Sid Hartman: Despite loss, ESPN's Vitale likes much about Gophers


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Nov 11, 2008
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"I think Minnesota is going to have a very good year," Vitale said. "They're very physical. They have to avoid those negative spurts, like they had against Indiana, and they had a negative spurt here, when Michigan took advantage of it. They have a lot of talent, they're well coached, and they should have a big year, but you don't want to lose at home."

Vitale added: "Absolutely they'll be an NCAA team; they have a chance to create a lot of damage. They're a talented team.

"I liked their physical toughness, I liked their guard play. They have guys that can shoot, they have a star in [Rodney] Williams. I think they have to go inside more to Williams and [Trevor] Mbakwe."

Go Gophers!!

Dicky, Dicky, Dicky. Very smart. Didn't say TOO much, but also didn't say TOO little. Gave us praise, and some was deserved, but also gave us a little criticism, and he was actually very kind in this regards which is probably smart on his part as well. And unlike so many of the bandwagon fans, Dicky actually knows what he's talking about most of the time and he stated what is obvious to all of us, that of course we're going to the Big Dance.

Does Vitale ever offer more than soft criticism of a team or coach?

He's right, if Joe, Rodney and Dre don't have off nights we win against Michigan.

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