Solution for the "Standers"


Alumni Association Life Member
Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here's an idea for the segment of Gopher fans who insist on standing for the entire game. If you are standing on the first couple plays and someone asks you to sit down as you are blocking their view, instead of making a scene, getting to an argument, etc., why don't you do this:

Go to the concourse level and stand behind the last row. You can choose to stand anywhere in the stadium, whether it's in the end zone or on the 50-yard line. Heck, you can even move down the field as the offense gains yards. And you can stand the ENTIRE game and no one will bug you. You even have enough room to do a little dance when the Gophers score. You have a clear view of the concessions and bathroom lines and can hit them when there's no wait, instead of the "sitters" who have to guess when to come up to the councourse. And chances, are, you might be getting a better view of the field than where your SEATS are. I have met people at halftime during games and have walked over to their section early to avoid the crowds and watched a good 15 minutes of the game from this area. I can say it's a great place to watch.

Yes, it's not the view you paid for but if you're standing the entire game, then the person behind you isn't getting the view they paid for either. And this solution makes the standers happy because they can stand for four hours, and the sitters are happy because they can see the game. And we can all be happy by having a little common courtesy for our fellow Gopher fans.

This doesn't apply to the occassional stander (3rd downs, goalline stands, Rouser, etc.) but I don't think sitters have too many problems with these scenarios.

This couldn't have gone in one of the 12 other sitting/standing threads?

Not trying to take sides or single anyone out, but the amount of run this topic is getting boggles my mind.

Sitters bitch about 3rd down too.

Here's an idea for the segment of Gopher fans who insist on standing for the entire game. If you are standing on the first couple plays and someone asks you to sit down as you are blocking their view, instead of making a scene, getting to an argument, etc., why don't you do this:

Go to the concourse level and stand behind the last row. You can choose to stand anywhere in the stadium, whether it's in the end zone or on the 50-yard line. Heck, you can even move down the field as the offense gains yards. And you can stand the ENTIRE game and no one will bug you. You even have enough room to do a little dance when the Gophers score. You have a clear view of the concessions and bathroom lines and can hit them when there's no wait, instead of the "sitters" who have to guess when to come up to the councourse. And chances, are, you might be getting a better view of the field than where your SEATS are. I have met people at halftime during games and have walked over to their section early to avoid the crowds and watched a good 15 minutes of the game from this area. I can say it's a great place to watch.

Yes, it's not the view you paid for but if you're standing the entire game, then the person behind you isn't getting the view they paid for either. And this solution makes the standers happy because they can stand for four hours, and the sitters are happy because they can see the game. And we can all be happy by having a little common courtesy for our fellow Gopher fans.

This doesn't apply to the occassional stander (3rd downs, goalline stands, Rouser, etc.) but I don't think sitters have too many problems with these scenarios.

I have heard them complain during the kickoffs, let alone on third down and long.
I want to know where this sanctimonious, "You can only stand when I say it's alright" crap started. Your rights go exactly as far as mine do, to the tip of my and or your nose.
Do I need to stand for the whole game? No, and I don't. I stand for pretty much the times you described, and have been repeated told to sit down by some holier than thou, jackbag family behind me, as if to get to their feet for the odd play is some violation of the bill of rights.
This sense of entitlement, that I get to dictate your behavior has followed us from the Dome.

Funny, how "Common Courtsey" only applies to them, isn't it? Common Courtsey also applies to letting standers stand sometimes, or do you not understand the common part of that phrase?
When they show "Common Courtsey" to those around them then it really would be common

I have a few suggestions for the "If I don't like it, nobody can do it" crowd.

Too much sex and violence on T.V.? Turn the channel.
Too much sex and Violence in the Movies? Don't go to it.
Too much swearing in hit music? Don't listen, or find 1 of the 7 family music stations.
People standing on third down? Either get up off your butt, or stay home!

This is a great idea! Now if anyone asks why there are empty seats at TCF, we can say it is because of all the fans that stand and cheer are in the concoarse so all of the fans that like to sit can see the game.;)

Some people just don't get it. Fans don't stand to stand. Fans stand to create an atmosphere and to encourage a loud crowd.

The fact that this is even an issue and is being discussed is laughable. The person who chooses to stand has just as much a right to stand as the person who sits. There it is. There will never be a good solution to this problem so just deal with it. No where is it written on any ticket indicating one must always stay seated or standing. It wasn't in any agreement when i purchased my season tickets.

This couldn't have gone in one of the 12 other sitting/standing threads?

Not trying to take sides or single anyone out, but the amount of run this topic is getting boggles my mind.
We're gonna get it sorted out this time, RedPoo! Have faith! ;)

CP Gopher when you wrote this is the last time on sitting and sanding, and now this thread appeared, it makes me feel like Jerry Maguire:

What you do have is my whole word, and it's stronger than oak.

