Sid: Citrus Bowl responsible for Gophers fundraising going from $60MM to $75MM+

with my California math that puts us half way to the finish line! Excellent!

We should do like our state government does here in MN. Build it now and worry about paying for it later...

Tell that to gopherhomer. These are just exhibitions after all.

Glad you brought this up. First of all, I backed off my use of the word "exhibition." Even so, when I was using the term "exhibition" it was in reference to the outcome of the game being a negative for donations/recruiting - saying that it was participating in the game itself as being more important than the outcome. If anything, Sid's blurb supports my point more than refutes it (not that I'm ever going to grandstand over a "Sid" fact).

We should do like our state government does here in MN. Build it now and worry about paying for it later...

It's called bonding. Unless the government truly issues something called revenue bonds, it's a borrow and spend tactic used to kick the can down the road. It's a not so clever way for politicians to pretend they're not raising your taxes today resulting in future generations having to pay back the bonds with tax dollars later. It never ceases to amaze me how many stupid people there are who buy into those politicians who say they don't/won't raise your taxes but freely use the bonding "credit card."

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