Sideline Brew

Apr 9, 2010
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Makes me grin and chuckle every time I hear him talk about something tremendous or every time he says Pasadena....:D
classic Brew

He sounded better than he did when he was first doing sideline reporting for NFL games.

I also thought it was hilarious to hear that he interviewed Burt Bielema....wish we had video confirmation!

I like the "if Wisconsin can score here and get ahead, they'll be back in the game," and "a first down here would keep the drive going".

I'll be honest, I liked the guy one on one. Now, I'm feeling sad...

Loved how he said it was a bad idea for Wisconsin to go for two lol

LOL at Gus Johnson asking Brewster if Wisconsin made the right call to go for two. I'm betting Gus had no idea about the history there.

Unreal. The man who was hired to "save Gopher football" from regularl "mediocrity" is interviewing the Wisconsin HC in the inaugural Big Ten Championship. I can not understand how anyone who had anything to do with the events that took place from 12/31/2006-1/17/2007 still has a job. And I don't just mean at the U. I mean anywhere. Epic piss-poor descision making. Insanely reckless and destructive behavior at the most critical juncture in U Athletics in at least 3 decades.

The only thing worse than watching Wisconsin come from behind and win the game the way they did is to have to watch the person who totally bottomed out our program interview a Wisconsin player after the game!!!!


I was already a bit queezy because sconie won, but when I saw TB, I . . . .kinda threw up a little in my mouth.

Unreal. The man who was hired to "save Gopher football" from regularl "mediocrity" is interviewing the Wisconsin HC in the inaugural Big Ten Championship. I can not understand how anyone who had anything to do with the events that took place from 12/31/2006-1/17/2007 still has a job. And I don't just mean at the U. I mean anywhere. Epic piss-poor descision making. Insanely reckless and destructive behavior at the most critical juncture in U Athletics in at least 3 decades.


I can not understand how anyone who had anything to do with the events that took place from 12/31/2006-1/17/2007 still has a job. And I don't just mean at the U. I mean anywhere. Epic piss-poor descision making. Insanely reckless and destructive behavior at the most critical juncture in U Athletics in at least 3 decades.

What a f**king, Moron. You are living in a world where hiring a coach is a crap shoot at best. And you are living in a town where the NBA franchise hired a first time head coach with many years of experience as an assistant. Kurt Rambis took over a team with a couple of stars but the rest of the team was woefully short on talent. Sound familiar? His overall record after two seasons was 32 - 132. Rambis got his ass fired and now many Timberwolves diehard fans are looking to the future with great optimism.

Sh*t like that happens all the time in sports. An average of 20 to 25 head coaches get fired every year in Division I football. Maturi took a gamble and lost. Big deal. Notre Dame probably gambled and lost at least a half dozen times since they last had a winning football program. And we don't really know what other coaches were available to Maturi when he hired Brewster. Nobody knows because AD's never give out that type of information.

Brewster haters need to get over it. You are making GopherHole more unreadable than Mason haters ever did. He is gone and just like the Timberwolves we now we have a new coach who is giving most fans hope for the future. I like the Gophers prospects significantly better than the Vikings.

Go4broke- why are you such a Brewster defender? He was a bad coach, accept it and move on. You sound angrier than the Brewster detractors.

Go4broke- why are you such a Brewster defender? He was a bad coach, accept it and move on. You sound angrier than the Brewster detractors.

I am for truth, justice, and the American way. Brewster is getting neither truth nor justice for a guy who came to Minnesota and tried to change the losing culture that has permeated the Gopher football program since 1967. Instead of making excuses for losing (like our previous coach) Brewster tried to instill a sense of optimism in a program that has been the worst in the Big 10 since before many GopherHolers were born.

I see a guy who came to Minnesota for his dream job and who worked his rear end off for four year to end the Gophers losing ways. He failed like so many others before him. Since the Gophers last won a Big 10 Championship many losing coaches have come and gone but somehow we are making a special case out of a guy who took the Gophers to 2 bowl games in 4 years (the same record as Mason in his first four years).

Brewster is being demonized like very few sports figures in Minnesota ever have been. It is just way to easy for assholes on internet message boards, many of whom have failed in private for most of their lives, to ridicule and demean coaches and players who fail in the most public way possible.

