Sid Hartman: 4-0 start brings optimism to Gophers


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Nov 11, 2008
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You would have to go back to when Glen Mason was coach to find a time when the state will be as excited about a Gophers football game as it will be for the home contest with Iowa next weekend.

The game is already a sellout.

“I pretty much got that experience last year on the scout team,” Leidner said. “There were a few weeks in a row where we were playing — I think it was Nebraska and Michigan and Illinois, all running quarterbacks — they had me doing middle drill and coach [Jerry] Kill told me to go live, and that’s when I learned how to run the football.”

Still, Leidner said he will be ready to throw when the time comes.

“I feel really comfortable throwing the deep ball, definitely,” he said. “I don’t hesitate at all. I have good receivers out there, just have to throw it up and give them a chance.”

Go Gophers!!

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