Since the firing of Mason in 2006, this is what has happened.....

Nov 20, 2008
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A. We hired a complete BS'er in Tim Brewster who was in way over his head as a HC. Replaced mid year of his last year with interm coach Jeff Horton...
B. Maturi declines to follow up interest from Mike Leach ( reported both in the Press and Strib) and hires Jerry Kill whose health issues were either not checked in detail, or we're just not brought to the forefront....
C. Norwood Teague is fired by the U for sexual harassment His accomplishments?
1. Firing Tubby Smith after an NCAA appearance and hiring little known Rick Pitino
2. Gouging season tickets holders with a increased mandatory donations over a 3 year period
D. After numerous seizures , several that prevents him from being on the sidelines. Kill resigns in mid season of his 5th year; replaced by Claeys as interm coach. Many believe Kill was the " Messiah". Others thought his defiance of his health issues disrupted the football program....
E. Interm AD Beth Goeth has to deal with " Phone Gate" and starting investigation off Jay Robinson
and " Pill Gate"......
F. After 6 plus months Kaler spurns the AD Search Committee and hires Mark Coyle on his own....
G. Coyle finishes up the " Pill Gate " Investigation and fires Jay Robinson...
H. 4 players originally suspended in a sexual abuse case from September 2nd ...
I. Another 6 players implicated in the EOAA investigation regarding the same incident....
J. Players boycott the Holiday Bowl because of the suspension ....
K. Claeys goes under scrutiny for supporting the players....
L. Coyle lies about Claeys stand on the suspension.....
M. Players back down and resume practice for the Holiday Bowl.....
Summary: In a nutshell. I wish that Texas Tech kid had never made that 52 yard FG that got Mason fired. What do we have to show for the last 10 years? A win against Central Michigan. ,

In a nutshell. I wish that Texas Tech kid had never made that 52 yard FG that got Mason fired. What do we have to show for the last 10 years? A win against Central Michigan. ,

Gophers in the NFL again...two four game big ten win streaks (first since 73)...three 8 win seasons in last 4 years, same # Mase had in 10 record 5 straight bowl games...7 bowl games in 10 years since Mase canned....wins over Nebraska, Michigan, facilities 5 APR

J. Players boycott the Holiday Bowl because of the suspension ....

Breaking news: didn't happen

He forgot a bullet-point, 5 months after Mason was fired Dom Jones was arrested the sexual assault of a woman in a situation where multiple football players had sex with the one girl.

Would Mason have survived his own gangbang scandal? D.J. Jones actually went to jail on that one.

Some other thoughts:
In 2006, Mason unknowingly brought to campus a player who was convicted of armed robbery during his recruitment (McField). McField left the team TO GO TO JAIL.
The vaunted rushing attack had become so slim that in 2006, they started the season with defensive end Alex Daniels as their number one back. Daniels started fall camp as a DE.

The end was coming for Mason. If not 2006, then 2007. He had had enough and was totally coasting. He is popular now because he is visible and a good broadcaster- he was quite prickly as a coach.

Gophers in the NFL again...two four game big ten win streaks (first since 73)...three 8 win seasons in last 4 years, same # Mase had in 10 record 5 straight bowl games...7 bowl games in 10 years since Mase canned....wins over Nebraska, Michigan, facilities 5 APR

Breaking news: didn't happen

1. A bowl game after a 5 win season ?
2. TCF Stadium courtesy of Mason lobbying at the Capitol
Quote from State Senator Carrie Rude ( Crow Wing County) " You can thank Glen Mason for changing a lot minds about approving the Stadium Bill, including mine" ....
3.Since 2006 how many bowl games have been added
4. APR became more of an issue after Mason left.
5. There have been more players in the NFL under Mason. Some that have actually had careers
Barber, Maroney, Spaeth, Utech, to name a few.
6 Neither Brewster , Kill, or Claeys have beat Wisconsin or Ohio State. Nor have they beat a ranked team.

Would Mason have survived his own gangbang scandal? D.J. Jones actually went to jail on that one.

Some other thoughts:
In 2006, Mason unknowingly brought to campus a player who was convicted of armed robbery during his recruitment (McField). McField left the team TO GO TO JAIL.
The vaunted rushing attack had become so slim that in 2006, they started the season with defensive end Alex Daniels as their number one back. Daniels started fall camp as a DE.

The end was coming for Mason. If not 2006, then 2007. He had had enough and was totally coasting. He is popular now because he is visible and a good broadcaster- he was quite prickly as a coach.

