Sid: "about 90 percent of season ticket holders renewing their 2012 tickets"


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Nov 11, 2008
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Sid: "about 90 percent of season ticket holders renewing their 2012 tickets"

per Sid:

"The word is that the popularity of Gophers football coach Jerry Kill has resulted in about 90 percent of season ticket holders renewing their 2012 tickets, despite the fact that the schedule isn't anywhere near what it was a year ago when North Dakota State, Iowa, Nebraska and Wisconsin played at TCF Bank Stadium."

Go Gophers!!

Why is North Dakota State considered a plus..........

That 10% probably represents mostly scalpers looking for the big pay days Iowa, Wisconsin and now Nebraska represent. Now we have to wait and see how new sales go. If we win at UNLV and win convincingly I would make sure to have a few extra ticket office people at the state fair.

gophmeister said:
That 10% probably represents mostly scalpers looking for the big pay days Iowa, Wisconsin and now Nebraska represent. Now we have to wait and see how new sales go. If we win at UNLV and win convincingly I would make sure to have a few extra ticket office people at the state fair.

Good point, I hadn't thought about that. They are probably assuming they can skip this year, since there are no big games to make money on, and then buy next year no problem. That means a big opportunity for Gopher fans to buy up those tickets. If you have been putting off buying, or have some friends that could be convinced, now would be the time to get those tickets back from scalpers and in the hands of real fans. A guy can dream, right?

It will be interesting to see how the new AD lends a hand in margeting new season ticket sales.

Why is North Dakota State considered a plus..........
Because NDSU would bring as many fans as our stadium allows. Playing NDSU is a huge payday for scalpers and ticket offices.

I'm expecting to see huge changes in Gopher marketing soon.

I'm hoping the same.

I'm wondering if the new marketing services agreement they recently announced with the company that specializes in ticket marketing for urban universities was partly driven by Teague (even though technically wasn't hired yet). I believe that company had done some very good things with ASU which was one of Teague's former employers. Regardless, I am happy they decided they needed some help pushing tickets and this company sounds like they have done very well doing this in the past with other schools in large urban areas (ASU, Georgia Tech, Rutgers, etc.)

The other positive is the beer sales legislation. Once signed I figure the Regents will stamp their approval on it and all our luxury seating will be more marketable. Those seats matter a great deal from a revenue standpoint. I'm sure that ties into the hiring of the marketing firm too.

I'm wondering if the new marketing services agreement they recently announced with the company that specializes in ticket marketing for urban universities was partly driven by Teague (even though technically wasn't hired yet). I believe that company had done some very good things with ASU which was one of Teague's former employers. Regardless, I am happy they decided they needed some help pushing tickets and this company sounds like they have done very well doing this in the past with other schools in large urban areas (ASU, Georgia Tech, Rutgers, etc.)

Boy, you're assuming this hire was done quite some time ago.

I'm wondering if the new marketing services agreement they recently announced with the company that specializes in ticket marketing for urban universities was partly driven by Teague (even though technically wasn't hired yet).
It's more likely that it was driven by Kaler. I have to think that this option was at least considered at some other point before Maturi or other decided against it. It's a pretty "low hanging fruit" sort of decision and one that is kind of a no-brainer to make, thus I could see Kaler saying get it done.

I understand that NDSU would bring in fans for the game, but unless they purchased season tickets to go to that one game I don't see why it matters.

That 10% probably represents mostly scalpers looking for the big pay days Iowa, Wisconsin and now Nebraska represent.

I sure hope that's the case, but I will believe it when I see it. The entire row I sit in, minus my two seats and my friends two seats, is owned by scalpers. It gets really frustrating sitting next to the other teams fans week in and week out. Not to mention the fact that I have some other season ticket holder friends that would love to move to our row (row one of the second level) but can't because the scalpers have renewed every year so far.

I understand that NDSU would bring in fans for the game, but unless they purchased season tickets to go to that one game I don't see why it matters.

They don't buy season tickets, but scalpers are much more likely to, because NDSU fans create huge demand.

Season tickets last year were 37.1K (29.7K general, 1.8K premium, and 5.6K student). 90% would bring us down to around 33.4K. Hope there are a lot of beer drinkers (about 17.5K) that have been holding out for the legislature to cooperate.

Travel agencies in Nebraska will also buy season tickets every other year (starting now) in large quantities as part of their packages for road games in the B10. They buy season tix for virtually every OOC game each year, and sell of the rest of the season at whatever rate they can get.

They don't buy season tickets, but scalpers are much more likely to, because NDSU fans create huge demand.

Season tickets last year were 37.1K (29.7K general, 1.8K premium, and 5.6K student). 90% would bring us down to around 33.4K. Hope there are a lot of beer drinkers (about 17.5K) that have been holding out for the legislature to cooperate.

90% is only on General. Other numbers not included. Before you rip on me, again, that's an absolute fact. Since you'll rip on me anyway, the premium and student numbers are still in flux and have a different schedule. .90 X 37.1K = 33.4K. The rest are unknown. I'll bet on higher student sales with the new 12 person promo staff and near 100% premium renewal. We'll see in September... Since you hate all the rest of us supporters, I bet you're hoping for worse. Bye.

As someone who is hopefully adding 2-4 tickets to my season ticket package this year, it would be very pleasing to see less scalpers tickets. It would certainly help me out this year since I would really like to add tickets and the less there is of them could make better seats for myself. Of course, it is really just speculation at this point. So, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I'm wondering if the new marketing services agreement they recently announced with the company that specializes in ticket marketing for urban universities was partly driven by Teague (even though technically wasn't hired yet). I believe that company had done some very good things with ASU which was one of Teague's former employers. Regardless, I am happy they decided they needed some help pushing tickets and this company sounds like they have done very well doing this in the past with other schools in large urban areas (ASU, Georgia Tech, Rutgers, etc.)

This was actually the brainchild of Associate Athletic Director Jason LaFrenz. LaFrenz spent 16 years with the TimberWolves and has been trying to get this plan implemented for years. LaFrenz got to know Bernard Mullin and the Aspire Group when Mullin was CEO of the Hawks and Thrashers.

At the Spring Game, LaFrenz told me that the U is going to start an internal "StubHub" to buy back, sell, and market season tickets that may go unused on game day. They are going to work on an app that allows a ticket holder to sell back a ticket for game day sales--instantly. I think he said it will revolve around the credit card that you pay for your tickets with. You won't get all your money back, and the seats will likely be filled. A bonus for the U is that they get the profit that a scalper normally receives. I'm all for it.

90% is only on General. Other numbers not included. Before you rip on me, again, that's an absolute fact. Since you'll rip on me anyway, the premium and student numbers are still in flux and have a different schedule. .90 X 37.1K = 33.4K. The rest are unknown. I'll bet on higher student sales with the new 12 person promo staff and near 100% premium renewal. We'll see in September... Since you hate all the rest of us supporters, I bet you're hoping for worse. Bye.

You and your "facts". Like last season, when you were assuring us that the premium seats were all sold out, despite gopher listing the suites, indoor club, and outdoor club seats as being available on a single-game basis. And who's ripping on who, claiming that I hate Gopher supporters? As a 15-year season ticket holder, I have great admiration for the loyal fans. Unfortunately, the number of us are limited.

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