The Brewster hatred in GopherHole is ignorant and way over the top. I am never going to accept it, and I am going to challenge it at every opportunity. If you want to know how persistent I can be just stop over to the OT Board and say hello some time.

I am for truth, justice, and the American way. Brewster is getting neither truth nor justice for a guy who came to Minnesota and tried to change the losing culture that has permeated the Gopher football program since 1967.
Truth and justice is what he is getting actually.

I am for truth, justice, and the American way. Brewster is getting neither truth nor justice for a guy who came to Minnesota and tried to change the losing culture that has permeated the Gopher football program since 1967. Instead of making excuses for losing (like our previous coach) Brewster tried to instill a sense of optimism in a program that has been the worst in the Big 10 since before many GopherHolers were born.

I see a guy who came to Minnesota for his dream job and who worked his rear end off for four year to end the Gophers losing ways. He failed like so many others before him. Since the Gophers last won a Big 10 Championship many losing coaches have come and gone but somehow we are making a special case out of a guy who took the Gophers to 2 bowl games in 4 years (the same record as Mason in his first four years).

Brewster is being demonized like very few sports figures in Minnesota ever have been. It is just way to easy for assholes on internet message boards, many of whom have failed in private for most of their lives, to ridicule and demean coaches and players who fail in the most public way possible.

The Brewster hatred in GopherHole is ignorant and way over the top. I am never going to accept it, and I am going to challenge it at every opportunity. If you want to know how persistent I can be just stop over to the OT Board and say hello some time.
I didn't know Tim Brewster posted here.

I am for truth, justice, and the American way. Brewster is getting neither truth nor justice for a guy who came to Minnesota and tried to change the losing culture that has permeated the Gopher football program since 1967. Instead of making excuses for losing (like our previous coach) Brewster tried to instill a sense of optimism in a program that has been the worst in the Big 10 since before many GopherHolers were born.

I see a guy who came to Minnesota for his dream job and who worked his rear end off for four year to end the Gophers losing ways. He failed like so many others before him. Since the Gophers last won a Big 10 Championship many losing coaches have come and gone but somehow we are making a special case out of a guy who took the Gophers to 2 bowl games in 4 years (the same record as Mason in his first four years).

Brewster is being demonized like very few sports figures in Minnesota ever have been. It is just way to easy for assholes on internet message boards, many of whom have failed in private for most of their lives, to ridicule and demean coaches and players who fail in the most public way possible.

The Brewster hatred in GopherHole is ignorant and way over the top. I am never going to accept it, and I am going to challenge it at every opportunity. If you want to know how persistent I can be just stop over to the OT Board and say hello some time.

Wow, Tim. I had no idea this was your dream job. You posting does validate some of the rumors coming out of Bierman, though (about your potty mouth). I am sure that if you really are such a great coach, you will be vindicated, and all these posters will be proven wrong, when inevitably you wind up taking a team to conference championships somewhere. No doubt your alma mater will realize what we didn't about your coaching and come calling.

I am for truth, justice, and the American way. Brewster is getting neither truth nor justice for a guy who came to Minnesota and tried to change the losing culture that has permeated the Gopher football program since 1967. Instead of making excuses for losing (like our previous coach) Brewster tried to instill a sense of optimism in a program that has been the worst in the Big 10 since before many GopherHolers were born.

I see a guy who came to Minnesota for his dream job and who worked his rear end off for four year to end the Gophers losing ways. He failed like so many others before him. Since the Gophers last won a Big 10 Championship many losing coaches have come and gone but somehow we are making a special case out of a guy who took the Gophers to 2 bowl games in 4 years (the same record as Mason in his first four years).

Brewster is being demonized like very few sports figures in Minnesota ever have been. It is just way to easy for assholes on internet message boards, many of whom have failed in private for most of their lives, to ridicule and demean coaches and players who fail in the most public way possible.

The Brewster hatred in GopherHole is ignorant and way over the top. I am never going to accept it, and I am going to challenge it at every opportunity. If you want to know how persistent I can be just stop over to the OT Board and say hello some time.

FWIW I agree with you. He tried his best and failed. Move on.

If Mase worked as hard as Brew, he would still be coaching here.

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