Sid: Busy summer at U


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Busy summer at U

Summer school starts at Minnesota on Monday, and the Gophers football team expects everybody to be in school and working out. As for injured players, coach Jerry Kill reported recently that everybody should be ready to go in the fall.

“The only one, and he’s making a run at things, is [sophomore linebacker] Cody Poock, the young man who transferred in,” said Kill. “He had a [torn] ACL during the spring, and he’s already doing things that nobody thought he would do. He’s on a mission. Whether he’s going to be ready or not — we may have him in time for the Big Ten season — but you know other than that, we’re getting pretty much everybody back.

“This is a critical time. There are a lot of them going through rehab, but I think we’ll be in pretty good shape, just according to how things go.”

Kill said redshirt junior center Jon Christenson, who missed most of last season after suffering a serious leg injury, has done really well in his rehab. “I think he’s going to be able to start with us Aug. 1,” Kill said.

Go Gophers!!

Who ghost writes for Sid these days? At his well advanced age and with his understandably deteriorating health/hearing/mobility, etc., my guess is that he is no longer actually writing any of his articles/columns or really doing much of anything besides showing up at events and turning on that giant tape recorder he uses. Anyone know for sure?

What are the journalistic ethics/standards around doing something like that, if my assumption is accurate?

Who ghost writes for Sid these days? At his well advanced age and with his understandably deteriorating health/hearing/mobility, etc., my guess is that he is no longer actually writing any of his articles/columns or really doing much of anything besides showing up at events and turning on that giant tape recorder he uses. Anyone know for sure?

What are the journalistic ethics/standards around doing something like that, if my assumption is accurate?
Sid is constantly working. He's on the phone and is asking questions. He's never been a feature columnist like Reusse. He's the only sportswriter who didn't write his own autobiography, but he's heavily involved in every fact or piece of fiction with his name attached.

Yes, Sid is still making up his own news, just like he did when he started in 1887.

Sid is constantly working. He's on the phone and is asking questions. He's never been a feature columnist like Reusse. He's the only sportswriter who didn't write his own autobiography, but he's heavily involved in every fact or piece of fiction with his name attached.

I call BS

Sid never graduated high school. He has horrible grammar, always has. He works hard, yes. He thinks someone who knows his name is a CLOSE PERSONAL FRIEND. He gathers info but he doesn't write his column. He is very concrete. He likes Ponder so everyone else is wrong, Ponder is great. He asks leading questions so he can justify his views, which are as narrow as a strand of hair

More Sid-"written" journalistic excellence: the summer term at the U starts June 16, not June 9.

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