Something I have given up for 2010


Active member
Nov 21, 2008
Reaction score
When i first got the dvr I thought, great I can set it for Gopher games and watch them at leisure. So I did this last year. I gave up on posting when the score is posted, last year. And I continued to record the games. Only when the Basketball season started, did I realize the problem with Gopher Athletics. I am recording them. Everytime I sat down to watch be it football or basketball it was a loss. So I have given up watching the team on TV, recording it, and I will not listen to the game. If I attend, I cann't really blame myself.

So having said what I am not going to do. I will be back this year with my turbin and forecasts. Once I pronounce it, is it too much for the team to simply execute it?

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