SI Report on Tressel

Sid just said he thinks Tressel will be suspended for the year. Keep in mind most of Sid's predictions are not accurate.

The self imposed penalty is an attempt to keep it in house. Now is an institutional sanction of the coverup. It is up to NCAA now. They will either futher sanctiion the school, and the coach not only for the act but the coverup. If the NCCA lays down and does nothing then they lose even more crediblity. The SI article is outraged that Ohio State has let Tressel off the hook with his implausable denial.

If Dez Bryant lost a year of eligibility for lying to NCAA investigators, what should Tressel lose?

I think he has to get more than 2 games. At least half the season.

In reviewing this situation one has to look past the actual violation, players receiving $ for selling gear, but consider that the HC tried to cover it up. We can argue about the 'use' of players and what compensation/treatment they should(n't) get. The current rules are clear no matter how much $ changes hands and the program has to abide by them. History shows us that players, most recently Bryant and Green, get hit pretty hard for receiving $ against the rules. This precedent is enough reason for a coach to cover it up-which Tressel did.

A Head Coach of a VERY prominent (and profitable) team covering up a bad situation for his team and LYING to the NCAA should not go over well. Further, I think OSU's candy azz 'self imposed' wrist slap will really haunt them. It shows they really don't think it is a big deal or have a clue. Self sanctioning should indicate you understand the levity of the situation and are thinking on the same lines as the governing body. This indicates they are clueless or have a perfect grasp of the NCAA being a shill of authority.

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