Sid Hartman: Walk-on kicker bails out Gophers


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Sid:

Saturday was his first game-winning field goal for the Gophers, but he said the coaches didn’t make a big deal out of it before sending him onto the field at the end of the game.

“The coaches just kind of let me do my own thing before I go out to make those kicks,” Carpenter said. “They told me they were confident in me and they were excited for me to go out there and have the opportunity.”

Carpenter said he didn’t feel nervous taking the field.

“To be honest, I wasn’t,” he said. “I was really excited just to have that kind of experience and opportunity, just because those are the moments that we go to work every day to prepare for. I was just really excited for the opportunity, and I was excited that the coaches and my teammates have the faith and trust in me to go out there and make that kick.”

Go Gophers!!

I'm not sure I'd call it a bailout. They sent him out to kick a field goal that he should be able to make, and he made it.

Certain aspects of the team's performance were disappointing, but I don't think that winning a game by doing what you're supposed to do in a particular situation is the same thing as getting bailed out.

He bailed out the other players that hadn't done what they were supposed to do... clearly did what he was supposed to do.... bailed out the team

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His teammates did their jobs on the final drive and put him in a position to make an easy FG.

He bailed out the other players that hadn't done what they were supposed to do... clearly did what he was supposed to do.... bailed out the team

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No sir. Getting bailed out is when someone solves your problem out of the blue - it means getting lucky.

The Gophers took the ball on that final drive and went 59 yards in 13 plays over 4 minutes, putting Carpenter in position to make a 28 yard field goal with ten seconds on the clock. That isn't a bailout.

He bailed out the team clearly they had not done their job and we're on the short end of thebscore. He bailed out the team.

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He bailed out the team clearly they had not done their job and we're on the short end of thebscore. He bailed out the team.

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And if he hadn't missed that 34 yarder, that last kick wouldn't have been needed.

And why did the headline writer feel the need to put "walk-on" in the title? Clearly, the intent is to deceive and make it seem as though the "uncompensated" bottom-of-the-roster player is "bailing out" the "compensated" scholarship players. Probably 75% (or more) of FG kickers are walk-ons.

And if he hadn't missed that 34 yarder, that last kick wouldn't have been needed.
Yup. Maybe. Maybe the whole game would have been different. Sure glad the whole team "bailed out" carpenter and gave him a chance to win the game.... does that meet your definition of last minute and unexpected? Just wow....

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