Snow forecasted for Saturday

white out?

I hope its not a white out

It's going to be ugly and wet the rest of the week in State College. A cold rain, if not snow, through Sunday.

Real Grass

If memory serves me correct, Beaver Stadium has real grass.

Should make for an interesting field condition.

Go Gophers! Beat Penn State!

It probably means whichever teams runs the ball the best will win.

Son of a B@#&*!!!!!

I wouldn't worry about the turf. It'll be covered most of the time, anyway, leading up to pre-game.

Forecast for Sat. is now a high of 37 with a few rain showers. No snow. Sounds a lot like the last couple weeks. At least our guys won't be as surprised by the weather as they may have been in years past.

It's a special combination of Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass.

If the conditions are horrible, we don't have to worry about Weber's passing at least

"It's a special combination of Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass."
- Regardless if this is fact or an attempt at humor, +1 for being the Scott's Turfbuilder poster of the year :D

Penn State played their worst game of the year in these conditions and lost to Iowa. I like this.

Hmmm, I Thought Maybe This Was The "Blend"

"It's a special combination of Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass."
- Regardless if this is fact or an attempt at humor, +1 for being the Scott's Turfbuilder poster of the year :D

Penn State played their worst game of the year in these conditions and lost to Iowa. I like this.

"This is a hybrid. This is a cross, ah, of Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent, and Northern California Sensemilia."



Spermo.....great pic of Bill Murray. And the quote of all time..."It's no big deal."

Boy, I wonder how much of a hit this will be to Penn State's recruiting and incoming class? What HS kid would want to play in 30 temps and rain and snow? It has to be tough trying to recruit in that stuff. Nasty. :)

Especially when the recruits see that its going to be 50 sunny in Minneapolis.

Exactly, that's why Penn State has never had a good football team during all these years under Joe Paterno. You just can't get young men to play outside in those conditions. I don't know why Minnesota doesn't just cancel the entire football program. No one would agree to play where the average weather during football season is sunny and in the 50's.

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