Smells Like Bret Bielema

Nov 23, 2008
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The rumor mill that Ken Cosgrove is going to be hired as the new Minnesota DC smells like a tampering situation perpetrated by Bret Bielema (or Herky fans). I am only speculating here, but maybe he discovered who Brew is closing in on,, and in an act of desperation he is attempting to derail the actual hiring.

Think about it from a logical standpoint, Brew is not going to hire a guy that:
  • Has a terrible reputation
  • Is unemployed and assisting at the high school level
  • Going to stick his neck out even further
  • Wants to invite a tsunami of negative criticism
  • Hire a guy he passed over just under a year ago.

i know your joking........ but what your joking about is your saying maybe BB started a rumor?? how do we get to tampering??

That's one of the funniest, most ludicrous posts I've read on this board.

I'm not real excited of the prospect of Kevin Cosgrove, but come on guys...

Honestly, I don't have an opinion on Cosgrove. I know that he is not the most popular choice among people on this board, but I also know that he has had successful seasons in the past, and he has a lot of DC experience. The thing that I like personally is the fact that he was at Wisconsin as a DC for 9 years. I will take that kind of stability from my DC and have faith that Brewster will bring in the type of talent needed to make Cosgrove's schemes work.

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