SIAP: doogies "Best all-time Dome moment still=


Mailroom intern
Nov 21, 2008
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...Iowa fans taking down a goal post in '02." from Doogies morning tweet.

Cant make this crap up. And doogie attempts to call himself a gopher supporter or something.

How can these words come from anyone other than an Iowa pigeon fan.

i get ripping on the MI collapse. But the goal posts?

At least he did not cut and paste it from someone from website.

It's a joke, lighten up.

Lighten up. The goal post incident is more of an indictment on Iowa fans than it is on the Gopher program. I mean, who in their right minds would expect to get the posts out of the stadium through revolving doors? :)

This was the lowest moment in the history of Gopher football. There is nothing amusing about it in any way.

Lighten up. The goal post incident is more of an indictment on Iowa fans than it is on the Gopher program. I mean, who in their right minds would expect to get the posts out of the stadium through revolving doors? :)

this is how i rationalized it to take some of the pain away.

beer sales must have been real good in the dome that day.

I agree with Doogie. If you don't like it, come up with a better moment.

I agree with Doogie. If you don't like it, come up with a better moment.

A better all-time dome moment?

1991 World Series game 7
1991 World Series game 6
2003 Rhys Lloyd kick against Wisconsin
1987 World Series
Final Four

Who is this Doogie? And what makes his opinion more valid than that of any other fan? Am I missing something?

The inside film today of the bag roof collapsing and the snow bouncing twenty feet off the floor summarizes my feelings about the dome better than anything I could possibly write or say.

This was the lowest moment in the history of Gopher football. There is nothing amusing about it in any way.

Certainly rates right up there for me as well but Iowa's 55-0 shallacking in 2008 and the Cornhusker 84-13 game are my all time Gopher Dome lows. :cry:

...Iowa fans taking down a goal post in '02." from Doogies morning tweet.

Cant make this crap up. And doogie attempts to call himself a gopher supporter or something.

How can these words come from anyone other than an Iowa pigeon fan.

i get ripping on the MI collapse. But the goal posts?

At least he did not cut and paste it from someone from website.

You gonna cry?

...Iowa fans taking down a goal post in '02." from Doogies morning tweet.

Cant make this crap up. And doogie attempts to call himself a gopher supporter or something.

How can these words come from anyone other than an Iowa pigeon fan.

i get ripping on the MI collapse. But the goal posts?

At least he did not cut and paste it from someone from website.
a bloo bloo bloo

I feel like I owe the entire Gopher community an apology after all these years. Our seats in the dome were right by where the rabblement hauled the posts out. Looking back, I regret not having stepped in the middle of the aisle- Tiananmen Square style- to take one for the team...I was still a young'un and not too keen on martyrdom back then.

Seriously though, I don't think we need to be embarrassed. I walked past those rubes laughing in their face at the whole situation. They won the game, but we still win life.

Doogie got canned by KFAN - how bad do you have to be to accomplish that?

The only talent that station ever had, decided a life of cocaine was preferable to working there.

i am sensing a multi-paged thread...with a lot of periods...should probably stop reading now.

Why is it that when Doogie says something it is hard to see if he is serious or not? I don't think that speaks much for him. I mean, did anyone take all of that BS he tweeted during the coach search seriously? I am sure some did, but how many different names can you throw up against the wall before people just say...hey, give it up man!

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