Soccer in TCF Bank Stadium

i would love to see european teams play in america (particularly TCF) but it looks like th closest venue would be toyota field in chicago. there would have to be some considerable interest for any of these european teams to want to play in minnesota, and i don't think that interest exists.

i do think that TCF would be an ideal venue for soccer, though.

The sad thing is that some of these soccer teams would put more points on the board in a game than our offense did last season.

If the UMPD thinks they're tough at breaking up drunken revelers, lets fill TCF with a bunch of UK soccer yobs. You'll have to call out the National Guard.

If the UMPD thinks they're tough at breaking up drunken revelers, lets fill TCF with a bunch of UK soccer yobs. You'll have to call out the National Guard.

That sounds like a spring jam I really would enjoy. I really wish TCF would host some big soccer games but I won't be holding my breath.

The sad thing is that some of these soccer teams would put more points on the board in a game than our offense did last season.

If the UMPD thinks they're tough at breaking up drunken revelers, lets fill TCF with a bunch of UK soccer yobs. You'll have to call out the National Guard.

I really wish TCF doesn't host a soccer game, so it can keep its pride.

Even a simple, forthright post brings these kind of responses. Why are you here? Not one decent post between the two of you, ever.

Anyway, any exposure of The Bank, whether it be the most popular game in the world or whether it be the team that us REAL FANS support, deserves a shot on any stage.

I really wish TCF doesn't host a soccer game, so it can keep its pride.

It was designed with soccer in mind. The playing surface is large enough to support a soccer pitch and that was done on purpose with hosting soccer matches in the plans.


Gee, how do I become a "REAL FAN". Is there a password, or a secret handshake? I was there at the infamous 84-13 Nebraska game in 1983, not to mention the scUM game in 2003. And other various heartbreaking losses too numerous to mention over the past 3 decades. And I still have season tix. 4 of 'em. So STFU on questioning whether I'm a fan or not. I glanced at your profile before responding, and I see you've been supporting the team from before I could probably find Minnesota on a map (I was born in NYC), so kudos to you.

FTR, i agree that it would be cool to have a real football (as most of the world sees it) game at TCF. Its too bad Chicago lost out on their bid on their Olympic bid. It would have been a great time in 2016. One of my biggest regrets in sports spectatorship is that I didn't go see a world cup game in the Meadowlands in 1994 when I had the chance.



Soccer is an awful sport there is a reason Americans don't watch or play it... Also congrats on being a REAL FAN???

How would we lose our pride by having a soccer game at TCF? Most people would think this would be a good thing, even if you don't care for soccer?

And soccer IS pretty widely played in America. We have NCAA Men's and Women's soccer, it's a popular at the high school and youth level, if you walk into any park, there's a good chance you will be someone playing soccer.

And professional soccer is growing in popularity. I picked out a random MLS game, one between Houston and Chicago, the attendance was 11,312. Like it or not, soccer is growing in popularity. I'm not that interested in soccer myself, but your living in the past.

Soccer is an awful sport there is a reason Americans don't watch or play it... Also congrats on being a REAL FAN???

agree with betterdeadthanred, having soccer in an AMERICAN football stadium is akin to having a rap performance at an opera house. The rest of the world can enjoy soccer, let us keep our sacred spaces.

agree with betterdeadthanred, having soccer in an AMERICAN football stadium is akin to having a rap performance at an opera house. The rest of the world can enjoy soccer, let us keep our sacred spaces.

Sacred spaces? Its a building where grown men get dressed up and play a game.

Whats the difference if they get dressed up to play a different game?

I guess in your mind spending close to $300 million for 6-7 games a year is justified.

Why can't they have some other events?

Most FOOTBALL fields can't be used for soccer. Soccer requires a flat field. Most Football fields are crowned to promote drainage. Several years ago when the womens world cup was in the rose bowl they had to modify the field.

agree with betterdeadthanred, having soccer in an AMERICAN football stadium is akin to having a rap performance at an opera house. The rest of the world can enjoy soccer, let us keep our sacred spaces.

So soccer somehow "defiles" a football field? You do realize soccer has a long history in the US, the first college football game, the 1869 Princeton-Rutgers game was played under soccer rules. If someone wants to rent TCF when we aren't using it for football, that's fine with most Gopher fans.

World Class soccer on artificial turf?

I'm not a soccer guy but I couldn't imagine playing on artificial turf. The ball bounces more, the surface is quicker, and man those turf burns would suck.

Tosh is hilarious, but you do realize that he is a comedian and is being funny. do you agree with him about women?
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no one is saying that soccer is better than football, and saying that it in anyway defiles TCF is a stupid as TCF is home to intramural sports and band practice. i would say a bunch of kids playing ultimate frisbee in gym shorts is a little more defiling. in fact, the stadium i available for classes from 8 am to noon on weekdays.

without reading this thread at all...i would absolutely love seeing real madrid, Man U, or Chelsea come here, that be insane

Gee, how do I become a "REAL FAN". Is there a password, or a secret handshake? I was there at the infamous 84-13 Nebraska game in 1983, not to mention the scUM game in 2003. And other various heartbreaking losses too numerous to mention over the past 3 decades. And I still have season tix. 4 of 'em. So STFU on questioning whether I'm a fan or not. I glanced at your profile before responding, and I see you've been supporting the team from before I could probably find Minnesota on a map (I was born in NYC), so kudos to you.

FTR, i agree that it would be cool to have a real football (as most of the world sees it) game at TCF. Its too bad Chicago lost out on their bid on their Olympic bid. It would have been a great time in 2016. One of my biggest regrets in sports spectatorship is that I didn't go see a world cup game in the Meadowlands in 1994 when I had the chance.



Yes, there is a password, but you can't have it since you attended that Nebraska game and obviously cursed us into turning what should have been an inspired victory into a humiliating loss. Now, in the future I'd suggest you do what the rest of us real fans do: Do not admit to being at games like the ones you mentioned. In fact, never mentioning those games would be even better.

Here is the one the playybook in the the sport of soccer:

1. See that big giant net over there, kick this ball in it.

Wow. I've seen some shockingly uneducated posts on here before, but this one might be a winner.

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