Sid: There is some question whether Jimmy Gjere will be able to play this fall


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Sid:

"Jimmy Gjere, the highly recruited Irondale offensive lineman who started the Gophers' first five games last year and then missed the rest of the season because of injury, missed spring practice and there is some question whether the 6-7, 325-pounder will be able to play this fall."

Go Gophers!!

per Sid:

"Jimmy Gjere, the highly recruited Irondale offensive lineman who started the Gophers' first five games last year and then missed the rest of the season because of injury, missed spring practice and there is some question whether the 6-7, 325-pounder will be able to play this fall."

Go Gophers!!

very sorry to read this update on Jimmy Gjere...

He's a bright, young guy...and he needs to do whatever is necessary to ensure he can have a good future, whether football is included or not...

Really, Sid? Kill said on your own Sunday show that Gjere will likely not be ready for fall. It's Friday. You should tell your writers to listen to your show. This is a sad situation, and we don't need dumbasses reporting on it, we need coherent information distributors.

Did I miss something? What's going on with Gjere? Thanks in advance.

Really, Sid? Kill said on your own Sunday show that Gjere will likely not be ready for fall. It's Friday. You should tell your writers to listen to your show. This is a sad situation, and we don't need dumbasses reporting on it, we need coherent information distributors.

I'm guessing he forgot where he heard that tidbit...

Unfortunately one never knows with concussions. Some people are better in 4 hours, some people it takes 4 years.....

I hope he comes back, he's got loads of talent. I for one wouldn't blame him if he decided to end his football career though, especially given all that we know about concussions and their after effects now days.

I hope he comes back, he's got loads of talent. I for one wouldn't blame him if he decided to end his football career though, especially given all that we know about concussions and their after effects now days.

do we really know that much? a lot of it is speculative at this point with out a lot of long-term research to back up some of the supposed claims. and quite frankly, i personally feel at the moment that a lot of the "concussion craze" is being media driven and hyped up by them to an unfair extent.

don't get me wrong, i understand concussions can be bad at times. but some of those in the media and elsewhere who are in a way suggesting that everyone who now gets a concussion should end their athletic careers altogether seems a bit pollyannish and chicken little.

i mean it has gotten so out of hand that you have junior seau commiting suicide and immediately a bunch of news outlets start claiming it is because he played football and may have had concussions. seriously?!?! we don't know that. most of these media reporters and tv people don't even know the guy and they are speculating they know why he killed himself. it seems so silly and dangerous to me for some in the media to being immediately saying it was because of football concussions (which we don't even know if he had any) when it very well could have just had to do with the fact that he was depressed about his divorce or other issues in his personal life. there is a very good chance his suicide had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he played football.

sorry for the tangent. i just find the whole discussion in general around concussions in sports to be getting a bit out of hand. locally and around the country.

do we really know that much? a lot of it is speculative at this point with out a lot of long-term research to back up some of the supposed claims. and quite frankly, i personally feel at the moment that a lot of the "concussion craze" is being media driven and hyped up by them to an unfair extent.

don't get me wrong, i understand concussions can be bad at times....

sorry for the tangent. i just find the whole discussion in general around concussions in sports to be getting a bit out of hand. locally and around the country.

tell it to the hundreds of former NFL players who are now suing the League...

do we really know that much? a lot of it is speculative at this point with out a lot of long-term research to back up some of the supposed claims. and quite frankly, i personally feel at the moment that a lot of the "concussion craze" is being media driven and hyped up by them to an unfair extent.

sorry for the tangent. i just find the whole discussion in general around concussions in sports to be getting a bit out of hand. locally and around the country.

That's like saying "the internet will never catch on".

Get used to it. The game of football may very well look much different in 20 to 30 years, from what we know today.

Get used to it. The game of football may very well look much different in 20 to 30 years, from what we know today.

