Sid = Koo Koo


Pretty Sure You are Wrong
Jun 4, 2009
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I didn't hear the whole thing (but heard enough to let out a big sigh) but I was just in the car to hear Sid talk to his son Chad about Brewster and Gopher football on WCCO.

Sid of course was pressing the points he was trying to make in his column from earlier this week (plenty of response on the GH to that already). The part that amazed me was Sid clearly said...

"I think Brewster will get one more year. What do you think of that? I think he will get that fourth year."

It is possible he misspoke but I honestly don't think he realizes THIS is Brewster's fourth year.


I didn't hear the whole thing (but heard enough to let out a big sigh) but I was just in the car to hear Sid talk to his son Chad about Brewster and Gopher football on WCCO.

Sid of course was pressing the points he was trying to make in his column from earlier this week (plenty of response on the GH to that already). The part that amazed me was Sid clearly said...

"I think Brewster will get one more year. What do you think of that? I think he will get that fourth year."

It is possible he misspoke but I honestly don't think he realizes THIS is Brewster's fourth year.


90 years old, working harder than most people 1/4th his age. Cut the old guy some slack, he bleeds maroon and gold.


he means the 4th year with his own players. That first year wasnt really his own recruiting year.

he means the 4th year with his own players. That first year wasnt really his own recruiting year.

That's not what he meant. But, perhaps the win/losses can be stricken from Brewster's record for '07 because it didn't count. We heard it here first. Brewster was not the coach of the Gophers in 2007. With redshirts, '08 can't really be held against him either. Really THIS is the first year with Brewster's own recruits. Right?

If he gets four years with his own players, really that means nobody should raise an eyebrow until he has been employed as the head football coach for 7-9 years?

Silly Mocking a 91 Year Old...

Get a grip.

That's not what he meant. But, perhaps the win/losses can be stricken from Brewster's record for '07 because it didn't count. We heard it here first. Brewster was not the coach of the Gophers in 2007. With redshirts, '08 can't really be held against him either. Really THIS is the first year with Brewster's own recruits. Right?

If he gets four years with his own players, really that means nobody should raise an eyebrow until he has been employed as the head football coach for 7-9 years?

When TB pulls a Monson and starts talking about it being "year zero," that'll be rock bottom.

His age doesn't matter. We're not talking about a 91 year old man rattling on from his rocking chair, he's part of print and radio media.

If Brew is gone, this would be a god year for it since we could be the only job open in the big ten. Zooker's new assistants might just save his butt and Lynch is starting to look safe too. RichRod is the only one I think is still in jeoprady. There might only a handful of jobs equal or better than ours out there. We might get lucky for once.

Sid had probably had a fourth of a fifth before going on the air and couldn't remember if it was Brewster's fourth or fifth year. Make mine Old Mr. Boston 5-Star.

Sid has never been critical of any coach or leader in a Minnesota professional/amature sports rank.

He wants to have a friendly relationship with them, know them on a first man bases, and want them to have nothing but good things to say about him.

If all the reporters in the TC's were like Sid all our franchises and programs would be in the toilet because there would be no pressure to succeed!

Oh my god, he forgot if it was Brew's third or fourth year. That's like the worst mistake anyone's made on the radio, like ever.

Oh my god, he forgot if it was Brew's third or fourth year. That's like the worst mistake anyone's made on the radio, like ever.

I think you are missing the point. I wouldn't have taken the time to post it (actually, barely worth the time ANY way you look at it), if it were not for his column earlier this week where he made the point it is too soon to fire Brewster. If he has that kind of platform and his opinion is mixed up as to how many years Brewster has coached here... it is worth a sigh, in my opinion.

This is just a bookend to his column.

Sid has never been critical of any coach or leader in a Minnesota professional/amature sports rank.

He wants to have a friendly relationship with them, know them on a first man bases, and want them to have nothing but good things to say about him.

If all the reporters in the TC's were like Sid all our franchises and programs would be in the toilet because there would be no pressure to succeed!

Sid is Sid. Has been a unmitigated jock worshipper for decades. He is more than balanced out by Reusse and Souhan.

From this point forward, it might be better use of everyone's time to point out when Sid says something right, rather than remark on every time he gets something wrong.

Sid's age has NOTHING to do with this point. He defended Salem and Wacker and Gutey like they were all great coaches who were held back by the University culture that didn't help the football team win. He went on and on for decades about how you can't recruit in Minnesota and you can't win here so get off the coaches backs. He fails to note that Gutey was a complete flop who had 13 men on the field for one play and 10 men on for another in the same game. Salem of course allowed Nebraska 80 some points and ran the program into the ground. Wacker was overmatched. Mason produced a wonderful running attack but his defenses collapsed. All of this had nothing to do with the University culture. And if Boise State can become a football powerhouse, why can't we???? And if we're losing to Northern Ill. and SDSU, schools that have no benefits compared to us, then Brewster has proven he is not the man to get the job done. You guys defend Sid likes he some kind of saint. He's a foul mouthed bitter old man and his age has nothing to do with his stupidity of incompetence. He's been like this for 60 years. The Gopher players of the 50s called him Scoop Hartman. He was the laughing stock back then. They would tell him things as a joke and he'd print them.

Sid's age has NOTHING to do with this point. He defended Salem and Wacker and Gutey like they were all great coaches who were held back by the University culture that didn't help the football team win.

When are we going to get that sports studies program that they have at Michigan? I don't know if they have a sports' studies program at Michigan, but for years, that's all Sid seemed to talk about.

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