Shooter: The Gophers football team still needs funding for a linemen facility

So we wouldn't have to recruit them anymore? We'd just 3-D print them at this facility? Thanks Shooter.

I don't understand this-- what do they need that is not being added that is special just to linemen?

Per Shooter: "On-street ticket brokers were getting $100, just to get in, at last Monday’s Vikings-Giants game in Minneapolis.

On Saturday, it was $10 to get into the Gophers-Iowa game, and there were tickets all over and hardly any buyers."

Is this real that tickets were as low as $10? I can't wait to see what they are for the Rutgers game

I got a single for free and noticed fans dumping pairs for $10 or $20 each.

I got a single for free and noticed fans dumping pairs for $10 or $20 each.
Cool, I'll be in town for the Rutgers game. First home game in 3 years! Excited to get in cheap :)

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Not only should they fund a lineman facility, but they should give them their own first class section on the plane, filet mignon at training table, dorm beds of flax and gold, and basically make them the stars of the program.

That's where your next 10 win Gopher team will come from. An OL that cranks out 3-4 NFL players from it. It should be a program strength and it simply isn't.

per Shama, Jim Carter chimes in:

Jim Carter and other advocates for Gophers football want to see the University Board of Regents approve a resource at their meetings later this week that was originally part of the Athletes Village project. Last year plans were dropped for an area called the lineman center, or also referred to as the lineman facility. This was to be part of the new indoor football practice facility in the Athletes Village but the lineman center was eliminated from plans to save money.

Upgrading football resources at the U to be equal, or better than Big Ten competitors, is a priority of the $166 million Athletes Village project that is still in early physical development. The village will also create new and upgraded facilities to benefit all Gophers men’s and women’s programs.

Carter said the lineman center would likely take up about 40,000 square feet of additional space in the football practice facility. Without the center, according to Carter, offensive and defensive linemen won’t have a large enough place indoors dedicated to improving their skills—a space big enough to accommodate not only the players but also practice equipment including blocking sleds.

Carter was a star fullback on the 1967 Gophers football team that won the school’s last Big Ten championship. He is an outspoken proponent for excellence in athletics and academics at Minnesota. He wants to see all the potential resources for football made a reality in the Athletes Village project. Gophers coach Tracy Claeys has stressed the importance of the lineman center to Carter and others.

Carter sent out an email last week asking for help in contacting members of the Board of Regents—writing that the lineman center will greatly improve the Gophers’ competitiveness. “Tracy has said a number of times that he wants and needs this facility,” Carter said in the email. “The Board of Regents can make the decision to add/include the funding for this project, but we need to let them know we strongly support this happening. Time is of the essence, so we need to be heard now! If we all contact the Board of Regents we will make a BIG difference!”

Go Gophers!!

Great to hear from Jim again. Just great.

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