I made that same point to some friends the other day. Particularly the NFL game. What will they do? 30 years from now, the game could essentially be ruined at the NFL level, and perhaps college too. Compare now to 30 years ago: today's player is 30 pounds heavier and faster. What will another 30 years bring? Can they combat it with rule changes? Equipment? What if this concussion thing is really a game-changer? Guys on the line literally bash heads on every play. It's a problem.

I made that same point to some friends the other day. Particularly the NFL game. What will they do? 30 years from now, the game could essentially be ruined at the NFL level, and perhaps college too. Compare now to 30 years ago: today's player is 30 pounds heavier and faster. What will another 30 years bring? Can they combat it with rule changes? Equipment? What if this concussion thing is really a game-changer? Guys on the line literally bash heads on every play. It's a problem.

The NFL could be in for some massive law-suits if it can be proven they withheld info on concussions. This could have a huge impact on the future of professional football.

Professional, and for that matter college players, all come from the same place; from youth and jr high programs. If more and more parents refuse to allow their kids to play football, for fear of injury, the whole landscape could change. Not saying this will happen, but it is very possible. Keep an open eye.

do we really know that much? a lot of it is speculative at this point with out a lot of long-term research to back up some of the supposed claims. and quite frankly, i personally feel at the moment that a lot of the "concussion craze" is being media driven and hyped up by them to an unfair extent.

don't get me wrong, i understand concussions can be bad at times. but some of those in the media and elsewhere who are in a way suggesting that everyone who now gets a concussion should end their athletic careers altogether seems a bit pollyannish and chicken little.

i mean it has gotten so out of hand that you have junior seau commiting suicide and immediately a bunch of news outlets start claiming it is because he played football and may have had concussions. seriously?!?! we don't know that. most of these media reporters and tv people don't even know the guy and they are speculating they know why he killed himself. it seems so silly and dangerous to me for some in the media to being immediately saying it was because of football concussions (which we don't even know if he had any) when it very well could have just had to do with the fact that he was depressed about his divorce or other issues in his personal life. there is a very good chance his suicide had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he played football.

sorry for the tangent. i just find the whole discussion in general around concussions in sports to be getting a bit out of hand. locally and around the country.

Uneducated much or just a victim of too many concussions? Psssssst...a concussion = a brain injury and multiple concussions = cumulative, even exponential brain damage.

Hopefully you have not yet procreated!

tell it to the hundreds of former NFL players who are now suing the League...

What is the suicide rate of former NFL players vs. the general population? Who knows with Seau. Failed marriage, failed resturaunt, ect. Lawsuits? Maybe the $$$$ is so big now vs. the past that too many broke lawyers have perpetuated this for a big payday.
Football is a violent sport.Try volleyball or synchronized swimming instead.

I'm not going to pretend that I know anything about the exact physiology behind brain injuries, however, I will tell you that the scientific and medical communities have long believed in the impact of concussions.

This is not a football, hockey, and boxing issue that is being discovered. This has been an issue that the medical community has warned against and the sports world is just beginning to take seriously.

For those of you arguing that "football is a violent sport", I agree. That does not change the fact that the sport needs to figure out a way to protect those people who play the violent sport. If it means Gjere having to miss a year or his career being over, well that is what it means. That does not take anything away from the sport, but it just makes teams and players aware that there is another kind of injury that is career threatening (the concussion).

To cast this as a scheme by "broke lawyers" or people who should stick to "volleyball" is laughable.

I guess worst case scenario would be all games look like the Pro Bowl.
I often forget where I am posting with some of my comments.
In Blitz: The League and Blitz: The League II pro football has completely changed. There are 3 divisions. Division 1 plays their season last, Division 3 first. Winner from Division 3 goes up to Division 2 and gets to draft 2 players from the rest of Division 3. Same thing happens for the winner of Division 2. That's not the only thing that's different. Perforance enhancing drugs are monitered, but really really loosely. These make the players absolutely insane athletes. Then there is in games it is perfectly legal to go for the injuries and the bounty system is actually a big part of it. And after each injury most players are juiced and go back in right away, even for something such as a ruptured scrotum.

If anything the NFL is going in the opposite direction as this.

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