Should Minnesota start shortell on saturday?

Should Minnesota start Max Shortell on Saturady against Michigan?

  • Yes

    Votes: 45 42.9%
  • No

    Votes: 60 57.1%

  • Total voters
Oct 18, 2010
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In my opinion they should start him. Marqueis Gray is a beast and is my favorite player on the team but Gray has struggled and whenever shortell comes on he gets something going no matter how we are performing. He's performed the best away so far this year even there has only been one game away so far it was away at usc i mean come on he did excellent. The problem with Shortell is whenever he is on the last second drive to win or tie the game he has thrown an interception both times he's been in that situation before but otherwise when it's during the middle of beginning of the game he's great and never turns it over and gets the ball to someone and fast. I think he has a little pressure or nervous issue whenever he's in a game winning situation thats why i think he has thrown interceptions but he can easily fix that at practice and i'm thinking if they do start and our defense shows up he maybe won't have to be in that last second drive pressure and maybe he could score so many points for us that we wont have to worrt about that i dont know yet.

For now Gray, but before the end of the season I predict they should and will start Max.

For now Gray, but before the end of the season I predict they should and will start Max.

How does that logic make sense? If you think Shortell should start before the end of the season, why not now?

How does that logic make sense? If you think Shortell should start before the end of the season, why not now?

i would understand that logic to mean that he believes he is not yet ready to be the starter, but will be before the end of the year. Doesn't seem like bad logic to me, actually. It may also be the logic the coaches are using. They are the ones who see them both everyday, evaluate the film from practice and from games, understand which one fits their system the best, and ultimately determine which one gives us the best chance to win. If they had confidence in max to do that, he would be starting. I believe the comments from the presser reveal that. The reason freshmen rarely start at the FBS level is because they make the kinds of mistakes that Max has made twice now.

Gray is starting for his dual threat ability but Max will take over before year end. You can see Gray's ceiling. He is no D. Robinson running. Besides, show me a great team with a running qb that will last a season. M. Vick? D. Robinson?

Nothing is more awesome when the Gophers are on offense than seeing 8 or 9 defenders in the box so I say we stick with Gray!!! Why break up a good thing?!?

Gray is starting for his dual threat ability but Max will take over before year end. You can see Gray's ceiling. He is no D. Robinson running. Besides, show me a great team with a running qb that will last a season. M. Vick? D. Robinson?

Auburn and Oregon last year. Do you even watch college football?

i would understand that logic to mean that he believes he is not yet ready to be the starter, but will be before the end of the year. Doesn't seem like bad logic to me, actually. It may also be the logic the coaches are using. They are the ones who see them both everyday, evaluate the film from practice and from games, understand which one fits their system the best, and ultimately determine which one gives us the best chance to win. If they had confidence in max to do that, he would be starting. I believe the comments from the presser reveal that. The reason freshmen rarely start at the FBS level is because they make the kinds of mistakes that Max has made twice now.


I will go out on a limb here. I feel very strongly both ways.

We are more likely to steal a game with Gray in my opinion. He has the dynamic ability to have an amazing game that let's us overcome our talent deficits. I'd rather see what they can make of Gray and see how good he can be next year.

I would have said no, but now I say yes. I'm thoroughly entertained by how much whining Kaliq is doing on her other blog. Her best work is when she is dumping a whole bunch of mad by taking quotes from Gopherhole posters and making comments about them with out fear of being heckled back.

Nothing is more awesome when the Gophers are on offense than seeing 8 or 9 defenders in the box so I say we stick with Gray!!! Why break up a good thing?!?

Unless Gray starts hitting receivers, this will continue and the running game will struggle. Teams have basically challenged Gray to beat them with his arm. Not.

It appears that opponents play the pass when Shortell is in thus the running game has been better. I look for Michigan to show an agressive blitz package when Shortell is on the field which could improve our chances for some big plays if he can make the read.

Coaches have said both will play but I prefer Shortell.

C: I don't know.

This team has me very confused.

I will say, Max will be a better QB. And if Gray has any thoughts of taking his career to the next level, it will not be at QB. So maybe it makes sense to make the switch now. However, I don't think it's a quick fix to make the Gophers better right away, but probably will in the long run.

Then again, what do I know, I'm just confused.

I would like to see what Shortell can do with a couple of full weeks of practice with the first team.

I've seen what Gray can do with Spring/Summer/Fall practices, and it looks like his vertical game regressing.

Gray is not a drop-back passer, especially right now. He is also not comfortable in the pocket, but with the current state of the offensive line, it is hard to blame him.

I like Gray as the qb right now because he can run and eat up the clock to keep the defense off the field. I would like to see some creative play calling to get him in space or on the edge more. Maybe spread things out a bit instead of going for a bunched formation. Also, how about a little play action? More short high percentage throws?