Sorry....Amir Pinnix was a junior....Jay Thompson a freshman along with Eric Decker. Look it up

1. A bowl game after a 5 win season ?
2. TCF Stadium courtesy of Mason lobbying at the Capitol
Quote from State Senator Carrie Rude ( Crow Wing County) " You can thank Glen Mason for changing a lot minds about approving the Stadium Bill, including mine" ....
3.Since 2006 how many bowl games have been added
4. APR became more of an issue after Mason left.
5. There have been more players in the NFL under Mason. Some that have actually had careers
Barber, Maroney, Spaeth, Utech, to name a few.
6 Neither Brewster , Kill, or Claeys have beat Wisconsin or Ohio State. Nor have they beat a ranked team.

Nebraska was ranked in 13 and 14. But hey, you just keep right on spouting misinformation. You're good at it.

1. A bowl game after a 5 win season ?
2. TCF Stadium courtesy of Mason lobbying at the Capitol
Quote from State Senator Carrie Rude ( Crow Wing County) " You can thank Glen Mason for changing a lot minds about approving the Stadium Bill, including mine" ....
3.Since 2006 how many bowl games have been added
4. APR became more of an issue after Mason left.
5. There have been more players in the NFL under Mason. Some that have actually had careers
Barber, Maroney, Spaeth, Utech, to name a few.
6 Neither Brewster , Kill, or Claeys have beat Wisconsin or Ohio State. Nor have they beat a ranked team.

This one always cracks me up. I love it when the Pollyanna's add in the "but we earned it" part.

What's the point of your constant Mason rambling? He's not coming back. Do you want the university to make a statement that firing him was a mistake? Are hoping to convince every Gophers fan that he should still be the coach?

What's the point of your constant Mason rambling? He's not coming back. Do you want the university to make a statement that firing him was a mistake? Are hoping to convince every Gophers fan that he should still be the coach?

I don't know why he thinks we were so good under Mason. The program was not head and shoulders above where it is now, if it was any better at all, and showed zero signs of moving another step forward under Mason.

I don't know why he thinks we were so good under Mason. The program was not head and shoulders above where it is now, if it was any better at all, and showed zero signs of moving another step forward under Mason.

I agree. But honestly it doesn't really matter. He's not coming back.

I don't know why he thinks we were so good under Mason. The program was not head and shoulders above where it is now, if it was any better at all, and showed zero signs of moving another step forward under Mason.

It is about stability. What have we had in the last 10 years? That is the.meat of the post.You guys want to turn it into a "record " issue. Now we're losing another coach. Who in the Sam Hill do you think is going want this job and the " goat fu-k that goes with it? You're not going to get a quality guy like Mason. If I was Kaler I'd crawl on my belly out to Lake Minnetonka to give him a 5 year contract at 2 million a year. The University would be better for it, the players would be better for it. Mason is the only coach I know that could wade through this mess.

It is about stability. What have we had in the last 10 years? That is the.meat of the post.You guys want to turn it into a "record " issue. Now we're losing another coach. Who in the Sam Hill do you think is going want this job and the " goat fu-k that goes with it? You're not going to get a quality guy like Mason. If I was Kaler I'd crawl on my belly out to Lake Minnetonka to give him a 5 year contract at 2 million a year. The University would be better for it, the players would be better for it. Mason is the only coach I know that could wade through this mess.

We're losing another coach? When and where was this announced?

I'll give you credit, you find new and creative ways to polish St. Glen's knob as often as you can. Forgive the rest of us if we're not eager to sprint back to the days of winning 40% of our Big Ten games.

We're losing another coach? When and where was this announced?

I'll give you credit, you find new and creative ways to polish St. Glen's knob as often as you can. Forgive the rest of us if we're not eager to sprint back to the days of winning 40% of our Big Ten games.

So you think Claeys will be retained? Hmm........You don't see the big picture dpodoll.

Glen Mason and his 32-48, big 10 record at Minnesota.

Oh, how I long for those days!

Oh the stability......LULZ

It is about stability. What have we had in the last 10 years? That is the.meat of the post.You guys want to turn it into a "record " issue. Now we're losing another coach. Who in the Sam Hill do you think is going want this job and the " goat fu-k that goes with it? You're not going to get a quality guy like Mason. If I was Kaler I'd crawl on my belly out to Lake Minnetonka to give him a 5 year contract at 2 million a year. The University would be better for it, the players would be better for it. Mason is the only coach I know that could wade through this mess.

Who cares about coaching stability? Stability in head coaching doesn't always lead to success, and lack of stability in head coaching doesn't always derail a programs success. You don't keep a coach who isn't getting it done just for the sake of stability.

Since they've been in the B1G there final ranking has never been any higher than #23

I'm sorry. The rest of the free world generally means a team is in the top 25 when saying they are "ranked". Apparently you use a different definition.

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