Sid...Is it time?


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May 24, 2009
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First, let me say that I am a fan of Sid Hartman. I started listening to him 40 years ago when I first came to the Twin Cities and I have always admired the way he stuck up for the local teams. If you were a Minnesota coach or player Sid would stick up for you. Sid, especially in his early years, could and would get the big scoop. Sid has provided me with countless hours of sports information for which I am grateful and thankful. Sid will go down as one of the classic newspapermen of the 20th century.

Having said that, I wonder if it is time for Sid to step to the sidelines – perhaps stick to print work only. Today’s radio show started with Sid producing a large amount of phlegm and then for the next couple of hours not tracking very well with what was being said on the show. In DL65’s, as always, excellent summary, DL mentions there was a discussion of the pros and cons of the UNLV game being moved to Thursday night. The first time this discussion happened was towards the beginning of the show. About 15 or 20 minutes into the segment however Sid asked the exact same question!

Perhaps an alternative solution would be for Dave Mona to ask the questions and then for Sid to tell a story or comment on the conversation. At this point, asking Sid to be cognitively engaged at all times is beginning to border on cruel and mocking. The gentleman should be able to go out with dignity.

Agreed, on top of that, a couple times today the caller would start talking and Sid would be saying Hello? Hello? And Mona would ahve to say he's there, this happened with Don Lucia too and Lucia had to restart his sentance three times.

Sid backs the likes of brewster and monson. Today he was stating how he couldn't understand why Monson was fired. He backs Tubby.

I can't take the guy seriously.

He can't remember names anymore and gets the teams mixed up. It is time WCCO!!!!!

I applaud you for spelling phlegm correctly. This thread could have been started ten years ago.

Like many people his age, Sid seems to have 'good days' and 'bad days.' Some days it really is painful to listen to. Other times, he seems like the most coherent person on The Sports Show (low bar, I know.) He has said multiple times that he's like Bear Bryant, if he retires, he'll be dead in two weeks. He noted how Paterno was the same way, and I'm sure what happened to him (scandal aside) is not lost on him. It would be very tough to be the one at WCCO making that call. Obviously he could possibly still continue at the Strib only, but it's still tough to pull the trigger.

Looking at these 10 warning signs of dementia, I'd say Sid is batting about .600. Having a parent who suffered from dementia, I know a little bit of which I speak. It's usually (but not always) a gradual progression. My mother started out at about 3 out of 10. It steadily got worse, and after a heart attack she pretty much had all the boxes checked

Not to make light of it. Dementia (my mother had NPH, which is different than Alzheimers but many of the same symptoms) is a horrible disease, both for the victim and the family. But we gradually realized that there were things my mother could no longer do, like live on her own, let alone driving. Someone close to Sid needs to come to the same realization.

P.S. for anyone who's dealing with dementia, the website I linked to;, is a fantastic resource.

I have always been told that it is better to retire one year too early than one year too late. If he retired right now, he'd be about 5-years too late.

I can tell you this ... Sid will go down kicking and screaming. It will not be an easy thing for whoever has to tell him his time is up. I do not envy the person who is given this task.:(

I can tell you this ... Sid will go down kicking and screaming. It will not be an easy thing for whoever has to tell him his time is up. I do not envy the person who is given this task.:(

Yeah, telling my mother it was time to move from TX up to MN wasn't a fun family dinner, either. Then again, considering she had just driven THROUGH the front of a 7-11 she couldn't argue too much.

Sid would probably cash it in six months after he was forced out.

I give him his due and am willing to overlook his shortcomings and chuckle. The rest is up to his boss.

I can only hope

That someone would allow me to do what I loved until I was as old as Sid. Jesus, he was born in freakin 1920!!!!! I mean someone will be putting me out to pasture way before I am ready I am sure. Dude's obviously still loving his job, if his employer thinks he provides an assett then go nuts dude, ride it out.

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