Something I have been waiting to see for awhile


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Probably because I havent noticed it for so long but the defensive backs were often lining up nose to nose with the receivers instead of falling back ten yards and letting them make their moves. Sometimes the dbs were like a few feet from their noses. Now that shows confidence not only in their ability but the lines ability to put pressure on the quarterback. FINALLY. I just hated that old prevent crap they played for so many years.


That's something I want to key on when watching the replay.

We'll have to see if the trend can hold as the season progresses, along with the talent on the other side fo the ball.

Go Gophers! In Kill I Trust!

Doc how about the interception by Shebazz. 30 yards down field on a post corner route and he not only was there with the reciever, but turned found the ball in the air and intercepted the pass.

Good to see. I think this game warranted it though. If you play 5-10 yards off the receiver, they'll kill you all day on those 3 step drops and quick release.

Doc how about the interception by Shebazz. 30 yards down field on a post corner route and he not only was there with the reciever, but turned found the ball in the air and intercepted the pass.


What a novel idea to run with your man that you are supposed to cover! And then....gasp...look for the football.

We got a little out of sorts on the hurry up O...but hitting their QB and stopping the run solves this problem.

I do remember a play where Carter was off 10 yards at the snap but closed quickly to knock the pass down.


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