I feel like you gave me your word.:cry: Now I'm sad.

Man this topic gets some serious run. I am a tweener, but probably stand more than most. People around me are up and down the whole game, sometimes people in front of me stand up, then I stand up. Sometimes I stand up and the people behind me stand up. I have never said anything to anyone about "sitting down", no one has ever told me to "sit down".

Who are all these people worried up standing and sitting? I have never really seen it be much of an issue, but maybe because I am in the "cheap seats" it isn't as bad as the long time (read older) fans in prime seats not wanting to stand. Or maybe they sit there and steam the whole game then come on here to vent?

Why do the standers have to move out to the concourse? How about all 'sitters' move to the top sides of the student section.... There are usually plenty of seats up there. You can SIT the ENTIRE game and no one will bug you. You even have enough room to do a little dance when the Gophers score. You have a clear view of the concessions and bathroom lines and can hit them when there's no wait, instead of the "STANDERS" who have to guess when to come up to the councourse. And chances, are, you might be getting a better view of the field than where your SEATS are. I have met people at halftime during games and have walked over to their section early to avoid the crowds and watched a good 15 minutes of the game from this area. I can say it's a great place to watch.

Yes, it's not the view you paid for but if you're SITTING the entire game and then the person behind you is also SITTING you both are getting the view you paid for. And this solution makes the SITTERS happy because they can SIT for hours, and the STANDERS are happy because they can see the game, without being yelled at by the people behind them. And we can all be happy by having a little common courtesy for our fellow Gopher fans.

This is a great idea! Now if anyone asks why there are empty seats at TCF, we can say it is because of all the fans that stand and cheer are in the concoarse so all of the fans that like to sit can see the game.;)

I get the joke but their is also some truth in it. I watched some of the game from the Concourse on Saturday. Although I have very good seats, the view from the Concourse can't be beat because you can stand anywhere you want or follow the ball from end zone to end zone. I am guessing that there were several thousand people that were watching the Purdue game from the Concourse. When you include those people with the people using the restrooms and those going to the concession stands - that adds up to a lot of empty seats in the stadium.

Man this topic gets some serious run. I am a tweener, but probably stand more than most. People around me are up and down the whole game, sometimes people in front of me stand up, then I stand up. Sometimes I stand up and the people behind me stand up. I have never said anything to anyone about "sitting down", no one has ever told me to "sit down".

Who are all these people worried up standing and sitting? I have never really seen it be much of an issue, but maybe because I am in the "cheap seats" it isn't as bad as the long time (read older) fans in prime seats not wanting to stand. Or maybe they sit there and steam the whole game then come on here to vent?

Why do the standers have to move out to the concourse? How about all 'sitters' move to the top sides of the student section.... There are usually plenty of seats up there. You can SIT the ENTIRE game and no one will bug you. You even have enough room to do a little dance when the Gophers score. You have a clear view of the concessions and bathroom lines and can hit them when there's no wait, instead of the "STANDERS" who have to guess when to come up to the councourse. And chances, are, you might be getting a better view of the field than where your SEATS are. I have met people at halftime during games and have walked over to their section early to avoid the crowds and watched a good 15 minutes of the game from this area. I can say it's a great place to watch.

Yes, it's not the view you paid for but if you're SITTING the entire game and then the person behind you is also SITTING you both are getting the view you paid for. And this solution makes the SITTERS happy because they can SIT for hours, and the STANDERS are happy because they can see the game, without being yelled at by the people behind them. And we can all be happy by having a little common courtesy for our fellow Gopher fans.

How's that working for you? Being clever and all...

Just saying, if sitting is THAT important to you there are plenty of good seats up there where you can sit the whole game. Much better than not being able to see. Like you said, chances are you are getting a much better view than you were in your seats.

Again, I started the thread for the people who are going to stand up when the team takes the field and refuse to sit down until the scoreboard reads "final." The debate about when to stand and when to sit has been hashed in other areas.

All I'm saying is, if you want to stand for four consecutive hours, there's a place in the stadium where you can and it wouldn't interfere with another fan's game watching.


How about this? To create a better "atmosphere," I am going to make a big poster-size sign that says "Go Gophers!!" and I'm going to stand one row in front of you and hold it up for the ENTIRE game. Every single play, I'm going to hold it up and cheer my team on and I'm being a better fan than you by creating a better "atmosphere," so don't ask me to put it down. It doesn't matter if you can't see the field, because it's all about MY enjoyment of the game and the gameday experience I am having.

"How about this? To create a better "atmosphere," I am going to make a big poster-size sign that says "Go Gophers!!" and I'm going to stand one row in front of you and hold it up for the ENTIRE game. Every single play, I'm going to hold it up and cheer my team on and I'm being a better fan than you by creating a better "atmosphere," so don't ask me to put it down. It doesn't matter if you can't see the field, because it's all about MY enjoyment of the game and the gameday experience I am having."

