Sid: Season ticket sales at 8,533; student ticket sales at 2,063


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Sid (no idea where he vetted the numbers from, but as of this time, this is what his article states online):

• The 8-5 record posted by the Gophers football team last year hasn’t done too much to date to raise the sale of season tickets, with 8,482 sold at this time last year and 8,533 this year. Student season ticket sales are up from 1,053 at this time last year to 2,063.

Go Gophers!!

my guess is, this is the number of season ticket accounts, not actual tickets

per Sid (no idea where he vetted the numbers from, but as of this time, this is what his article states online):

• The 8-5 record posted by the Gophers football team last year hasn’t done too much to date to raise the sale of season tickets, with 8,482 sold at this time last year and 8,533 this year. Student season ticket sales are up from 1,053 at this time last year to 2,063.

Go Gophers!!

Although we would all like to see more growth in the fan base at least the numbers are moving in the right direction so at the very least we should maintain what we had last year and hopefully gain some new student ticket holders.

Going to take a sustained run of success to really build the season ticket base up and as has been discussed in some other threads even that might not be enough given the current state of ticket sales around the country. On top of that we have the additional hurdle of all the competition in town for the ticket buying $.

my guess is, this is the number of season ticket accounts, not actual tickets

My guess is Sid tried to write this article himself therefor ensuring that it would contain wrong facts, misinterpretations and complete nonsense.

His interns are at least half right half of the 25% accurate. Sid is a spectator to his own life at this point and completely detached from any sense of reality. Time to take him to the soylent green factory for his special video and conversion to the green crackers of life.

My guess is Sid tried to write this article himself therefor ensuring that it would contain wrong facts, misinterpretations and complete nonsense.

His interns are at least half right half of the 25% accurate. Sid is a spectator to his own life at this point and completely detached from any sense of reality. Time to take him to the soylent green factory for his special video and conversion to the green crackers of life.

Doosh alert.

Doosh alert.

Funny, when I got to the doosh club house they said you were a founding member.

Sid is a train wreck as a reporter and should retire or be retired. He has been blessed in this lifetime but its time to go fishing or whatever.

I will be brief and simple:


These numbers are random and no way apply to anything related to ST sales. I have a feeling that it may not even be Gopher football he was referring to.

Sid is an icon that is for sure, but I quit listening too the huddle 3-4 years ago. What is Sid, 92? I think he feels if he
gives it up he'd be dead in 6 weeks. If I'm Sid, I take my money,viagra, and head to Mexico and find himself a young senorita and "F" my brains out until the dirt motel calls The Spanish have a tremendous respect for the elderly, unlike
Americans, who at the first sign of care giving ship you off to some poorly run nursing, or ass't living facility.

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