SI: Ed O'Bannon v. the NCAA: A complete case primer


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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What's at stake?

Only the entire business model for major college athletics. This began in 2009 as a case about the NCAA profiting off the likenesses of former athletes in EA Sports video games. The case took a hard right turn in January, when federal judge Claudia Wilken ruled that the plaintiffs could add current athletes to the case and that the plaintiffs could go after everyone profiting off the likenesses of college athletes. That includes the conferences and the networks that televise the games. At college sports' highest level -- think the ACC, Big 12, Big Ten, Pac-12 and SEC -- television revenue is the primary economic driver. If a jury were to rule that athletes were entitled to a large percentage of that revenue -- the plaintiffs have suggested half -- it would turn the economic model for major college sports on its ear. Schools would have to give players a cut of the television revenue beyond their scholarships.

Go Gophers!!

Very interesting indeed.

'Course, my brother wouldn't like it - he was in a non-revenue sport during his time at the U, and if anyone would suffer from such a decision, it would be the non-revenue sports. Me, I've long thought the whole "student-athlete" stuff was a lot of bunk.

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