gopher coaches now, be suspicious. It is probably only so he can write a column 2 years later titled "Kill Too Much Like Mason, Wacker - Time For a Change".

Seriously, just when you think this guy can't get any worse...

The '99 D was full of Wacker players.
The vast majority of Mason defenses were awful. Mason usually had a good running game. That's it. He was also an awful gameday coach.

My opinion of Mason was that he often got bowl-eligible by scheduling nothing but cupcakes in the non-conference to go along with a running game that every so often could control the clock against average BT teams.

Advice to Souhan: Stop writing and leave the state.

How about the Twins? I guess they're off limits for Souhan.

Coach Kill will combine the coaching ability of Jerry Kill with the likability of Jerry Kill. If it wasn't for the cupcake non-conference schedules, people wouldn't have talked about the great coaching skills of Mason. He wasn't a terrible coach, but two winning Big Ten seasons in ten years isn't something to crow about.

Coach Kill will combine the coaching ability of Jerry Kill with the likability of Jerry Kill. If it wasn't for the cupcake non-conference schedules, people wouldn't have talked about the great coaching skills of Mason. He wasn't a terrible coach, but two winning Big Ten seasons in ten years isn't something to crow about.

Seriously though, I want Kill to keep doing what he's done for his 17 years of coaching: Win a lot of football games. Forget what previous Gopher coaches have done, they didn't come in with the same amount of history of winning Kill has, even though, admittedly, not at the BCS level, and that is the risk with Kill. But that doesn't change the fact that if he keeps doing what he's done, we're gonna be awfully thrilled with the end result, and based on history, it won't be that long before we see it.

Coach Kill had better win a LOT of Big Ten Football Games...

or YOU people are going to be changing your tunes, doing an about face from your current love affair with him when his record is 0-0 at the University of Minnesota. What are you going to be saying if year number one doesn't go so well? Some of you are so full of "soil" and I watched as one by one you FINALLY realized what a disaster the entire failed brewball experiment was.

Coach Kill at least has the sense to be low-keyed and is down-playing expectations for a very good reason. He KNOWS what you people will be like three year from now IF he can't win as many Big Ten games as Mason...or Gutty...or Stoll. You will be going out of your way and "soiling yourselves" to dis Coach Kill just the same way you seem to want to dis Coach Mason or any of the other failed coaches at the U of M.

A note to Coach Kill: These people will try to hype you to death in year number one...BUT...if you don't win enough Big Ten Football Games, they will be "...soiling themselves..." trying to talk about how you let them down.

or YOU people are going to be changing your tunes, doing an about face from your current love affair with him when his record is 0-0 at the University of Minnesota. What are you going to be saying if year number one doesn't go so well? Some of you are so full of "soil" and I watched as one by one you FINALLY realized what a disaster the entire failed brewball experiment was.

Coach Kill at least has the sense to be low-keyed and is down-playing expectations for a very good reason. He KNOWS what you people will be like three year from now IF he can't win as many Big Ten games as Mason...or Gutty...or Stoll. You will be going out of your way and "soiling yourselves" to dis Coach Kill just the same way you seem to want to dis Coach Mason or any of the other failed coaches at the U of M.

A note to Coach Kill: These people will try to hype you to death in year number one...BUT...if you don't win enough Big Ten Football Games, they will be "...soiling themselves..." trying to talk about how you let them down.


Pay me a seven-figure salary, and you can say whatever you want about me. And my grandmother.

Jim Souhan article from January 2007:

"U seems to have hired right kind of coach"

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