So, what if.........


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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LOI day is getting closer but its still 4 weeks or so away.

I assume Coach Kill has a list of the players that have offers for the remaining spots and those he would like to get. Who knows how many offers are out there. Plus there are close to ten players coming in to visit yet this month and maybe more.

So what happens if player ranked #7 on the list calls Kill and says he wants to be a Gopher. Coach Kill has five scholarships available.

What does Coach tell #7?

1.) Hey #7, great. We are really excited that you want to be a Gopher. To be honest with you, we are waiting on a few others. We will get back to you. In the meantime, you may want to consider any other offers that you have.

2.) Awesome #7! We are glad you want to be Gopher.....blah, blah. Can we agree to keep this quiet. I promise to get back with you in a week.

3.) Gosh darn #7, you would really look good in maroon and gold. Can you wait until Feb 1?

4.) Welcome to Minnesota #7!!

There has to come a time when the staff makes their decision. Same with the recruits. I assmue that some would take the best offer they have so they get a scholarship.

Obviously they would take their top rated players but there has to be a good number of others who may want to be Gophers.

i'd say it depends on the disparity in quality of the kid who's number 7 vs the kids above him and the positions they play vs what you need. Also depends on the 5 guys he's got above him. If they're all looking like solid commits then you offer him preferred walk on status and tell him if he puts in the work he will get his scholarship if he truly wants to be here.
If the above 5 are not solid commits, you take him then and there and hope he will either convince the top guys to move into the fold faster. Sacrifices will always have to be made.
Ultimately you hope for the best possible kids you can get, but you don't want to be hung out to dry. Now if we're talking that the top 5 are 4 star guys and the number 7 is a weak 3 star, we have a whole new situation lol.

i'd say it depends on the disparity in quality of the kid who's number 7 vs the kids above him and the positions they play vs what you need. Also depends on the 5 guys he's got above him. If they're all looking like solid commits then you offer him preferred walk on status and tell him if he puts in the work he will get his scholarship if he truly wants to be here.
If the above 5 are not solid commits, you take him then and there and hope he will either convince the top guys to move into the fold faster. Sacrifices will always have to be made.
Ultimately you hope for the best possible kids you can get, but you don't want to be hung out to dry. Now if we're talking that the top 5 are 4 star guys and the number 7 is a weak 3 star, we have a whole new situation lol.
for some kids they will be pretty clear and tell them they like them, but until something opens up they do not have room.

They will also know next week who will not be returning academically. That adds to the pot.

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