Sid Hartman's gopher football prediction?


Aug 5, 2009
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Hey gang,
I have not seen the star-tribune for quite a while and just wondering what kind of prediction Sid Hartman is laying out for the football team this fall?:confused:
Thanks in advance!

Go Gophers!!!!:clap:

Sid said that Brewster thinks the Gophers will be much improved this year. He also said Mike Tomlin was impressed with what he saw last year.

The key question is who cares what Sid thinks, because either A. He didn't think it himself, or B. He will be wrong.

We're lucky if Sid knows if we are on offense or defense at this time in his life....


Sid thinks that "the Gophers will be...the Vikings look to have a strong team with Adrian Peterson leading the offense and the defensive line anchoring the other side of the ball...Brad Childress likes a nice warm glass of milk while drawing up plays...Look for Bobby Knight to replace Tubby Smith if he doesn't win a national title this year...I don't understand why more people don't go to Timberwolves games. Sure, they're in year 3 of a ∞ rebuilding plan. But they're more entertaining than that sport they play over in St. Paul."

Then he went on to talk about how much of a travesty it is that the Gophers and Twins get new stadiums before the Vikings, and how he'll have to travel more to get his Manny's steak after Gopher football games.

Sid has been great for Minnesota and has done wonders for this state

but Sid can't even say the players name right anymore......and says twins when he means vikings

i wish they would let Sid walk away to show him some dignity

I also doubt he even writes his own stories anymore

It's a tough situation. I, too, really really appreciate Sid's longevity and his devotion to the U of M. He is Minnesota sports and I think it's great we still have a connection to the "old days". You just can't replace or discount someone who's been on the beat since World War II.

On the other hand, he's not able to do the job that he once was in the same way. I guess I'd like to see Sid do just small blurbs and short interviews here and there on the air and stop trying to do a whole show or serious interviews. I still want him to be on the air and writing some and continue to be part of Minnesota as long as he can, just not to the same degree that he has over the last 65 years.

One thing he always used to say is true

If you don't have tickets to see this team, don't call me.

silent into the night

87 yrs old and a sports community is still listening. is anyone surprised by the nonsense??

He is the sports beat writer for 4 generations of mpls sports. God Bless. But, it's over.

Reusse is next. And, while sarcastically gifted, a hack, 3rd rate journalist, compared to our neighbor major league cities (detroit/chicago, etc... =pullitzers).

a bit off casual....

Sid is 89 and will turn 90 in March 2010. The official Sid Rules still apply for his Gopher football prognostications. He'll set up the loss, and provide a ray of hope. But, he'll always side with the powers. Sid is still wildly popular. Unless his health deteriorates, he's not going anywhere.
Reusse is popular too. I enjoy many of his articles and disagree about other columnists. He provides a balance to Hartman and occasionally comes up with a humdinger!

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