Bad habit; during the week when I have a 10-20 minutes to kill, I watch a few series from the previous Saturday.

Watching Gray's play, particularly on tape, gets more and more disturbing every time I watch it. Forget about missing receivers by 20 feet. He bails on plays early, doesn't see open receivers, the sacks are almost enitrely all on him. Gray has made some big plays on plays that were broken. The problem is, he's usually the reason they were broken in the first place.

People keep ragging on the line play but when they're facing regular 7-man fronts (generally when Shortell is in), the Gophers seem to run the ball just fine. I can remember one sack that Shortell took and it was when NDSU rolled the dice on 3rd and long and came with everybody. People want to point and say that on Shortell's last TD drive "all he did was hand the ball off 10 straight times." Doesn't that TELL you something???? They faced 6 and 7-man fronts that entire drive (with the exception of one 3rd and 2 play that Shortell kept for a first down) because there was actually the threat of the downfield pass.

So apparently the folks saying Gray should start are smarter than all the defensive coordinators that the Gophers play because CLEARLY none of them have any respect for Gray's passing ability. If you aren't sure who should be playing, forget about what the offense looks like and take a look at how the defenses are playing the Gophers. That will tell you all you need to know.

One last note; the more I watch the last several games, the more I actually think the O-line hasn't played that badly. Only when they're severely out-numbered does it look like chaos for the most part. If the QB would stop bailing on the pocket early and running INTO the pass rush, things wouldn't look nearly as bad.

It's becoming painfully obvious; with Shortell, not only is the passing game better, the running game is better. But hey, what the heck, Gray is better when all he!! breaks loose so let's keep going with him.

Gray has a higher completion percentage than Shortell, and his running ability may steal a game for the gophers this year. Plus he is only a junior and has time to improve. I think they should stick with Gray.

I think the offense just "clicks" more when Shortell is in. Gray seems to look at one receiver and if he is covered, Gray gets happy feet and takes off. Sometimes he gains yards but most of the time he goes down short of the line of scrimmage. I think with Max in, the D has to respect both the run AND the pass and with Gray in they can stack the D against the run.

With Gray in the other team has to think about 2 potential ball carriers, in the Miami game for example, kirkwood was able to run through some holes created by the other team focusing on gray

What scares me is it feels like 2007 all over again with a new Coach more interested in "establishing his system" and "teaching" then winning some damn games.

This staff knows the players better than anyone else. They also do not seem like a staff that would have favorites. So I guess I won't know until game time. If he is starting, then he should be. If he is not, then he should not be.

I think Gray should start...for now. Let Max gain more reps as the season progresses then hand over the keys once he has faced more situations so he is able to make the correct read on each situation.

Max isn't very good. We should start him so people shut up about it. I don't know what you are watching. He is 6 for his last 16 pass attempts with 2 picks.
Against new Mexico and north Dakota he was 6-15. Marino-like.

I'd like to see them split time more, but I think Shortell as primary, Gray as secondary. Gray is a great guy and fantastic athlete, but he has not shown he can consistently pass. Any offense is easy to stop if you can play 9 guys in the box and not have to worry about getting beat by the deep ball.

Max isn't very good. We should start him so people shut up about it. I don't know what you are watching. He is 6 for his last 16 pass attempts with 2 picks.
Against new Mexico and north Dakota he was 6-15. Marino-like.

You may very well be right. Max may not be very good at all. That mere fact is a horrible indictment of just how unbelievably f'n godawful Gray has been. Gray has been an embarassment to the position. Period. When the best thing you can say about a guy is he's made a few plays with his feet when he's had to (usually because HE decided to leave the pocket prematurely), it's time to make a change. To anything. ANYTHING else.

Against the worst 3 defenses the Gophers will see this year, Gray has been an abomination. Anybody that can say otherwise has NOT watched replays or video of the performances. On tape, it's abundantly clear. Gray is not a QB, in any sense of the word. I don't care if he hasn't played QB exclusively in 2 month, 2 years, 4 years, whatever. That doesn't make me feel any better about the fact that they are 1-3 with him at the helm.

Maybe Max would have a chance to improve his stats if he could practice with the first team and allowed to get in a rhythm instead of coming in on third and long cold off the bench?

Face it, the stats of both starting QBs are as ugly as our record....but I like how one guy doesn't run around like a panicked chicken all the time. I'd give him the ball.

Maybe Max would have a chance to improve his stats if he could practice with the first team and allowed to get in a rhythm instead of coming in on third and long cold off the bench?

Face it, the stats of both starting QBs are as ugly as our record....but I like how one guy doesn't run around like a panicked chicken all the time. I'd give him the ball.

You're 3-1 with a off week before playing at Penn State. That's not a bad record at all.

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