Sitters vs. Standers Battle Settled?


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
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In Metrodome Days, a frequent debate swirled around sitting vs. standing (ever? on 3rd downs? depends on who is behind you?) I live in California and attend just one home game per year so don't have my finger on the pulse regarding this topic, but Saturday's game felt very different to me. I was in Section 133 and virtually everyone was standing and roaring for most of the game. The same seemed to be true in neighboring sections. Has there been a sea change? Was Saturday merely a function of our recent upswing?
Your thoughts/impressions?

Nomellini, great to see you posting! I hope all is well in America's Finest City!! Next time you make it up for a game drop me a PM and I'll stop by and say hi.

I do think there has been a shift at the games this year, in particular the last 2-3 games. This past Saturday the crowd was on their feet much more than normal. The crowd/fans are REALLY rallying around this team, unlike any time I can ever remember and that's coming through in the fans responses on 3rd/4th downs, after big plays, etc. It would be great if this became the "new normal" going forward.

Go Gophers!!

We stand on every 3rd down. However we also stand when the opponent is in the red zone or pinned inside their own 10. These are the advantages the home fans have to give their team.

I think 2 things helped make that happen.

1. The team is playing well so people are excited and happy to stand.

2. Cold weather makes it so people have a tendency to stay standing and moving/cheering as a way to keep warm (perhaps subconsciously).

212 was really good this week. A lot of standing and yelling.

Really hoping for a 2:30 start for the next home game to really get the folks Standing AND Yelling for the Evil W's possessions over the 60 minutes of regular play.

11 AM starts just aren't as pumped as later ones.

Go Gophers! In Kill We Trust!

2. Cold weather makes it so people have a tendency to stay standing and moving/cheering as a way to keep warm (perhaps subconsciously).

Way more people doing "The Gopher" last week.

I usually stand the entire game. I do have the advantage of nobody sitting behind us since we are in the last row, in front of the outdoor club seating. I did notice more people standing during 3 downs and when Penn St was in the red zone and pinned at the goal line this week. A lot of people getting excited that we are finally winning. Now, let's hope that the Gopher/Badger game is maroon and gold instead of red!!! I'm telling everyone I know to get tickets. If I had extra $$ I would be tempted to buy a bunch and give them as gifts to friends.

I have an older couple that sit behind me, so I never want to upset them. They are very cool and very nice. Whenever I have the urge to stand, and cannot help myself, I stand but hunch over so they can still see if they are sitting. I look out of the corner of my eye to see if they stand up. If they do, then I stand all the way up. If not, I stay hunched over. It is a win win

Lean to Left!!!
Lean to Right!!!
Stand up!!! Sit Down!!!

There are two old ladies that have the seats next to me. They simply can't pop up and down the way the crowd does. What gets my goat is sometimes people in front of us will stand for reasons unrelated to the game. Sometimes they are just chatting and not paying attention to the game, sometimes they are checking their phones, sometimes they are just looking around, again not paying attention to the game. Standing because you are excited about the game or want to cheer the team on is one thing. Standing and blocking the view of two very sweet old ladies who are big Gopher fans (they come to every game - cold, rain, cold rain, no matter - they are there) just because you are checking your phone is unacceptable.

Agree with LBJ's two bullets. But this is a battle that will never be settled, near as I can tell. There will always be people who want to sit on their hands all game, and there will always be people who want to stand, either all the time or at least during key moments.
I typically fall into the latter category (stand during key plays), though I pretty much stood for the entire Penn State game (as temperature and excitement level dictated in Section 117).

My bottom line is a bit Draconian though - If you really insist on sitting the entire game and harping on others around you who are standing because you refuse to. I have two suggestions for you:
1) Procure seats in an area where you can sit without interference from standers around you (sit on the rail, club seats, etc.)
2) Turn your head towards the jumbotron and watch there if you are too lazy to get up off your rear.

If you are elderly or infirmed, then get yourself into the seats designated for people with special needs. There always seems to be plenty of these wide open, particularly on the upper deck top walkway/concourse.

And before you get after me for being 'unfair' to those with conditions or lack of resources to get the seats where they won't have to stand, remember that other conditions in the stadium can make it uncomfortable for others or all, but you just have to deal with it (namely weather - rain, snow, extreme cold/heat, or otherwise). People standing is simply part of going to a football game. Just like a rain shower or bitter cold.

Boy do I love sitting versus standing threads. I think this belongs in Dr. Don's new thread idea.

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