Sid: Joel Maturi high on Kaler


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Nov 11, 2008
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Well, I don't know many people that wouldn't say glowing things about their new boss in a newspaper, but regardless, here's Sid's tid-bit:

"High on Kaler

Gophers athletic director Joel Maturi was asked for his early impression of Eric Kaler, who took over as university president this month.

"I've had the opportunity to meet with him three times and he's been very energetic, enthusiastic, passionate about certainly the University of Minnesota, and I think he understands the role of athletics," Maturi said. "I do know that when I spoke to the athletic director at Stony Brook when President Kaler had been named the president of the University of Minnesota [last fall], he spoke extremely highly of President Kaler and said he was very, very supportive and really wanted to be involved. We're glad that he's here."

Meanwhile, outgoing president Robert Bruininks won't be attending any college events for a while, after falling and breaking his leg."

Go Gophers!!

It looks like prexy b took people seriously when they wished...

him a fond farewell and told him to "break a leg..." Either that, or he let the door hit him on the way out. Maybe the legislature shouldn't have let them serve alcohol at his farewell bash... Well, it certainly is lucky the old geezer retired and won't have to miss work...

bjm had better hang it up before the door or father time nails him on the way out too..."maturi high on Kaler..." was Sid's comment about badger joel macturi. You know, after what happened to prexy b, you would think that bjm wouldn't want to be high on anything....EVIDENTLY prexy k is taking the sale of alcohol in the stadium into his own hands and IS going to "...just DO IT..." and it looks as though bjm was prexy k's first paying customer!

Thanks for posting that quotation from the strib BleedGopher! It certainly was a newsy, instructive and informative piece!

; 0 )

I thought we cooled on Kaler.

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