Sid: Brewster, U have a lot riding on opener


John Palermo, Middle Tennessee's defensive line coach and a former assistant at Minnesota and Wisconsin, said he believes the Gophers are too strong.

"We can probably stay with Minnesota for a while, but they're too good for us."

That's not a quote he could've thought would actually go in the story!

How in the world did a quality coach... John Palermo end up at Middle Tennessee State?

I think whoever writes Sid's column touched on a very good point about the importance of this game. I know the team has seemed very confident, despite being bashed repeatedly the the national and local media, but if they go out and lose they could start believing the negative hype which could lead to a tailspin. This team needs to go out and prove themselves right...I'm so pumped!

Rosen was ripping Sid's article on KFAN this morning. I thought he was just being snarky about Sid and missed some of the good points such as this being an important win for a team who had a tough year last year, has worked very hard in the off season and could be demoralized with a defeat. Rather than debate the merits of the game and talk about the team, Rosen was more focused on making fun of Sid's opinions and writing skills. Typical KFAN snarkiness and lack of professional journalism.

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