So...I'm watching John Wall


Am I Though?
May 11, 2009
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...right now and it's only been about 25 minutes of basketball, but I think he is a little overrated. He's incredibly fast and explosive, but his ball-handling is very suspect and he doesn't appear to be much of a shooting threat. Definitely going to be a tough match-up in the college game, but I don't think he is a 'can't miss' type at the pro level...yet. He could always improve or this could be a surprisingly sloppy game by him.

...right now and it's only been about 25 minutes of basketball, but I think he is a little overrated. He's incredibly fast and explosive, but his ball-handling is very suspect and he doesn't appear to be much of a shooting threat. Definitely going to be a tough match-up in the college game, but I don't think he is a 'can't miss' type at the pro level...yet. He could always improve or this could be a surprisingly sloppy game by him.

I'd like to see how anyone would do playing in that atmosphere under those conditions. They were having to put caulk in the floor last night because of all the cracks and bowing.

They have an open bar..behind the bleachers. Here's some photos Tucker Max took of the "arena"

Can someone tell me what the point of having all these tournaments in places like Cancun and the Virgin Islands are? Seems like there isn't much reason to go that far and play in such crappy venues except for the vacation part. But even then, the teams are playing everyday so they don't have much time to do anything else.

Can someone tell me what the point of having all these tournaments in places like Cancun and the Virgin Islands are? Seems like there isn't much reason to go that far and play in such crappy venues except for the vacation part. But even then, the teams are playing everyday so they don't have much time to do anything else.


ESPN owns most of the tournaments (including the one the Gophers are playing in this week). Since non-conf scheduling is getting so bad I think ESPN and some other groups have stepped up to organize made for TV match ups and tournaments.

ESPN owns most of the tournaments (including the one the Gophers are playing in this week). Since non-conf scheduling is getting so bad I think ESPN and some other groups have stepped up to organize made for TV match ups and tournaments.

That makes sense I guess. I was just thinking maybe it would make sense for smaller venues in the US would be easier to schedule.

Doesn't recruiting have something to do with it? If you can tell a recruit that you're going to Maui and having all games in the tournament on national TV... when another team like Illinois is just playing Wofford and whoever else at home during the holidays, you might have an advantage...

Can someone tell me what the point of having all these tournaments in places like Cancun and the Virgin Islands are? Seems like there isn't much reason to go that far and play in such crappy venues except for the vacation part. But even then, the teams are playing everyday so they don't have much time to do anything else.

There used to be an NCAA rule that said games played outside the continental US didn't count against the total number of games a team is allowed to play. I don't know if that rule still exists, but it was because of that rule that all these tourneys in HI, VI, PR, and even the Alaska shootout were created. Either the rule still exists, or the tourneys, once established, had legs.

As you suggested elsewhere, the money for some of these tourneys is no better than staying in the US, and the travel costs are greater.

And while I didn't see the game the resulted in this thread, Truth's point is very consistent with a comment made by CLem after a PR tourney in, I think, the very beginning of the nonexistent final four season. It wasn't the big PR tourney, but a smaller one played essentially in a high school gym in a smaller town (began with M?). His quote was something to the effect of it being great to get out of there undefeated, but even better to get out of there without anyone having been hurt because of the terrible floor.

I'd like to see how anyone would do playing in that atmosphere under those conditions.

The conditions may have been poor but Wall being out of control is a common complaint on Catspause. I bet we could look at his stats so far and he's had some pretty ugly turnover numbers.

The conditions may have been poor but Wall being out of control is a common complaint on Catspause. I bet we could look at his stats so far and he's had some pretty ugly turnover numbers.

It's an adjustment. New team, new system, adjustment to the college game. Do you really think the scouts (GM and Owners are coming to watch him practice for goodness sakes. Not just scouts but Owners. That's amazing to me.) haven't already dissected his game? Hell, I hope he's "overrated" and the NBA doesn't want him. I'd keep him all 4 years if I could. He's that good.

Anyway, that game was awful. Great from a fan experience from what I understand but the basketball stuff is just blagh.

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