X 2. Well put MNCH.

Well, good work with the discussion, I suppose. Maturi is going to be on KFAN @ 3:55 to give us all the answer, and hopefully put this 'issue' to bed.

True, I missed that part, I don't think you stand for the entire game just to do it and be annoying. I certainly don't. (Although I had to at the Packer Viking game on Monday, stood the entire game, I had to to see). There are people who yell at you for standing at any point during the game and NEVER want to stand. It is equally as annoying as the guy who never sits down. Somewhere in the middle seems to be the solution. I like the idea of a "standing" section for people that want to do that the entire game, maybe a family section or two as well.

Just saying, if sitting is THAT important to you there are plenty of good seats up there where you can sit the whole game. Much better than not being able to see. Like you said, chances are you are getting a much better view than you were in your seats.

I don't sit the entire game. And I'm not advocating that everyone in the stadium needs to sit the entire game. But be conscious of who is around you.

I have had families sit around me before with little kids and if the next generation of Gopher fans can't see the game, I will sit so they can enjoy it. And many of our fans, especially in the lower sections, are older. There are quite a few senior citizens around us in our section. They have a hard time just making it down the stairs and you can tell it took quite an effort for them to make it to the game. Why do I want to ruin the experience for them by not letting them see the game?


I can't stand these threads, they just don't sit well with me.

"How about this? To create a better "atmosphere," I am going to make a big poster-size sign that says "Go Gophers!!" and I'm going to stand one row in front of you and hold it up for the ENTIRE game. Every single play, I'm going to hold it up and cheer my team on and I'm being a better fan than you by creating a better "atmosphere," so don't ask me to put it down. It doesn't matter if you can't see the field, because it's all about MY enjoyment of the game and the gameday experience I am having."

X 2. Well put MNCH.

I think policy is that signs are not allowed to be brought inside, whereas there is no policy that says you cannot support your team by standing, so this doesn't seem to be a valid point to me.

I don't post a lot on here (sure hope that doesn't hurt my "credibility"), but I do read these threads a lot, and it has grown painful to see this subject come up over and over and over...... and over and over again.

So, I'm going to post my opinion on this once, and only once:

If I see behind me a small child or an elderly person who can't stand for very long, I will gladly sit until a significant down or play comes up. BUT, if they are all able-bodied and not under 5' tall... then I am not sitting for anyone but myself, and that's only going to be the few short times when either a) I'm tired, or b) the team or band is not on the field.

That, to me, I feel is fair.

I'm sorry to add to this moronic topic, but can I ask why this was never an issue in the Dome? I missed the biggest play of the Viking/Packer game the other night because some moron had to go out for his 28th beer at that exact moment. But at any rate, I don't understand this coming up now. Every other stadium I've been to, it's understood that you stand on 3rd downs and goal-line situations. It's not that hard.

I have heard them complain during the kickoffs, let alone on third down and long.
I want to know where this sanctimonious, "You can only stand when I say it's alright" crap started. Your rights go exactly as far as mine do, to the tip of my and or your nose.
Do I need to stand for the whole game? No, and I don't. I stand for pretty much the times you described, and have been repeated told to sit down by some holier than thou, jackbag family behind me, as if to get to their feet for the odd play is some violation of the bill of rights.
This sense of entitlement, that I get to dictate your behavior has followed us from the Dome.

Funny, how "Common Courtsey" only applies to them, isn't it? Common Courtsey also applies to letting standers stand sometimes, or do you not understand the common part of that phrase?
When they show "Common Courtsey" to those around them then it really would be common

I have a few suggestions for the "If I don't like it, nobody can do it" crowd.

Too much sex and violence on T.V.? Turn the channel.
Too much sex and Violence in the Movies? Don't go to it.
Too much swearing in hit music? Don't listen, or find 1 of the 7 family music stations.
People standing on third down? Either get up off your butt, or stay home!

So, just so we're clear:

Rushing the Field after a win? Totally classless

Standing for no readily apparent reason and blocking the view of some poor old guy or little kid behind you? Totally cool, and not at all classless

Yep, this makes perfect sense.

G-Hole, I'm begging you...please create a new Stadium Forum for all this incessant biotching and whining.

I'm dead sick of reading threads about the stadium.... let's focus on the team and stop filling our boards up with nonsensical threads about passive agressive minnesotan angst.

G-Hole, I'm begging you...please create a new Stadium Forum for all this incessant biotching and whining.

I'm dead sick of reading threads about the stadium.... let's focus on the team and stop filling our boards up with nonsensical threads about passive agressive minnesotan angst.


It's the fan's right to's their seat. If you don't like it, say something and I'm sure any reasonable person will oblige...especially if there's a kid involved.

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