Sibiea stays with Louisville

Archie Bell and the Drells......With plans A & B tanking are the coaches starting to do the " Tighten Up"? If they lose McDonald I would give the closing effort on recruiting a "D" On the overall recruiting considering the current sitiuation with Gopher football I give the staff a C+ On the staff getting after it, you have to give them an "A" Again, this is all conjecture because we don't know how these kids will pan out in 2-3 years.

I am sorry we have no idea if Coach Kill and company can't close the deal with every recruit.

I suppose I do not understand this "closing out" complaining. When a few teams are in the running for a player, a few will likely be disappointed. We cannot realistically expect to land every recruit that comes in for a visit or places us in their "final three". A lot of people were worried that Harbison was going to back out on his commitment when he was planning to take other visits. How about we look at the fact that he canceled his other visits to stick with the Gophers? We don't tend to look at the recruiting victories, but instead choose to look at who we missed. That's recruiting.

Everyone feel sorry for ruppert, he can't handle these guys that were never committed here, and actually had committed elsewhere, not choosing Minnesota.

Everyone feel sorry for ruppert, he can't handle these guys that were never committed here, and actually had committed elsewhere, not choosing Minnesota.

Can't handle?? I'm laughing at that. I just giving an overall observation of what has occured over the past 7 days and IMO how I perceive this class. As I said, it is pure conjecture on my part. I been a season ticket holder 30 years for Gopher football, I think I "can handle" most anything.

Archie Bell and the Drells......With plans A & B tanking are the coaches starting to do the " Tighten Up"? If they lose McDonald I would give the closing effort on recruiting a "D" On the overall recruiting considering the current sitiuation with Gopher football I give the staff a C+ On the staff getting after it, you have to give them an "A" Again, this is all conjecture because we don't know how these kids will pan out in 2-3 years.

So would that be a 2 star on the closing effort, or a 3 star 5.7 on the overall, or maybe a 78 grade, or what? 5 star on getting after it?
I NEED to be told exactly how our recruiting is regarded by experts.

Chill out. Sibiea visited late in the game, he'd been a Louisville guy for awhile.
Not a huge surprise at this point.

So would that be a 2 star on the closing effort, or a 3 star 5.7 on the overall, or maybe a 78 grade, or what? 5 star on getting after it?
I NEED to be told exactly how our recruiting is regarded by experts.

Chill out. Sibiea visited late in the game, he'd been a Louisville guy for awhile.
Not a huge surprise at this point.

"The sun shines bright on my old Kentucky home"......

I suppose I do not understand this "closing out" complaining. When a few teams are in the running for a player, a few will likely be disappointed. We cannot realistically expect to land every recruit that comes in for a visit or places us in their "final three". A lot of people were worried that Harbison was going to back out on his commitment when he was planning to take other visits. How about we look at the fact that he canceled his other visits to stick with the Gophers? We don't tend to look at the recruiting victories, but instead choose to look at who we missed. That's recruiting.

we dont look at he victories... do i need to bump the countless threads of we got him!!! and we not complaining we are missing out on every recruit... we are complaining that at the end you have to tighten it up and lock these recruits that are our b, and c chioices because eventually the list runs dry.... we dont want the list to run dry

Lost in this is the fact that I think Sibiea did this "right." He committed to Louisville early, but then made visits to see if he had indeed made the right choice for himself (at least at the current time). He compared Louisville to the other places he visited and stuck with his original choice. I never got the impression he was inflating our expectations.

I enjoy watching the recruiting process from a distance, but I don't begrudge these kids their choices provided that they do it responsibly. These kids have a golden opportunity and they want to make the most of it.

we dont look at he victories... do i need to bump the countless threads of we got him!!! and we not complaining we are missing out on every recruit... we are complaining that at the end you have to tighten it up and lock these recruits that are our b, and c chioices because eventually the list runs dry.... we dont want the list to run dry

What I am saying is that not every team gets all of their first choices. The same players we see as "b" and "c" choices are also "b" and "c" choices for other teams in BCS conferences. We need to focus less on who we sign with our last few schollys and focus on keeping our "a" choice recruits committed. Of course it would be nice to get a few of these guys at the end, but these guys have been recruited by other teams for a while now and we are late getting there. It doesn't surprise me that we aren't signing a bunch of them and it shouldn't be much of a surprise to anyone else.

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