Sid: Gophers and Vikings still working on TCF Bank Stadium agreement


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Nov 11, 2008
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Still working on agreement

The Gophers and the Vikings are still apart on an agreement for the NFL team to play in TCF Bank Stadium in 2014 and 2015.

They are still investigating what type of heated field will be available for $2.3 million and what additional areas will need to have heating installed, and they are working on the concession layouts.

Go Gophers!!

World wars have ended with faster negotiations.

What's going slower; reaching agreement with Vikings or announcing fundraising campaign for practice facilities?

They are negotiating how much rent the Gophers will pay the Vikings.

They are negotiating how much rent the Gophers will pay the Vikings.

Not far from the truth. Where are there negotiations when the Vikings have no other option? Its here you go, here is the rent, here are the conditions and by the way, we are not going to have any Vikings logos on the field during your stay. What is the over under on what point Ziggy will sue the U for a way to get out of his agreement? Its coming in my opinion after year 1.

This is all about not wanting to pay for heating system upgrades.

You can tell those cheapskates the Wilf's do not want to pay for any permanent heating soloutions to both the field and the stadium concourses by the blathering Lester Bagley in interviews with legisltors. He keeps offering up the heated tarp thing like it some kind of soloution for keeping the Wilfs from having to pay for the heating coil system. There is no way they can keep that field with that temporary system heated long enough for it from freezing up with the kind of weather we have been having this December and Janauary. If I'm the U I hold firm on the heating coil system even if it costs more to run in the long haul as a permanent improvement. If the Vikings want to paint there stupid logos on the field and rip up perfectly good turf and install a new field service to do so then they need to pay for a permanent heat source. This is just the Vikings trying to get the U to pony up for some of the cost's when in reality it is there players and fans that need these improvements not the Vikings. It is there fans that need the concourse heating elements.
Should have figured the way the WIlf's handle their business dealing that they would try to nickle and dime the U to death. They are the epitome of out of town sheisters. Where are the Vikings going to play there games Lameau field?
The U is in the driver seat and should hammer a tough bargain all of the way. That and the Vikings better not get one nickle of the Parking revenue for their games either, it is the U's money to collect not the Vikes.

The U shouldn't concede on anything. The Vikings literally have no other options other than to play at TCF. Their bargaining power is nonexistent.

There is already in place a 70 page Facility Use Agreement that covers all or most of the areas of negotiation. As to the heating system, it provides that the “parties will work cooperatively to determine the appropriate design and technology to be utilized that ensures optimal field and player safety conditions during winter weather play” and that the University owns the system after the term of the agreement. The Vikings (and the NFL) will require a system that will allow for safe use of the field in winter conditions. The University wants a system that it can afford to maintain. I have read that the tarp system works suitably in Buffalo, so it would presumably be fine for the Gophers who only play into the end of November (and decided that they didn’t require any heating system in the initial construction). The real issue is whether the Vikings and the NFL believe that a tarp system could work in Minneapolis for games potentially into January. I am not an engineer, and I don’t know the answer to the question, but based on the Use Agreement, I think the Vikings could compel installation of the in-field heating system if they determine they need it and the U would be responsible for maintenance after the term of the agreement. I have asked this before, but is there something out there that suggests that the U prefers the in-field system to the tarp system? Maybe it’s the U that is resisting the coils because they don’t figure they need them and don’t want to pay for upkeep and/or removal.

Who pays for install is a separate issue, but the Use Agreement requires the Vikings to pay for the capital improvements.

I have heard coach Kill in interviews and he mentions the heating coil system

I think I have even heard coach Kill mention heating coils in an interview after the Wisconsin game or a more permenant heating system then what Lester Bagley keeps talking about. I really don't think it is the U dragging their feet on what type of heating system to put in to TCF it seems to be consistently the Vikings that bring up the heated tarp scenario used in Buffalo as what they are negotiating for the cheapest soloution possible. In the end the U will be responsible for maintaining any upgrades that are made but this just doesn't seem like the U is the one that is at an impasse. It seems like the Vikings as they were with the stadium legislation issue continue to dicker with and are the ones trying to avoid leaving the U with anything they have to pay for as far as upgrades. I know negotiating a business deal like this is complicated and you want your bosses to feel good about the deal they got, but in this instance as much money as the Wilfs received from the taxpayers to fund their palace, and padding their pockets they would at least look to be a good corporate citizen and look for some good PR.

The Vikings are like the renter or leasee that want's to use your unit, or commericial property,.max it out for what they can get for it, or push it to the limits, and then leave you with a big clean up bill and a bunch of damage to fix, and then they continue to want to be late with the rent or pay even less rent then originally agreed to. This is my hunch on how the Vikings will treat TCF stadium. They will come in do the shoddy work they want but only make things useable for as long as they are in the building to sell beer and the things they want. You can bet there going to paper the walls of the stadium and decks with temporary advertising, and even get some kind of advertising deal for the club room on game day. The Vikings will look to skate and push every curve of the envelope there is in the use agreement, it is how they operated at the dome. You can bet they are angling to get parking revenue.
Read the articles and the interviews that Lester Bagley is giving he is the one that keeps nickle and diming on stuff, not the U. All they have to do is look east to Green Bay and they will realize they cannot play December and January NFL games in Minnesota without a permanent heat source to keep the field thawed out. The tarp system is not going to work especially when you have the extremes we have had this December and January.
If they care about player safety as much as they say they do, they will stop touting the tarp system, it will not work in Minnesota.
The Vikings are the one's insisting on the paintable field, yet they want a tarp system for heat, makes no sense to remove the field and add a paintable field if your going to think you can tarp it off and heat it and that will work. What's the sense in ripping up the existing field if only to help the Vikings pay their sponsers back with field advertising, and so they can have their logo on the field and end zones.
I have said it before Lester Bagley is like a pimple you cannot pop, he will try and scream and holler but the Vikings really do not hold the cards the U does. They will end up doing what is best for player safety but it will be kicking and screaming the whole way. The U lawyers and AD, need to hold firm and negotiate a tough bargain, they are in the drivers seat not the Vikings.

Chances are this isn't being held up by the Wilfs or the U's admins/Athletic Dept. I'm 99% leaning that the hold up is on legal jargon, etc. with the lawyers.

Chances are this isn't being held up by the Wilfs or the U's admins/Athletic Dept. I'm 99% leaning that the hold up is on legal jargon, etc. with the lawyers.

They have a way of making extra money, don't they?

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